What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk?


Today, many animal lovers choose exotic pets - raccoons, iguan or, for example, ferrets. The latter are especially loved for their activity, curiosity and a pretty appearance. The newly made owner of the home ferret or furo, of course, should be found in one of the first queues than it is supplied by this animal.

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_2

In the wild, ferret is mainly powered by what I caught. In this case, it is about other rodents of smaller size, for example, mice, chicks, frogs and even fish. An animal with pleasure with eggs with eggs, and if necessary, uses and Padal. Food ferret eats entirely, that is, together with the bones, the skin and all the internal organs.

Therefore, forming a diet of a pet, preference should be given to meat.

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_3

Food ferrets need every day. Some hosts to recreate almost identical diet are bought in pet stores of mice, rats, chickens, large insects, and give furo to eat them in natural form. However, such a feeding method is not always possible for numerous reasons, so an alternative should be to have an alternative. If the ferret likes a certain kind of meat, then you can give him all the time, but add any other products to provide an animal with all the necessary vitamins.

It is better to purchase low-fat varieties, such as chicken, turkey or hare.

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_4

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_5

Sometimes as a delicacy is allowed to poison the animal with boiled pork, veal or lamb. Since Furro eats meat raw, from time to time he will have to cut special drugs to avoid the appearance of worms. In addition, the ferrets will necessarily need off-products that are not as satisfying as meat, therefore usually fed in large quantities.

A properly defined diet consists of two-thirds of animal protein and one third of fats. Fiber and carbohydrates must be present, but in small quantities.

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_6

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_7

Cereals for furo are served in the form of apart . In small quantities you can feed the pet with boiled eggs, better quail, boiled vegetables, fats, fish and fermented. From the sub-products it is recommended to use hearts, kidneys or liver, even in the raw form.

A rare delicacy will suit the cheese of solid varieties, a banana and a pear, chopped into cubes, or oatmeal biscuits.

Despite the disassembled information, milk and apples do not give ferrets.

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_8

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_9

Dry ready-made feed is definitely better to take premium class. Moreover, risk and feed a ferret with a dog product, of course, should not. Feline food can be used as an exception, but only the highest class. The use of dry food greatly simplifies the process of feeding for the owner, but do not always like pets. Choosing finished products, it is important to pre-examine its composition. The number of fats and proteins should be at least 30%, but fiber, on the contrary, do not exceed 4%. It is important and the presence of all necessary furo vitamins and minerals.

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_10

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_11

What is prohibited?

The list of products prohibited for ferrets is quite wide. Saltry, smoked, and those fruits, which are poorly absorbed by animals, are categorically forbidden, that is, citrus and apples. It is not recommended to give the animal to some types of fish, for example, Pikshu, Minttai, Putassu and Heck. Bakery products are prohibited as ordinary bread and pastries . Finally, in the forbidden sheet there are nuts, onions with garlic, spices and spices.

Important! The ferret is not a cat and not a dog, so it should not be offered to him remnants from the business table, some candy or human sweets.

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_12

How to feed?

In fact, there are several points of view regarding how often the ferrets should be fed at home. Some experts argue that feeding should be carried out several times a day, by analogy with the nutrition of a cat or a dog. Others are confident that, containing ferrets at home, they still need to give the opportunity to eat, as in the wild - that is, according to the internal biological clock.

The food should always be on the bowls, then the pet will use it from 7 to 10 times a day depending on the need . The volume of one portion for the male is 250 grams, and for female varies from 160 to 200 grams. If the latter also feeds a small ferret, then the amount of feed should be increased to 350 grams. On the Internet, the table is easily detected, in which the size of the optimal portions is indicated depending on the age, gender and the sorrows dimensions.

Often, such information is also contained on the package.

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_13

One of the most popular methods of feeding furo is the preparation of Farcecash - a mixture of animal products and cereals. It is quite profitable to make it yourself in a large volume and freeze the future. It looks like a cooking of dishes as follows:

  1. For the basic recipe, several kilograms of chicken necks and kilograms of chicken ventricles are purchased;
  2. On water without salt and sugar, either buckwheat or oat groats;
  3. The sub-products are crushed with a blender, after which they are mixed with porridge.

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_14

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_15

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_16

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_17

To independently make a nourishing multicorm, which is suitable for adult individuals, It will be necessary to use 500 grams of chicken and 150 grams of veal, as well as 150 grams with a grinding together with the internals of the fish. Seafood worth take Trout, cod or scumbers.

In addition, 60 grams of small fatty cottage cheese, 20 grams of fish or bird fat, as well as 50 grams of offal and the necessary dose of Balds are required. As for the croup, such varieties are suitable as oatmeal, millet, buckwheat or rice in the amount of 150 grams. This recipe should adhere to the following actions:

  1. Fish and meat will have to cook about half an hour, not giving up and not cleaning;
  2. Following the existing broth, the cereals are added, the fire decreases to the small, the cooking process lasts about a third of the hour;
  3. At the end, other products are added to Farchkha, everything is grinding with a blender before receiving a homogeneous substance.

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_18

To prepare another recipe suitable for adult pets, the following ingredients will be required:

  • 400 grams of chicken or turkey raw meat;
  • 150 grams of veal;
  • 150 grams of fish;
  • 100 grams of hearts or liver;
  • 60 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 20 grams of bird fat;
  • vitamins;
  • rice.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. The meat is to be partially boiled and removed from the bones, leaving the skin and cartilagers;
  2. Separately rice is boiled for 30 minutes;
  3. Sliced ​​fish combines with all other ingredients and is treated with a meat grinder to obtain a homogeneous mass.

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_19

Do not forget that the use of dry feeds greatly simplifies the care of the pet, but it brings it much less benefit than natural products. A more appropriate solution is still considered to be Farcecasha, which can be frozen the future, but it is better after all every time the fresh dish.

Care for Furo - So take care of his health and do not forget about adding useful additives . Not even acquiring vitamins in a pharmacy, Farcekash will be complemented with olive oil or fish oil, and the animal will receive the necessary elements. True, the dosage of additives should be minimal, since some of them in large quantities just do not digest.

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_20

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_21

In addition to feeding, it is equally important to explore the topic of watering. The liquid is poured into a special bowl that is in free access for the animal. Water should be in the beer constantly, especially if the ferret is fed with dry foods, smearing the stomach. Drink should be pouring room temperature and filtered, without the content of chemical elements.

Even a random getting into drinking equipment for washing dishes can lead to the death of a pet.

The correctness of the power is easy to determine by the state of the animal. If the animal acts, eats often with the appetite, it does not stink from his mouth, and the chair is normal, it means that it is suitable in the best possible way.

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_22

Tips of professionals

Choosing the finished feed in the store, it is important to watch for whom it is intended. Only products for ferrets are allowed to acquire, otherwise there may be significant health problems. It is wiser to give preference to brands that are on a hearing, are proven and have a large number of positive feedback.

The packaging must necessarily have the necessary quality marks. In addition, the selection of the right class corresponding to the dimensions and age of the pet is important.

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_23

The ideal composition of the finished product does not contain any chemistry or minimal amount. Of course, the shelf life of the feed should be normal. Store purchases at home follows in compliance with all the requirements specified on the package. Despite all available requirements, the final diet of ferret should still be individual. An animal may not like any products, then it will be necessary to find a replacement for them, or, on the contrary, something will have to do, then it is necessary to participate the use of the product.

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_24

All the time feed Furro only dry food experts do not advise. If the choice is made in favor of Farcekashi, it will have to prepare it according to certain rules. All components must be fresh, natural and high quality. The mixture with the addition of fish is allowed to use no more than once a month. This restriction has such reasons as:

  • This product inhibits the development of the animal;
  • A large number of worms will lead to certain problems.

In principle, some experts recommend to offer the animal to raw fish, only the overall proceeding procedure, which will significantly reduce the likelihood of infection. Alternatively, fish fat will be much more useful. Farcekash is better alternating with other natural products. Sub-products are allowed to offer ferret twice a week. Pork is used rarely and only in boiled state.

Dry feed should be left on those cases when the owner leaves for a while, and in the confusion, other people will be engaged in this period.

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_25

It is worth mentioning that Some experts advise once a week to arrange for a pet completely unloading day, but only in the case when it reacts normally. In the spring and autumn, fervent occurs, therefore the power supply mode during this period should be changed - the males will require a larger portion. In addition, and males and females must be added to the food vitamin complex. It is better to take a ready-made composition sold in veterinary pharmacies and consisting of eight necessary elements.

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_26

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_27

From vitamins for furo suitable A, E, and D, fish fat and even yeast. Fish fat, by the way, is allowed only for pets older than a month. As a rule, vitamins are added to food throughout the month, after a monthly pause is arranged, and then the vitaminization continues again. In specialized stores, you can also acquire biotin biotin, which is beneficial affecting the state of ferrets. The frequency of its application is better to clarify the specialists.

What do ferrets eat? 28 photo What to feed them at home? What feed is better eaten? Is it possible to give milk? 25124_28

About how to feed ferret correctly, you can see in the next video.

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