Food for dogs All Dogs: Composition, full dry food packs 20 kg, for puppies and adults, reviews


Famous Firm Aller Petfood from Denmark offers a full-fledged diet for dogs of various breeds. All Dogs products are manufactured at the usual Tver factory, but is characterized by excellent quality. This feed replaces full nutrition for four-legged, regardless of their level of activity, breed names and age. In this article, we will consider in more detail the features of all DOGS products, its range and review of comments.

Food for dogs All Dogs: Composition, full dry food packs 20 kg, for puppies and adults, reviews 25067_2


The product All Dogs is quite popular and in demand due to high quality, good composition and presence of all the necessary nutrient elements for each pet. Today, the Food All Dogs is based on new studies in the field of feed manufacturing for four-legged. It consists of a vitamin and mineral complex, meat, vegetables, fish, fats and, of course, cereals. In the meal of All Dogs there are no genetically modified organisms and unnatural additives.

Food for dogs All Dogs: Composition, full dry food packs 20 kg, for puppies and adults, reviews 25067_3

Aller Petfood cooperates with nutritionists, professional professionals, therefore As and successfully thoughtful composition, you can not doubt. Food for dogs has an excellent taste and thoughtful food value.

An excellent meat is used to create food, since the company is very strictly adhered to quality standards and composition.

Food for dogs All Dogs: Composition, full dry food packs 20 kg, for puppies and adults, reviews 25067_4

All Dogs products are based on several important principles.

  • It is very important to take into account the rate of nutritional value for dogs, as it is significantly different from the human . Usually the tasteful food for people is much more nutritious for four-legged and is the best delicacy for them.
  • All products correspond to the ISO 22000 standard system. This means that animal feed is produced according to the same quality standards as for people.
  • All products are high quality. Customer expectations are fully justified.
  • The manufacturer controls the production process, Starting from the stage of procurement of raw materials and ending with the release of the finished product.

Food for dogs All Dogs: Composition, full dry food packs 20 kg, for puppies and adults, reviews 25067_5

Products for Dogs All Dogs have the following advantages:

  • optimal combination of quality and cost;
  • Available cost - this is a budget option for most dog owners;
  • A variety of packaging - on sale are large, medium and even small packaging;
  • The manufacturer provides a natural product, Since it does not add different artificial ingredients.

Food for dogs All Dogs: Composition, full dry food packs 20 kg, for puppies and adults, reviews 25067_6

In addition, All Dogs products have several drawbacks.

  • The composition does not describe specific ingredients - No information regarding how meat, fish and vegetables are used. The buyer must understand that he acquires. If the "sub-products" is written in the composition, then the kidneys, heart, light, or, on the contrary, hoofs, horns and tails can be hidden under this word. Accordingly, the cost of feed will be different.
  • Small assortment. The company does not provide different products for dogs. The separation goes only on adults and puppies. Other companies make division into small, medium and large breeds. The taste range is small.
  • It is quite difficult to find this feed on sale, it is practically no. It is easier to immediately search it on the Internet and order a house.
  • Some buyers noted that Granules will easily crumble The dog can choke during the food reception. Usually crumbs Animal is no longer rehaust.

Food for dogs All Dogs: Composition, full dry food packs 20 kg, for puppies and adults, reviews 25067_7

Food for dogs All Dogs: Composition, full dry food packs 20 kg, for puppies and adults, reviews 25067_8


Aller Petfood offers full Food All Dogs for puppies and adult dogs. Packing feed can be made in three versions - 20, 13 and 2.2 kg. Let us dwell on popular solutions.

  • Dry food with chicken for adult individuals is presented in several weight categories. It fully provides food for four-legged, so there is no need to combine it with other feeds. The composition includes products of animal origin and meat, vitamin and mineral complex, fats and oils, cereals and vegetables, fish and its sub-products (source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty amino acids). Package 20 kg costs 2700 rubles, 13 kg - 1700 rubles, 2.2 kg - 350 rubles.
  • Food All Dogs with beef and vegetables for puppies - optimal selection of economy-class for puppies of various breeds . It can also be given to pregnant four-legged and nursing individuals. It consists of animal origin and, of course, natural meat. In addition, there are vegetables, namely carrots, peas, beet. It should be noted the presence of bran, solid cereals, a vitamin and mineral complex and yeast. An important components are oil and fats, fish and its sub-products, as well as antioxidants. Cum weighing 13 kg costs 1950 rubles.

Food for dogs All Dogs: Composition, full dry food packs 20 kg, for puppies and adults, reviews 25067_9

Food for dogs All Dogs: Composition, full dry food packs 20 kg, for puppies and adults, reviews 25067_10

Review reviews

All Dogs product is quite popular, so many of it acquire and leave their feedback on the respective sites. A lot of positive comments. Buyers like a rather rich composition, because the manufacturer uses meat, fish, vegetables and cereals, thereby enriching the daily diet of dogs.

Animals like feed, they eat the entire portion. Dogs look healthy and active, their wool glitters, appetite at height.

Food for dogs All Dogs: Composition, full dry food packs 20 kg, for puppies and adults, reviews 25067_11

Food for dogs All Dogs: Composition, full dry food packs 20 kg, for puppies and adults, reviews 25067_12

The manufacturer offers products in several packaging, which allows everyone to choose the option that will fully satisfy it. Someone is convenient to take a package of 20 kg volume, and someone has enough packing 2.2 kg. Of course, playing the role of breed dogs - small or large.

Affordable price is another undeniable advantage. Many buyers are looking for an inexpensive product.

Negative reviews are found on All Dogs products. Many buyers upset the fact that there is no detailed product of the product on the package.

Food for dogs All Dogs: Composition, full dry food packs 20 kg, for puppies and adults, reviews 25067_13

Food for dogs All Dogs: Composition, full dry food packs 20 kg, for puppies and adults, reviews 25067_14

If we talk about the taste of diversity, then it is pretty zubu. Some buyers note that the dog is annoying the same taste.

The whole Dogs products are pretty difficult to find in ordinary retail stores for animals. To save time, it is recommended to immediately order via the Internet.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that not all breeds of dogs normally digest this food, disorders are found.

Food for dogs All Dogs: Composition, full dry food packs 20 kg, for puppies and adults, reviews 25067_15

Food for dogs All Dogs: Composition, full dry food packs 20 kg, for puppies and adults, reviews 25067_16

Therefore, do not buy a large amount of feed for your pet. To begin with, it is better to test the product for several days, watch how your dog eats it, appreciate her well-being.

All Dogs Products - Good Choice for Your Dog . With it, you can provide a balanced nutrition of your pet. However, according to veterinarians, this feed cannot be called hypoallergenic, so it should not be purchased for dogs that suffer from frequent manifestations of allergic reactions.

Many owners appreciated All Dogs products are quite high, since it is an optimal combination of price and quality.

Food for dogs All Dogs: Composition, full dry food packs 20 kg, for puppies and adults, reviews 25067_17

Food for dogs All Dogs: Composition, full dry food packs 20 kg, for puppies and adults, reviews 25067_18

Food for dogs All Dogs: Composition, full dry food packs 20 kg, for puppies and adults, reviews 25067_19

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