Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams


The teaspoon has long been present in our everyday. Knowing her volume in milliliters and weight grams, you can safely prepare any culinary recipe. So, a spoon of a certain size will be the basic measure for us to measure the components we need. In which cases it is better to use one-time products, what is the spoon with a long handle? Answers to these and other questions - in our article.

Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_2

Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_3


The very first link, where the spoon is mentioned, refers to the third millennium to our era. In Russia, a spoon as a subject for food was represented by Prince Vladimir in 998. After the rite of baptism of all residents of Russia to raise the cultural level, the prince commanded eating special devices.

Since then, the kitchen utensil has changed a lot. There was a lot of his varieties, and sometimes it is difficult to figure out where and how it should lie on the table.

The main types of spoons are dining room, dessert and tea.

  • The dining room is used to receive the first dish.
  • Desserts are put if pudding, tiramisu, halva, cheesecake, parfair, berries with cream and other soft desserts are served. It is less dining room.
  • The teaspoon is called so because it was an indispensable attribute of tea drinking for stamping sugar or jam, it is served with a tea pair.

The first known mention of the teaspoon refers to the XVIII century. A teaspoon is a small spoon with an oval or rounded bowl and flat, faceted or twisted handle with a length of 15 cm. It looks like a dining room or dessert, but slightly smaller sizes. Use for admission to food dessert and beverages - tea, cocoa, hot chocolate.

Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_4

Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_5


A spoon is a universal thing. It is used in the church during communion, people musical playing on them, as on the shock tool. The provisions were dosed by drugs, taking the size and volume of the spoon. Recording a recipe, confectioners noted, in which volume requires the required ingredients to prepare a dish, along with a measure of weights.

There was a need to standardize the serua spoon. After all, the container cannot be one size for the first dish and dessert.

The popularity of the tea party provoked the birth of a spoon to a tea meal. Often in culinary recipes indicate the desired composition of the components in the canteens and teaspoons. Therefore, it is necessary to know how much ingredient is fitted into the volume of 1 spoons in ml and mg.

Water is best suited for measuring the volume. In a teaspoon, only 5 milligrams of the liquid and it fills the tablespoon only by a third, a coffee shop on a quarter.

Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_6

Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_7

Completely different volume will be from other products. It is necessary to take into account the recommendations on the recipe, somewhere written - with a slide, and therefore the volume will be a little more.

Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_8

We give a table for food, according to the volume.


Volume, ml


5 ± 0.1.

Melted margarine

4 ± 0.1.

Vegetable oil




Whole milk


Apple vinegar


Soya sauce


Tomato paste




Pasta peanuts






Sour cream


Condensed milk


Mashed fruit




    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_9

    And now the grammmes in the croups, tea and other dry components. The weight of the teaspoon is directly due to the density of the substance, it happens less by 0.5 grams or more.


    Mass, G.

    without top

    Mass, G.

    with horseback


    2 ± 0.1.

    3 ± 0.5

    Medicinal grass






    Dry mustard






    Ground crackers



    Dry yeast



    Dry cream



    Lemon acid






    Ground pepper



    Oatmeal flakes









    Ground coffee















    Salt "Extra"



    Thick cinnamon






    Crup (pearl, bone)









    Cocoa powder



    Egg powder






    Powdered milk



    Knowledge of volume (how many milliliters is located in a tea spoon) helps measure the weight of products, various liquids in the manufacture of any recipe.

    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_10


    In the XVIII century, numerous coffee and tea houses are opened and, of course, a new dishes appear for tea drinking, coffee. New rules of etiquette appear, which are pushing to the manufacture of tea, coffee spoons.

    A teaspoon can have a different purpose. Depending on what kind of meal it is involved, its appearance changes:

    • A spoon for cooled beverages is similar to tea, only the handle is longer;

    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_11

    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_12

    • Fruit spoons have sharp cloves along the edge of a cup of spoons;

    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_13

    • Spoons for ice cream are reminded on the shape of a blade with bent edges;

    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_14

    • Bar spoons represent various devices for mixing cocktails, the manufacture of absinthe;

    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_15

    • A spoon for olives with an elongated handle and a small bowl with a hole in the middle - brine flows, the olive remains on a spoon;

    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_16

    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_17

    • A spoon for caviar has a slightly rectangular shape of the bowl and a little longer handle than tea.

    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_18

    It is easy to understand that all these types of spoons will differ not only in size, but volume.

    For the manufacture of teaspoons, as a rule, use Stainless steel, silver, gold, alloys from non-ferrous metals. Spoons of wood are extremely rarely cut, they will fit in the form of a gift instance.

    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_19

    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_20

    Speeciously and unusual look Ceramic teaspoons. Beautifully represented ceramic kits, where tea pair and spoon look in one whole. Gracefully made tea silver, gold spoons with a ceramic handle. For a cafe it is worth buying comfortable and beautiful tea devices, visitors will be pleasant and comfortable, because it all depends on the little things.

    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_21

    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_22

    Won their popularity and Disposable plastic tea-coffee spoons that are made of polystyrene. The charm of these spoons is that they are not soaked, and after use ejected. They are necessary for trips to nature, in campaigns, on trips. Used plastic dishes when traveling for the city, assemble in the garbage packets for further disposal.

    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_23

    How to choose?

    If you decide to buy tea devices for yourself or make a gift, then When choosing these items, pay attention:

    • on the quality of steel and impurities - for stainless steel products;
    • on a sample with stigma - on silver products;
    • The device should not smell chemistry;
    • Buy spoons of the famous manufacturer who has accompanying documents that guarantee their quality;
    • High-quality tea devices should not be lightweight and thin;
    • When choosing a silver spoons, take a high-sample silver, with high silver content alloy is cleaned, quality is higher.

    Silver appliances are made to give a child's christening, in honor of the first tooth, on a birthday, for a wedding. Particularly scrupulous need to be when choosing a gift for a baby. Table silver high quality always has a hygienic certificate.

    Take into account what is covered with a silver object. If it is used for eating, and not to perform the role of a souvenir, it can only be covered with gold. If the coating of rhodium, varnish, enamel, such devices can be used only as souvenirs.

    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_24

    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_25

    Silver teaspoons in our time have great demand, they are purchased in retail and sets at an acceptable cost. Tea silver devices have many favorable differences - elegant forms, additional decorations, unusual work of the master.

    Give high-quality gifts is always nice, the more silver products . Such gifts remain for a long time in memory and are used in home. As a rule, silver spoons are given with engraving, which is applied to the opposite direction of the handle, where you can specify the date of birth of a child, the date of the wedding anniversary or any other reminder, in honor of which a gift is made.

    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_26

    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_27

    Storage and care

    After the time of time, silver fills and becomes less attractive, but that this does not happen, It must be properly stored and care for it.

    • Silver products are stored separately from other dishes, better - in velvet cases.
    • Contain silver is recommended in a room with small humidity, avoid contact with gas, rubber products, means containing sulfur particles, they can help clouding silver.
    • Best for storage will suit the parchment, foil. They will protect silver from oxidation.
    • One of the main rules for the care of silver spoons is to carefully wipe with a soft towel, not to leave them wet. You should not wash them in a dishwasher, stains and a flare may appear, which will then be difficult to remove.
    • In order to silver glitter and pleased the appearance, it must sometimes be brushing with ammonia, citric acid, vinegar. Each component needs to be diluted with water in a 1: 10 ratio, put in a solution of silver for an hour, then wipe it well with a soft cloth.
    • Mix the silver stuff from the raid will help the ordinary food soda - 30 grams of soda dissolve in 100 ml of water, to the resulting solution we put silver for 2-3 hours. For the greatest effect, you can put on fire and give a little boiling.
    • A decoction of potatoes helps to restore the shine. Put the product from silver for 15 minutes in the decoction, and it becomes like a new one.
    • Excellent can be cleaned with silver spoons using toothpaste. We apply a paste on the flannel cloth and wipe the spoon.
    • You can purchase products to care for silver products in business stores.

    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_28

    Teaspoon (29 photos): volume in ml, disposable products and spoons with a long handle. Size and weight in grams 25002_29

    Further watching video with tips on how to care for tea spoons.

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