Feed tafi: for dogs and cats, "Cold cuts" and other types, a description of the range of dog and cat food reviews


Tafi food for dogs and cats can be a good option for many years. Because pet owners so it is important to examine the description of the range of dog and cat food reviews about it. Attention should be given as "Cold cuts" and other such food.

Feed tafi: for dogs and cats,


Nothing particularly complex food Tafi is not allocated. Its suppliers do not tend to make it look as if it belongs to a group of super-premium. Product line includes several kinds of wet food. A wide variety of offerings, this brand also can not boast. However, on the other hand do not have to painfully choose what exactly to buy.

Feed tafi: for dogs and cats,

Description of the range

Designed for dogs "Cold cuts". It is represented in the form of food pieces. It should be noted that this food, packaged in a container of 415 g openly positioned as not having allergenic properties. For such products honesty is worth praise. The composition of the dog food includes, on an assurance of the manufacturer, a number of important vitamins.

Feed tafi: for dogs and cats,

Cold cuts can designed for cats. Pack it in a container of the same size. And just used the division into pieces. As for canned feed, then on the official website of the main seller - "Magnet. Cosmetics "- these are not described (or rather, the word canned is not written, but it is implied). However, but there is a special kind of meat pieces - with chicken.

Feed tafi: for dogs and cats,

Review reviews

The estimates consumers focus primarily drawn to the relatively high quality of the product . It is as high as, in general, one can imagine in this price range. Even finicky pets can eat this food. Among the positive characteristics distinguish the packaging of feed, its appearance. However, some point out questionable composition and the fact that some pupils ignore such an offer.

Feed tafi: for dogs and cats,

Feed tafi: for dogs and cats,

The authors write reviews about other moments associated with such diets. In particular, it states that the issuance of nutritional standards have not been developed. This is a very serious drawback, since the required amount will have to choose the method of trial and error.

It is believed that one of the Spider is enough for 1 feeding, but it is still necessary to check for each pet. And it should be noted that sometimes it is not even the most picky animals can ignore Tafi food and turn away from him.

Feed tafi: for dogs and cats,

According to other reviews the situation may be very different:

  • mention the long-term storage;

  • Some pet owners enjoy Tafi;

  • in packets can get foreign objects and even insects;

  • appearance and odor disappoint some buyers.

Feed tafi: for dogs and cats,

Feed tafi: for dogs and cats,

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