Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews


A comfortable pillow is one of the most important components of a full-fledged sleep of any person. Recently, an increasing number of people refuse to have familiar down products in favor of innovative models with a memory effect.

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_2

What it is?

Bedding with filler Memory Foam is also called memory effect pillows. It means that The innovative materials used for them, as if memorized, and then repeat the individual features of the body. As a result, sleeping person feels the maximum comfort. The composition of the heat-sensitive filler may vary depending on the manufacturer, but its essence remains unchanged. When the head of a person falls on the support, the filler immediately reacts to the temperature and pressure of the body.

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_3

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_4

The material is remembered until it can be adjusted under the body of a particular person, having flimple each bend. Instead of the back pressure on the vessels there is only almost imperceptible support in the required points. If the lying will change position in a dream, the pillow will also restart in accordance with it. After he leaves a sleeping place, the product in a couple of second will take its original appearance.

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_5

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_6

By the way, such an original pillow in most cases has a completely banal rectangular shape, but with elevations around the edges and central spindles. Its height is selected depending on the width of the shoulders of man.

The main results of the regular use of innovation pillows are Normalization of the head of the head and relaxation of the muscles of the shoulder belt, So, the sleep is significantly improved, the forces are restored faster. Pillows with memory are mostly manufactured from polyurethane foam, latex or silicone. In production, the material is replenished, as a result of which microscopic air bubbles are formed, separated by thin membranes. Heating under the heat of the body, part of the filler becomes plastic, but the remaining unregister retains elasticity, providing support to muscles.

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_7

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_8

Depending on the shape of the pillow with the memory effect, it is customary to divide into several categories. The classic product is flat and is performed not only in the form of a rectangle, but also in the form of a square, a circle, oval or even stars. If the package states that the orthopedic product, inside, most likely, will show a rectangular cushion with one-sided roller. Ergonomic models have a pair of rounded convexities of different sizes or a notch for the head and shoulders. For traveling, "horseshoes" and "bagels" with the filler Memory Foam are commonly purchased, and for day rest - rollers and semi-solids.

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_9

Advantages and disadvantages

The product with the memory effect has numerous advantages. In accuracy, repeating the individual structure of the body, it correctly supports the head, reducing the pain in the cervical spine. The material used is hypoallergenic and does not cause dust ticks. It also does not accumulate neither dust or dirt. For pillows it is very easy to care, they do not dust, do not absorb smells and, by the way, do not create unpleasant sounds during compression. The service life is at least 5 years.

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_10

Memory Foam helps with neck injuries, headaches, osteochondrosis and spinal diseases. Innovative bedding is indispensable if a person is constantly in a sitting position with a computer or is engaged in severe physical work. It prevents snoring in a dream and unequivocally provides therapeutic effect. The cellular structure is responsible for heat exchange, and the specificity of the material itself protects against moisture absorption.

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_11

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_12

However, a number of shortcomings in such pillows also have. For example, they smell unpleasantly immediately after purchase, and also have a high level of hardness. It is impossible not to notice the fact that the air does not circulate inside the filler. Finally, there are similar models quite expensive. Orthopedic pillows are not recommended to use newborns, as well as people sensitive to chemicals.

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_13

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_14

It should also be mentioned that unfair manufacturers, sometimes saved on high-quality polyurethane foam, diluting it with dangerous additives, for example, formaldehydes.

Innovative bedding, as a rule, can not be washed, and incorrect care leads to the disappearance of the memory effect. They have to get used to them, and at first there are quite unpleasant sensations.

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_15


Pillows with memory effect have varying degrees of rigidity, and also have different fillers.

According to the manufacturer

Most of the orthopedic pillows are stuffed by Memory Foam - Polyurethane foam. For budget products, a thermoplastic filler is activated, and for better quality - viscoelastic. As part with Memory Foam, a cooling gel lining is often present. Beddown can be made and based on Ormafoam - orthopedic hypoallergenic foam with similar properties. Finally, Latex support is also the effect of memory, which is based on a natural rubber filler.

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_16

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_17

The structure of such a filler resembles bee honeycombs and has increased elasticity. The creators of orthopedic pillows as the main material also involve artificial Memoflex and MemoForm - polyurethanes with low elasticity having different components in the composition . The filler is often detected by polyester balls, making products comfortable and hygienic, as well as allow them to be washed and dried.

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_18

According to the degree of rigidity

According to the degree of rigidity, three main types of pillows are distinguished. Soft suitable for people who prefer to sleep on the stomach, and Hard - For lovers sleep on the side. For classic sleep on the back it is better to choose bedding average stiffness.

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_19

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_20

Rating the best models

In the rating of the best pillow manufacturers with the memory effect. TRELAX, ASCON, TEMPUR, SLEEP PROFESSOR, FOSTA and many others . So, good reviews get a model FOSTA F 8021. . A rectangular cushion with a memory effect is hypoallergenic and has a long service life. It is easy to clean, and a durable case withstands 200 and more washes. The products filler is not afraid of neither temperature jumps, nor moisture.

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_21

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_22

The Celebrity model from the American brand Sleep Professor is filled with an elastic foam with a cooling gel. The term of its operation reaches 5 years. In addition to thermoregulation, the product provides cooling during sleep, and also distributes the load between muscle groups.

Model Anatomic. 11 from the Italian brand Technogel. It has an anatomical form and provides the average level of support for the neck and shoulder belt. The height of the rollers is 10.5 and 11.5 cm. Double pillowcake sewn made of cotton fabric.

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_23

Criterias of choice

To choose a support under the head for sleep, it should be relying on personal preferences. So, for those who sleep on the side and back, we recommend a wave-like product with a pair of rollers. If most of the night is performed on the stomach, preference should be given a low, almost flat rectangular or star pillow. Resting on the back is more convenient on the model with one or two rollers. For children, only special orthopedic pillows are allowed, the purchase of which is pre-negotiated with the doctor.

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_24

Bedgery sizes under the head are calculated depending on the width of the shoulders. Children's pillow usually does not go beyond the borders of 20x30 or 40x40 centimeters. An adult cushion for medium-sized owners has parties 60 and 40 centimeters. For people of strong physique, it is better to choose a product with an area of ​​50x70 centimeters.

An explicit advantage of the product will be the presence of pillowcase or removable cover. Road pillows, as a rule, come in a set with a knitted case impregnated with antibacterial substance.

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_25


If the cushion filler is represented by polyurethane foam or viscoelastic foam, then It is impossible to wash it - even manual processing will quickly destroy the septum of the cellular material, which is why the unique properties of the product will disappear. Bringing the bedding is supplied by dry cleaning method, but the surface is wiped with a damp cloth or cloth. To air the pillow follows every three months in the fresh air. Removable pillowcases and cover are loaded into the drum of the washing machine, subject to the temperature selection of no more than 40 degrees and delicate mode.

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_26

How to sleep?

The orthopedic pillow should always be on a flat surface. Looking off to sleep a man places on it only his head and neck, and the shoulders tightly presses to the sides of the design. If there are two rollers, soft is designed for the head, and the more hard is led by the cervical.

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_27

Review Reviews of the Effect

In general, the reviews of the pillows with a filler Memory Foam confirm the therapeutic effects of the memory effect: It is noted that the neck really ceases to root and fall, sleep becomes stronger, and headaches pass. Especially noticeable changes in people suffering from various spinal problems. However, many reviews contain a complaint that over time, the product is weakening, the pillow is glued, and the memory effect disappears, and it happens even before the expiration of the specified shelf life occurs.

An unequivocal disadvantage is the high cost of accessories for sleep.

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_28

Pillow with memory effect: orthopedic and anatomical models Memory Foam under the head. How to sleep on it? Rating of the best models, reviews 24957_29

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