Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models


To date, many on the old habit of cooking use one knife for cutting different products. This is a wrong approach. Various special knives due to the fact that they have an unusual form and structure can greatly simplify this process. One of the most important and needed in the kitchen should be called a baking knife. A similar professional knife is applied to carry out the separation of bones and meat.

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The rod knife will be the main device that allows you to separate the meat from the bone. It is its use that caused a certain geometry and the shape of the handle. If we talk about European knives, then they can be distinguished from others in a narrow long blade, highly expanding with handles. The length of the blade deployed in the form of an arc can reach 20 centimeters. This solution makes it possible to very easily separate the meat from the bone. In addition, the category of knives can be perfectly cope with tendons and strong fibers.

When creating such a solution, a wrought or rolling molybdenum-vanadium steel is usually applied. The high percentage of carbon makes the blade solid, Molybdenum additionally strengthens it, chrome allows you to well resist corrosion and increases wear resistance, and Vanadium makes more elastic . Such solutions are always sharp, do not oxidize and do not fade. This is especially important, because this knife comes with meat juice, which is a chemically active substance. The edge for cutting should harden somewhere at the level of 53-56 HRC, because such a type of knives need a permanent stagement of musatom. If the hardness is higher, then it is better to use a smooth type of musat. True, it increases the chance that Skole appears on the blade.

Very carefully should be taken to the handle. It should be the most ergonomic and extremely reliable.

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Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models 24992_4

Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models 24992_5

Typically, such parts of the knives are made of thermoplastic, wood or music. Handles made of metal are rare. The reason is that they are driving a knife, and the hand will be quickly tired. A good handle must have mini-guards and sometimes a small combst. He makes a knife more balanced, and Garda will not allow his hand to slip on the blade during use.

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What is it needed for?

The baking knife is used when cutting the carcass or cut large pieces of meat. It is also used to separate live and meat from bones, and when it is required to separate the skin from a piece of meat. It will be an ideal solution and in cases where it is required to separate the skin from fish meat.


If we talk about the types of cake knives, then it is necessary to designate that some kind of universal classification, which would allow a clear line between the firing, vehicle and some other types of knives, no. The most common classification option looks like this:

  • baking;
  • for host;
  • secchech;
  • axe.

Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models 24992_7

Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models 24992_8

Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models 24992_9

Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models 24992_10

That is, everything will depend on the goal that is delivered for the butcher or chef.

If we are talking about working with a large piece of meat, then in this case it is better to use the knife-ax What will allow you to quickly and easily cut it into smaller parts. If we are talking about secoch, it is usually a standard solution for Chinese chefs. He is like an ax, but has another structure of the handle, and its size is slightly smaller.

When we talk about the bone office from meat, the knife for the roller comes into business. And if more precisely, it is for separating fillets from bones. If the meat is a fat and has a lot of fibers, then it will be better to use a housing knife that will allow you to quickly remove everything too much and cleanse meat.

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Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models 24992_12

In general, the oblivion is universal. With it, you can do almost anything, with not very large pieces of meat. It is possible because it has a flexible blade, which is fine and allows you to cut even the smallest meat pieces from the bones.

There is also the second classification of the instruments under consideration. According to it, the knives are divided into:

  • Professional;
  • Kitchen.

Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models 24992_13

Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models 24992_14

Kitchen cutting solutions include amateur tools that are used exclusively at home. Professional include options that are used in production for industrial cutting of meat carcasses. As an example, you can bring the same saw for cutting a meat carcass. But this does not mean that some of these knives can not be applied at home. But amateur or kitchen models are not suitable for the production cutting of meat.

Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models 24992_15

Sometimes consider another classification. According to it, the baking knives are divided into processing solutions:

  • carcass meat;
  • bakery products;
  • cheese;
  • vegetables;
  • birds.

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Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models 24992_17

Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models 24992_18

Review manufacturers

Let us turn to the producers of cake models whose products are characterized by high quality. According to many, the best baking knives produces Brazilian company "Tramontina" founded in 1911 in the city of Carlos Barbosa. Knives of this company received a lot of awards on all sorts of competitions, and are considered one of the most effective for cutting meat. Their high strength and ability to maintain sharpness with intensive use are distinguished.

Speaking precisely about the fasonry versions of the manufacturer, it can be supplemented that their blade is made from high-quality stainless steel and has a thickness of 2 millimeters. They are supplied with a beautiful and very comfortable handle made of polypropylene. This causes her durability. It also has a special coating against bacteria, which does not allow them to spread if they fall on the handle.

Buyers noted that products from Tramontina. Really for a long time remain sharp, even if they are exploited very often. The handle is comfortable to take, and it is very light. Therefore, the hand does not get tired even when working with a lot of meat.

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Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models 24992_20

The working blade has a high quality polishing, which allows it not to darken as it uses. By the way, it is made in V-shaped form to maximize the accuracy of cutting.

Great success in the production of folk knives achieved Germany. One of the most famous German knife manufacturers, Eicker. Located in Solingen, for more than 80 years, produces high-quality bass and other types of knives. They are made of faint stainless steel with a high admixture of chromium. In addition, in its composition you can find vanadium and molybdenum, which prevent the damage to the blade. Their use also makes it possible to get the highest possible knives that are not stupid due to continuous use.

All products OT. Eicker. Have a comfortable handle made of rubber and nylon, as well as fiberglass. This allows you to guarantee not only the convenience of using such a knife, but also its strength. Even when dropping from a high height, such models retain their hardness and properties.

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Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models 24992_22

Also popular in this segment is the products of German Giessera companies . The firing knives of this company are characterized by the highest quality and amazing hardness with an indicator of 56 HRC. The manufacturer creates products from chromolibdden steel, and processes them with a special antibacterial silver coating. This allows you to successfully resist the occurrence of fungi, mold and microbes.

Each model produced under the Giesser brand has a special number, which allows you to quickly repair or replace a certain part of the knife.

It is important that the manufacturer gives a lifelong warranty on the models produced, which makes them almost the perfect option not only for a professional chef, but also for a regular housewife.

Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models 24992_23

Quality types of type in question can also provide Japan. Manufacturers of this country are able to make high-quality knives, which is confirmed historically. And the laid knives are no exception. For example, knives Japanese manufacturer Kai Shun Made from damask steel of the highest strength. The blades of knives are sharpened on both sides, which will ensure the deep penetration of the blade in meat. The knife knife knives Kai Shun is made of elite black wood, which is applied special coating. It allows you to prevent rotting, and does not give insect to damage it. The manufacturer's knives have increased strength. By the way, the handle also perfectly opposes the effects of moisture, so that it does not crack.

All rolling models are equipped with a combstore, located between the blade and handle, which allows the food residues not to accumulate in the blade connection site and handles. This provides a high level of security during the implementation of the cutting of meat. At the tip of the handle is the "heel" made of steel. It serves the defense of the knife from the deformation when falling or some random blows. Naturally, this will prolong the life of the product, making it almost invulnerable to the damage to the mechanical type.

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Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models 24992_25

I also want to say About the German manufacturer F. Dick . This company has been producing high-quality knives for over 230 years, including caution. F. DICK products are valued, first of all, for ergonomics and the highest quality steel. This company has good reviews also because experience allows it to develop innovative kitchen tools, which will appreciate not only a housewife, but also any professional cook. Not in vain, it is the main supplier of knives for many enterprises not only in Germany, but also in other European countries.

Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models 24992_26

Great success in creating knives, including fasteners and traffic, achieved Company Polkars. Located in Poland. It also manufactures the manufacture of the widest spectrum of cutting tools for the meat industry. Including it is also a veil, as well as fuel patterns. Blades of models from Polkars Have excellent hardness and made of chromed molybdenum steel. And knife handles are made of wood or special anti-slip plastic.

As you can make sure, it is quite realistic to find a large number of manufacturers from different countries, whose products are really high-quality, and has already been tested.

Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models 24992_27

How to choose?

Before buying a set of knives or a specific folk knife, you should study all the subtleties of the desired purchase. And make it help the following tips.

Decide in advance with the category of the knife. That is, you need to understand which knife is required: a professional version or intended for wide use in everyday life. It is clear that the cost of both solutions will be different. On the other hand, among professional models, there are significantly more qualitative options that, and after a few decades will perform their functions as if they were bought yesterday. But still, even for such models, it will not be superfluous to have tools for sharpening at hand.

In addition, when purchasing a knife should be paid to the composition of the alloy and quality as a whole. After all, the sharpening of one material according to a specific scheme may not bring the result if the knife will be used non-intended. She can generally spoil the blade knife. The handle is also very important. Many, when buying a knife, do not pay attention to it, which is a big mistake. But it depends on it not only comfort in work and the convenience, but also the safety of use.

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Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models 24992_29

The best solution is the option when the handle seems to be a continuation of the blade. In this case, the possibility of falling out the blade from the handle is completely excluded.

Another point is the convenience of use. A person who will use a folk knife, before buying, you should take it in your hands to understand how convenient to use them. The degree of sharpness and sharpening are important. The quality of the product is depends on them, as well as the durability of its use.

And the last nuance, which should not be neglected, - reviews about the manufacturer. It is better to overpay, but to purchase a well-known and qualitative solution than to buy advertified models from unknown manufacturers. Saving on a cavity knife in 95% of cases leads to the fact that it quickly comes into disrepair, and he needs a replacement. Therefore, it is better not to save.

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Flashing knife (31 photos): How to choose a cutting knife for cutting meat? Why do you need a universal knife? Professional traffic and other models 24992_31

In general, guided by these advice, it is possible to quite easily purchase a high-quality baking knife, which will be excellent for a long time.

Eicker shaking knife overview Look in the following video.

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