Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it?


Hammock for chinchilla ... funny thing, isn't it?

Apparently, if he is trying to do and even give advice on its manufacture, someone needs it. We'll figure out.

If there is a desire (or necessity), you have such a rodent, like Chinchilla, so that it was nice to provide it with a small hammach. It will be for it and pleasant, and useful, and give the zone of her habitat comfort. And if the hammock is made by the personnel - rodent will fully become a family member, as far as possible.

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_2

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_3

What is it needed for

Of course, at first glance, chinchilla is a soft, fluffy, lazy and not very moving creature (while sleeping). But as soon as she gives freedom, it will be extremely movable, active, bouncing and leaving, even if it is inside the aviary.

On the other hand, this rodent loves to relax very much and very, therefore, it is necessary to make a maximum effort to arrange a convenient and spacious home.

There should be enough space in it and in order to play, and in order to relax.

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_4

Chinchilla's toys love, and they must be different (ball, suspension and spinning wheel), but also resting the pet loves no less Therefore, it is necessary to provide a passive vacation, for example, in a hammock. In such a shelter, rodent can lie and not sleep for hours, and sometimes still swing, like on a swing.

Weird? Weird. But only at first glance.

Zoologists found out an unexpected fact - it turns out, mini-hammock Many pets are very loved. The measuring rocking of the hammock provides a peaceful state in a dream, which is for animals that for people. And chinchillas are still looking for protection in suspended shelter - as it is more difficult to get predators before it. In such a shelter, you can drag a lot of insulation material and not be afraid that there is a sorrigue, as if it was on the surface of the earth, and the shelter does not fit the rain if it is sudden. All these reasons can host the host on the arrangement of hammock in the chinchilla cage.

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_5

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_6

Requirements for the product

The question arises - to do it personally or buy ready?

There are no large differences in the design of a human hammock and a hammock for chinchilla. Both are made up of elements that are reliably attached to the four points of the support and subscribe to some distance from the ground level.

In the case when the hammock is made from the fabric, it should:

  • to be dense enough and not to succumb to rodent teeth;
  • It is safely fixed to the roof / walls of the cell with the help of carbines or to be attached to such materials so that they could not blame the captured chinchilla;
  • Having an environmentally friendly, safe and durable basis of the material - it should not break or stretch when animals (fleece, denim, cotton fabric) jumps on it.

Of course, the attachments should not have sharp edges so that the rodent is not injured.

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_7

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_8

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_9

Production options

Hammock can be single and bunk. Chinchilla can either just relax in it, or hide between tiers. Their height is determined by the height of the ceiling of the cell.

If we talk about the personnel of the hammock, the main options are 3 options:

  • single-tier;
  • bunk warmed;
  • Cylindrical (from jeans pants).

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_10

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_11

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_12


For a hammock in one tier, it will be necessary to use a piece of chosen matter (fleece material to choose optimally, because it is elastic, soft and comfortable for washing / cleaning) 1500/300 mm, threads, needles, scissors.

Sewing process:

  • a piece of fabric to marvel, then passing out again;
  • Surface to flash with 30 × 30 mm cells to eliminate stretching or deformation;
  • edges mark in places where fasteners will be;
  • Put the loops in advance and symmetrically cut through;
  • When used to attach ordinary gum, sew it zigzag to the edge (in advance to prepare a gum, a quarter meter from each edge);
  • The edges should somehow be strengthened (stitched, protected by durable material so that the threads do not get into the pet stomach).

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_13


To sew a bunk insulated bed, you will have to fork out for the purchase:

  • Again, a piece of fleece 1500/600 mm;
  • For the "floor" it will take a subtle syntheps 1500 × 300 mm;
  • oblique bey to process and strengthen sections;
  • Threads and needles, scissors.

The sewing process is not very different from the previous scheme, except that the hammock will be bunk, for which the height of the upper tier should be reduced.

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_14


Jeans that will go to the manufacture of shelter for chinchillas can have the same dimensions as in the first case: 1500/300 mm (ordinary pant)

The sewing process is only distinguished by the fact that the fabric is pretty rude, not very elastic and durable, it is harder to sew. The question of how can I get a hammock outside, applies only to the degree and capabilities of the chinchilla owner. We should not only need to forget that intensive smells of evaporating chemicals should be avoided.

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_15

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_16

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_17

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_18

Useful recommendations

By building a hammock, you should not relax. We will have to go to the end and ensure care for it, since the chinchilla itself will not be able to do this. Yes, and serve such a hammock will be much longer.

  • Washing a hammock should not be less common than once every 50-60 days (chinchilla fluffiness is well known, respectively, it lines).
  • In addition to wool, a hammock material is covered with a layer of food (chinchilla does not care. There is a tray and often drags food into a hammock).
  • Unwanted washing with the use of fragile substances (chinchilla can ignore its favorite place because of a sharp smell), it will be suitable for the usual economic soap.
  • If a hammock is absent for some time, the chinchilla will be in bewilderment, so it's preferably a couple of hammachkov for the period of washing / drying. It will contribute not only to the fact that Chinchilla will be resting, but also the fact that the hammocks will not be very worn and will serve a longer time.

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_19

Each edge of the chinchilla hammock must be carefully processed:

  • For the reason that it is a rodent (do not forget that they have a vital teeth, they can simply die without that), respectively, they are active for the item to "chew - to nourish", and the favorite chinchilla will understand any cloth and sills it;
  • She probably clings to their swift movements in the game for a separate thread.

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_20

Another important point is not to choose slippery synthetic materials in the manufacture of hammachkov.

During friction, they will become electrified and beat the chinchilla (do not forget that the wool in the lovers is thin) light, but quite sensitive electrical discharges. This will not be able to positively affect her temperament.

A thin fabric will not stand under the pressure of the cats of the pet (chinchilla never sits on the spot when it is awake) and not last long.

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_21

Hammock for chinchilla (22 photos): How to make a beautiful and comfortable hammock? How to choose it? 25106_22

Ownership reviews

Many owners of Chinshill testify - they often prefer to sleep in a hammock, and not in their mink. Such experiments were also carried out in zoos, which confirmed the commitment even the predatory cat stay on vacation in the hammock for many hours. In the hammocks photographed predators, herbivores, and primates. Apparently, Hamamak gives them confidence in certain security, as, for example, the Tushkanchik is afraid of boa, and Chinchilla - other enemies.

In general, a hammock for favorite chinchilla (of course, if he is struggled with his own hands, and in full accordance with the recommendations of this article), it will quite last the owner of 4-5 years.

On how to independently sew a hammock for chinchilla, look in the video below.

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