Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others


Orthopedic pillow is a product made of special materials and fillers. Its goal is to maintain the spine in the optimal position, creating a rigidity in the necessary values ​​and versatility to use.

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_2

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_3


Even a healthy person is familiar with the feeling of discomfort and pain during a long stay in a static condition: office work at a computer, long trips behind the wheel than the profession of truckers, and so on. The orthopedic cushion is able to remove numbness and the ethnicity of the limbs. The product has various forms and suitable for any seat: chair, car or office chair.

The orthopedic pillow is designed for comfortable work associated with a long-term seat on a rigid surface. This is how even a comfortable office chair for 10-12 hours of uninterrupted use can turn into a torture instrument. What to talk about chairs, for example, in the workshops of sewing factories with mass production, where the usual change lasts 12 hours ... At this time, the spine, which is in the inclined state, is experiencing strong loads.

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_4

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_5

There is another very important problem with which the product will help, for some reason, not mentioned in articles on orthopedic seats for seating. This is the stressful state of the buttocks and pelvic organs, because it is not for nothing hemorrhoids is considered a professional disease of truckers and people with a seating lifestyle. As a result, the inability to lead an active life, strongest pain, problems with the natural departures of the body, sometimes a reason for surgical intervention.

Orthopedic seating cushion can "work" as an independent product, as well as a "companion" pads for the backrest chairs By helping to reduce the load on the vertebral post, control posture. It has an attractive appearance and modern design. Orthopedic products are made of hygroscopic material with porous, "breathable" structure (except inflatable).

They are obliged to be hypoallergenic with pronounced resistance to moisture and dust-repellent properties.

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_6

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_7

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_8

The high-quality pillow has the following characteristics:

  • It is capable of normalizing the flow of blood flow and is a good helper during the rehabilitation post-traumatic period;
  • there are no large inner cavities in it, which eliminates the accumulation of dust and the appearance of dust mites, which are active provocateurs of allergies and skin itching;
  • The pillow has a pleasant clock texture and is a guarantor of long-term operation depending on the type of filler and price category;
  • has the ability to adapt to any type of surfaces, can be used at home and in the workplace;
  • is a prophylactic means of negative consequences of spinning overload;
  • Levels local loads on intervertebral discs than must be unique modern technologies and materials;
  • The regular use of an orthopedic seating cushion can significantly reduce the cost of buying pharmacy funds, in particular, painkillers;
  • The smaller consumption of medicines has a beneficial effect not only on the thickness of the wallet, but also for health - the mucosa of the stomach is less injured, the load on the liver is reduced, etc.;
  • It struggles with the symptoms of chronic fatigue - as a result, all organs begin to work more simply.

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_9

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_10

Materials manufacturing

High-quality filler and cloth for the case - the basis of strength, durability, efficiency of the orthopedic product. When buying should be attentive - the market is filled with counterfeit. Consider various types of fillers.

Latex - rubber foam, the most common material. The main advantages of latex consider:

  • Comfort - the porous structure of the rubber foam filled with air is characterized by soft and elasticity;
  • durability, since the viability of the certified product exceeds a decade;
  • the ability to take anatomical outlines of the human body;
  • Easy to care - the latex product can be washed, and both manually and in the washing machine.

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_11

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_12

Vyazkoelastic or memorial foam, which has a unique property - "physical memory". Material is able to adjust the inclined pose of the sitting person and save the form accepted for some time. The filler is used in the production of office and other types of chairs. This advantages of viscoelastic foam are not limited to:

  • Natural raw materials are safe for humans;
  • The filler effectively distributes the load;
  • It is characterized by increased wear resistance.

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_13

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_14

Polyester is the optimal option for lovers of cheap and low-quality products. At best, the pillow for seating from polyester is more or less normal to last year, but it will be a record deadline. Raw materials have a number of conditional advantages.

  • Manufacturers argue that the material is very soft and comfortable for seating, but it is noted by its ability to keep an anatomical shape. This is very doubtful, given the lubricant of small balls with silicone composition and ramp - most likely, they are able to maintain only the shape of the cover.
  • Pillows are really soft, but the cheapness of the foundation cannot serve as a guarantee of durability - do not forget that in difficult economic conditions even "free cheese in a mousetrap" went up.
  • It is possible to adjust the height by removing part of the filler.
  • One of the truly good qualities of polyester is tolerance of any kind of washing.

However, it must be borne in mind that the silicone lubricant, which the balls are processed, will very quickly wash off the efficient chemistry of the washing powder.

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_15

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_16

Buckwheat husk - natural and cheapest filler. Some articles meet the approval that Luzga is able to "memorize" adopted form. In order to be clearer, Luzga passes a special technological processing - dedusting, calibration, steam treatment - after which it becomes striking sweep. Is it possible to "memorize" the form to the form of reflection and logical conclusions. But the absolute naturalness of the product can be considered the absolute nature of its dignity and the light massage effect. The approval of unscrupulous manufacturers about the service life of up to 10 years is the baking lie. The maximum service life of the pillow with buckwheat luzgoy - 1.5-2 years, and then it concerns models under the head. The product on which is constantly sitting, will be in a satisfactory condition even less.

Gel orthopedic pillow is one of the best options, despite the high price of products. The gel filler perfectly redistributes the load, cools and prevents the release of sweat, has a long service life. The inflatable rubber cushion is a practical option if a durable material with good hermetic properties is used as a cover.

The rigidity of such a product is easily adjustable. From the pillow you can release air, and it will become compact and mobile. The disadvantages include the zero level of hygroscopicity - the body on such a product is very sweating at high temperatures.

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_17

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_18


Orthopedic seating pads are distinguished by a rather wide range. Manufacturers offer products of various forms and destinations by varying them in price categories from premium-class to budget. This makes them available for any buyer. Designed models for children, adolescents, as well as pregnant women.

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_19

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_20

By destination

Orthopedic pillows are designed for people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and a small pelvic organs. Besides, Perennial research and observation proved the beneficial effects of products on the nervous system. The pillow can help a person with headaches (migraine not counting), insomnia, dizziness and chronic fatigue. No, this is not a miraculous means, not a panacea from all troubles. However, a good cushion will qualitatively level discomfort and painful sensations, thereby having a beneficial effect on the general condition.

Agree The patient is difficult to still be in many hours at the table, and the result of this becomes such unpleasant manifestations as headaches, insomnia, etc. Not in vain they say - all diseases from nerves. Having experienced comfort and convenience during operation, a person calms down, painful symptoms become less noticeable.

In addition to what has already been said, an orthopedic seating cushion is an excellent prevention of spinal curvature and other troubles.

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_21

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_22

Despite the fact that the use of an orthopedic pillow is possible for the most different categories of users, it is advisory to take advice from the neurologist. The product will be useful:

  • for newborns;
  • schoolchildren and students;
  • office workers, programmers, secretaries;
  • truckers, pilots of long flights, drivers of buses, shvea operating systems, tailors, etc.

If there is no possibility to use a pillow at work, then maximum comfort should be ensured.

Doctors advise to use a pillow:

  • women in prenatal and postpartum periods;
  • in the postoperative period on the organs of a small pelvis, with disorders of posture, systematic pains at the bottom of the torso;
  • In arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, hemorrhoid and complete or partial loss of mobility.

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_23

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_24

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_25

As for the problems with the spine, the orthopedic model for seating is valid in this way:

  • Development has a mechanism for the load distribution;
  • User weight evenly accounted for the entire surface of the product;
  • The spin of paralyzed patients using a wheelchair does not experience strong pressure and is less susceptible to forming beds.

The cost of orthopedic seating pads has a wide price plug - it all depends on the manufacturer's materials. The price of gel pillows is much higher than the products from buckwheat husk or polyester. It is this factor that determines the availability of products for any category of users. In addition, you can always choose a model according to your own preferences, for example, a pillow on a chair, under the buttocks, for the tailbone, for the spine, for the loin, on the chair, the backrest on the back of the chair.

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_26

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_27

In shape and size

Users are available with simple or with an anatomical surface type, made in a wide variety of forms and sizes. The buyer can choose a product of a variety of forms: ring with a hole, square, oval, rectangular, P-shaped. There are still models in the form of a triangle with two sidewall limiters, with a thickening or embossed surface, wedge-shaped, flat, and a bagel, round, concave, large, on a rotating base, which makes the choice of almost limitless.

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_28

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_29

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_30

Best manufacturers

To have a more accurate understanding of the conversation, it is necessary to seek the acquisition of products to proven manufacturers with worldwide names, using high authority and endless customer confidence.

  • Trelax. - One of the world leaders in the production of orthopedic pillows intended for various consumers and needs. The assortment has models for seating, sleep, back support, for pregnant women and for babies, with a large variety of colors and shapes.

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_31

  • "TRIVES" - products from the domestic manufacturer, offering models with memory effect, anti-face, with lateral support and for sleep. All structures are distinguished by way of operation, there are suggestions for children and adults.

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_32

  • Labona. - Orthopedic products for seating. Released in the form of a rectangle and roller, have excellent indicators, good characteristics. Reference to the budget category.

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_33

  • ORMATEK. - Anatomical pillows and related accessories intended for pregnant women and people whose profession forces them to spend a lot of time in a sitting position. The models are made in the form of a bay and boomeranga, a wedge and a rectangle. The products greatly reduce the load on the organs of the small pelvis and the spine, superbly control the posture.

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_34

Tips for choosing

In order not to make a mistake when buying, do not acquire a fake, it is desirable to first become familiar with the information about products, their approximate cost. It would be nice to study the properties of each filler separately and pick up the model under your personal needs. Based on this, compare offers and prices in retail outlets. Besides:

  • It is necessary to buy goods in proven stores, ideally specializing in orthopedic products;
  • be sure to check the availability of a certificate and warranty from the manufacturer;
  • If it is possible, it is better to stop the choice on gel, latex, polyurethane foam products with the highest indicators;
  • Pay attention to the allowable weight during operation and consult about the model with orthopedic and neurologist.

The choice of models for the driver, for use in the workplace, on an office chair, and even more so for a child, for a schoolboy, requires a well-thought out approach so that they serve for a long time and were good companions, and not useless dust collectors.

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_35

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_36

Orthopedic seating pillow: on a chair and bed, for spine and loins, models in the form of a ring with a hole, gel and others 24956_37

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