Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color


Scandinavian style is the first thing that is associated with knitted textiles in the interior. Although knitted plaids are used not only in it, the most winning, cited images presented the world scandy style. Or rather, he perfectly repeated learned: the traditional decor, which appeared not even in the last century, helps to create a comfort and a special home atmosphere. But the knitted plaid must still be able to choose, and maybe make it yourself.

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_2


Knitted plaid on the bed is always cozy and stylish. Formats, drawings, technologies, mating thickness requirements are changed, preferred shades and ornaments are changing. But the very fact of the charm of such knitted bedspread remains unchanged.

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_3

What are the advantages of this product:

  • Suitable for bed or sofa in any room - living room, bedroom, children's;
  • Easy to care - a certain mode of machine washing and the case is done;
  • Large selection of yarn if you want to tie a warm plaid yourself;
  • quality control in the case of plaid manufacturing with their own hands - the master is responsible for each row and for each loop, the marriage is excluded;
  • Price availability - for a product that, with due care, will last long years, the price is more than adequate.

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_4

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_5

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_6

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_7

Performance options 3:

  • Machine knitting;
  • manual knitting needles;
  • Manual crochet.

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_8

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_9

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_10

In the first case, the canvas will be more standard, not so unique, but it will be hidden. You can buy a cut of machine knitting and with the help of beaks to treat edges. Silk or Satin Beyk wonderfully turns out such a product.

Manual knitting needles - the most popular option. If you take a thick yarn and large needles, the plaid can be contacted even in the evening. Although the hurry in such a matter is usually nothing. The easier the pattern, the stronger covers. Crochet usually knit baby blankets, and it is more complicated, because it is not so easy to withstand the shape of the product. Crochet is particularly relevant for different types of country style, including Provence.

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_11

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_12


What to knit is the question, so that the form holds, and was soft enough, and was considered to wear.

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_13


This fiber for yarn is synthetic, it is pleasantly glittered, perfectly manifests itself in operation. Acrylic has a durable thread that provides a slight slip on the spokes. Newbies often choose acryl because of the simplicity of interaction with him. Finished products are minuses before deformation, they are not afraid of even frequent washes.

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_14

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_15

But it is worth noting, acrylic threads are considered cold, because the plaid for the winter does not knit and do not buy. But the bedroom for summer holidays on the terrace or even for a warm night of the house will work out beautiful.


Natural fiber does not need any advertising. Variety of shades is impressive. The thread itself is durable, that is, there will be no problems when viscous. But with the use of not everything is so favorable: a few washes - and the plaid can be significantly stretched, elementary to sit down, lose its original look. Yes, and beginners work with yarn hardly.

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_16

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_17

Baby bedspreads from pure wool yarn do not knit because the material is rude for children's skin.


It is considered a combined type of yarn, natural fiber is used in conjunction with synthetic components. Mobility things have a special charm - both visual, and tactile. Warm plaids with a long pile are obtained from such material, very cozy and warming. Again, the option is not for beginners. To care for the mohair is a little harder, but everything is real.

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_18

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_19


Soft, fluffy fiber is quite suitable for knitting children's plaid. Bright pattern, very gentle pile attracts many in such textiles. But in the process of use, part of the Village rolls, and after washing, this fluff needs to be put in order.

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_20

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_21


Vegetable fiber for plaids is not the most popular, but quite a good option. Soft and openwork products can come from this natural material. True, it will not keep warm, and therefore it is suitable for use only in summer.

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_22

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_23


An interesting variation of this material can be considered a homemade plaid made of old knitted sweaters. On the one hand, a wonderful reason to keep the memory of once beloved things, give them a second life. On the other hand, an economical way to get a new plaid. It can be bayed with soft fabric or even fur.

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_24

Make plaids from pomponic and melange yarn are used for a cotton substrate (if such a side is provided).

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_25

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_26


There are techniques that are used by decades and do not lose demand. For example, knitting a pigtail or from squares. There are patterns that always adorn the textile product - for example, the striped bedspreads come out of fashion.

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_27

Techniques and patterns

Models may have a large ornament or are based on fine mating. There are models in which there is an inclusion in the particulate ornament. N. Akonets, fashionable can be considered and plaid with the addition of color images.

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_28

The plaid pattern can be formed using:

  • sweatshirt;
  • openwork weaving;
  • braids and harnesses;
  • volume floral variations;
  • non-standard compositions;
  • Alternations of different loaflets, facial and invalid.

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_29

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_30

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_31

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_32

To get an interesting, even unexpected design of the plaid, you should study several complex techniques.

Will help get an unusual plaid:

  • Tunisian technique for which the hook will be required, and eventually it turns out a two-level pattern on a dense and plastic canvas;

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_33

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_34

  • The Bavarian method is also performed using a hook, weaving is carried out in a circle, elements of saturated tones or parts in the form of squares are included;

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_35

  • Scand-motives tend to use two shades and are performed by knitting needles (for example, milk and blue or white and gray, mint and beige);

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_36

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_37

  • The bilateral method requires the participation of the spokes with two threads or hook in the case of one thread;

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_38

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_39

  • Knitting diagonally - the plaid will find a dynamic picture.

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_40

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_41

In which styles of the interior are not used knitted blankets: they can be decorated and the natural comfort of Provence, and the cheerful Mediterranean style, and even in restrained minimalism, plaids are used. True, as a rule, one color and without any 3D effects, rarely - two-color.


It all depends on the desire of hosts and elementary ideas about the combination of colors. With a monophonic, everything is simple: he needs to find interior consonance. If the room has a background, base, for example, white walls, gray or wood shades furniture, color can add just decor. And here you can be bolder: On a calm background, yellow plaid, blue, green, turquoise, red will be perfectly looked. In short, color yarn will need. But the black plaid is more appropriate in the interior, where there is no purpose at the expense of the decor to arrange accents.

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_42

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_43

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_44

Universal colors are considered calm, unpetual. It is gray, beige, caramel, as well as various chocolate variations (can use sectional yarn). Both in the scand-style, and in Hyugge, and in the movie folk, and in Eco-Bocho, precisely such options for plaids will be convincing.

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_45

Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_46


There are standard sizes to which you want to navigate. For example, A single blanket is considered a product with a width of 120-140 cm and a length of 180-220 cm. Plaid 220x240 is already wide, although not huge (surprisingly, but happens more). For example, the "Euromax" plaid has a length of up to 300 cm and the width to 280 cm.

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_47

    How to determine the size of the plaid:

    • The length of the bedspread is equal to the length of the bed, the width of the bedspread is equal to the height of hanging multiplied by 2 - this rule is valid for beds with a back in the legs;
    • The length of the bedspread is equal to the length of the bed plus height of hanging, and the width - the width of the bed plus the height of hanging, multiplied by 2 - such a rule acts for the beds without a back in the legs.

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_48

    All this is true for measuring children's plaid. But for very small, newborn optimal coat size will be 700 per 100 cm, if you want to slightly extend the use of the plaid - 80 to 110 cm. The limit is 90 to 120 cm.

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_49

    How to choose?

    The choice is the most interesting and most painful. But you can cope with this, relying on your own taste. And it can be developed using 30.

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_50

    On the examples it looks like this.

    • Dusty rose in a peaceful bedroom. It is worth paying attention to this color of the walls - it is the most good as possible as a background, on which any shade of furnace decor may look softer, more than more interesting. The plaid is perfectly combined with him, and the pillows on the bed absorb other shades used in this interior.

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_51

    • A very large knitting is still in fashion and is not going to give up. And who will refuse such beauty, visual delight. Milk shades will be appropriate in any bright bedroom, especially not very big. You do not need to take a radical white, better than a bit diluted, with a barely noticeable tint. So the interior warms.

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_52

    • The gray-beige color is very warm, home, having. It will delight in summer, soothing from brightness outside the window, giving the opportunity to focus on vacation. And in bad weather, in the cold, it is like a concentration of home comfort, reliability, security. Color psychology works, even if a person is not very in her believes.

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_53

    • A striped plaid is a find for those who do not get into the bedroom of the unifying element. That significant that the colors of the floor, walls, furniture, curtains will decay. It can be found just in such stripes. It is very harmonizing space.

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_54

    • Another example of a large and bright mating. The interior ceases to be boring and sleepy, but at the same time not daring, they do not get tired of it. Environmentally friendly, stylish, without a slightest hint of color bust - everything is exactly how it should be in the modern bedroom.

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_55

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_56

    • Pleasant, pretty fashionable mustard color in the form of a blanket can also settle in the bedroom. It is warm, warming, but not annoying. He will be able to "make friends" with dark green, with brown, with oath shades, creating a natural symphony - a soft, lulling, relaxing.

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_57

    • Pink color is different, and in the photo one of the most bold versions. And this option is not only for maiden bedrooms. The main thing is that the background in the room does not contradict the obviously soling color. The right accent for those who want brightness even in the bedroom.

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_58

    • In this bright beautiful room with obvious scand-motives, there could be a plaid more active, combined with the carpet, for example. And perhaps at some days, on holidays, he changed to such. But the basic remains this bright, thick, large mating. He is not covered the whole bed, but he does not have such a mission - whether it is more, his bulkness would be ruined the whole balance. Modestly, stylish, flawlessly.

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_59

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_60

    • And here is a bright knitted plaid from colored fragments, which is incredibly suitable for this bedroom with distrend solutions on the walls. But there is no color bore, because the walls are like a blank sheet, white and allowing the color to actively enter the space. Spring, the sun room is suitable for those who want to breathe new, multicolored energy in their lives.

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_61

    • Light Plaid with Brown Pompons - A good option for a bright, delicate, small bedroom. Pompons can exist for roll call with furniture or carpet of the same color.

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_62

    These examples show what the choice is built. This is primarily the ideal inclusion in the context of the already decorated bedroom. Optimal and color, and in texture, and on expectations. Someone the interior of the room seems sleepy, lifeless, cold, and the plaid may well "wake up." Or, on the contrary, the plaid should be brought to the brightness of the elements of the room, as if by combining them in themselves, becoming a link.

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_63

    How to care?

    A big question is how to make the knitted thing lasts longer and is not irreversibly spoiled. Take, for example, stains, from which no thing is insured. If the stain was formed on the surface of the bedspread and it did not have time to absorb him, he should be let him dry. But the hasty will allow the dirt or another perpetrator of the spots to penetrate deeper into the yarn. The foam spot is removed with a soft brush for clothes or toothbrush.

    If the stain is strong and the brush does not help, you will need to help the liquid stain pressure. If it is a color plaid, only the stain remover without a bleach. In this case, it is impossible to rub the contaminated place, you need to remove the stain with water, and then stroke this zone with a dry tender cloth.

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_64

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_65

    What other rules need to know:

    • Handwash - It is soaking a blanket in water, the temperature of which is not above 40 degrees. If you use detergents, then liquid. You need to wash carefully, intensively rub knitted things. You can use a soft sponge in the washing process.
    • After rinse, which should be repeated, the plaid should be squeezed. Also delicately, of course. Water must be quenched. But at the same time, the product must be removed from the savory. You do not need to unscrew. Plaid after pressing can be wrapped in the fabric (the usual sheet will fit), it is she picks up an excess moisture from a knitted thing.
    • If washing machine is used in a washing machine, the water also should not be heated above 40 degrees. All the same liquid detergents are used. They are divided into means for color and white, relative to knitted products it is also taken into account. Washing delicate, and therefore, the spin can only be carried out on low revolutions. And it is necessary to abandon the machine spinning and make this stage manually, personally controlling the process.
    • Acrylic things are well erased on delicate machine And here for cotton plaids is preferable to more careful hand washing. Like a manual spin.
    • Dry the knitted plaid follows this: Describe it on a horizontal surface, pre-seated cloth. Do not hang onto the rope or bar, do not give it to take a vertical position. It is because of such a drying a plaid saves and seriously deformed. For the litter, the white sheet is perfect, because colored underwear sometimes lines.
    • If you need to get dried faster The fabric under it from time to time should be changed. If the knitted product has a sufficiently large pattern, when it is necessary to sip the plaid, a terry towel should be put under it - so the drawing is protected from deformation.
    • If the plaid has to be removed somewhere for storage This may be a package or case. Products made of natural yarn makes sense to protect, putting in place of storage remedy for moths.

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_66

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_67

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_68

    Knitted plaids (69 photos): bedspreads on a bed of knitted and other yarn, hand knitting from squares and with loops, white, gray and other color 24941_69

    These tips are quite enough for the thing to remain clean, did not change its form and the color, served for years and pleased the eyes.

    About how to link a teddy plaid without spokes and hook, look in the following video.

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