Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews


Bed linen is a very important accessory. From the convenience of linen and even to some extent, the comfort of a person and sleep quality depends on its appearance. Therefore, a significant point is its choice. Increasingly, the owners of the mattresses choose stretch sheets. It will be useful to learn all about knitted sheets on the rubber band.

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_2


Most often, the problem when laying the bed becomes the creation of a perfectly smooth and smooth surface.

Even if the sheets should be fixed, it is very fast in the process of sleep gets out from under the mattress, crumpled, will face.

Many does not suit this, gives discomfort and causes everyone to rebuilt again. What time is spent time.

All these shortcomings are devoid of knitted sheets on the rubber band. The main feature of such a bedding is that an elastic band is sewn to the canvas around the perimeter. The cut of this product is that it provides that the sheet will tighten on the mattress. First one angle stretches, then the second. Sheet is well refilled for the corners of the mattress. Next, move to the third and fourth corners. The canvas should be well stretched.

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_3

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_4

The advantages of such a product include:

  • The bed always looks neat and beautiful;
  • It is nice to sleep on such a sheet that does not feel any discomfort;
  • Knitwear is comfortable and pleasant to the touch;
  • It is very easy to store such a bed;
  • You can pick up any necessary size, there are eurosytsy, double, single and even children;
  • Color range is diverse, so there is always a chance to choose a sheet under the shade of the duvette and pillowcase;
  • When using such a product, the mattress will last longer, because in this case the sheet plays the role of a mattress cover.

As for minuses, there are some moments to pay attention to.

  • Most often, such sheets are difficult to buy complete. Only a few manufacturers complement the sets of tension sheets. Therefore, such a subject will have to be sought separately from the same pillowcase and duvette.
  • There is no chance to choose exactly the color or print that you need. This is a problem for those who love that all parts of the set of linen perfectly corresponded to each other.
  • There are some inconveniences if there is a sheet to stroke. With a simple sheet, such a procedure looks much easier.

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_5

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_6


As for the sizes of tensioned sheets, they can be different, suitable for Eurocomplets, single or double, as well as single and children's beds. For example, Most often there are such dimensions: 160x200, 140x200, 120x200, 180x200, 90x200 cm.

But the most important thing is when choosing the size of the sheets on the gum, pay attention not only to the width and length, but also to the height. This parameter is usually indicated by manufacturers.

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_7

It can vary from 6 to 30 cm. It all depends on the height of your mattress. Therefore, it is very important to take into account absolutely all sizes when buying or ordering a tension sheet. After all, it is from this that the convenience of preparing the bedroom and sleep comfort depends. Before you choose a sheet on the gum, it is worth considering all the parameters - length, width and height.

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_8

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_9

How to choose

When choosing a sheet on a rubber band, you need to take into account several important nuances. And for each buyer, these moments are individual, therefore it is extremely important.


Perhaps this is one of the main aspects, because convenience and comfort depends on the correct sizes. For In order not to be mistaken when buying a sheet, you need to carefully measure the size of the mattress, since they are all characterized by parameters.

In this case, if the length and width may be more or less standard, the height varies greatly.

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_10

If you purchase a narrow sheet for a high mattress, then it will not stretch as it should also crawl during sleep. And even if there is no too high mattress to purchase a lot of large size, it will be wrinkled, and the ideal smoothness of the bed can not be achieved. And for many it is very important.

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_11


In this case, you need to focus on your requests. Most often, the tension sheet at a lower price can be purchased through online stores or on certain sales which happens almost in all stores, including bedding.

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_12

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_13

Color spectrum

This is a very great luck, if you managed to buy a sheet on a gum along with a set of linen. Then she will absolutely be harmony with a common design.

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_14

But most often for special convenience, such a sheet has to be purchased separately and in this case it is necessary to navigate the color of the linen with which the sheet will adjourn.

For example, If the set of linen has a variegated drawing, then the sheet is better to choose a one-photon, focusing on that shade, which is most in a duvet cover and pillowcases.

Provided that the underwear is one-photon, you can try to choose the same color sheet or, on the contrary, color, but with the pattern in the same colors that a duvet cover and pillowcases.

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_15

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_16

Most often, the sheets on the rubber band are sold in a monophonic version, but it can be a variety of colors: Pink, purple, lilac, yellow, white, beige, mint, green, brown. The choice is very wide.

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_17

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_18


Of course, if the purchase is made in the store where it is a thing to touch and see how it looks like, you need to take into account the quality and fabric, and rubber bands. The latter should be tight and wide enough to keep the sheet in the desired position.

In addition, it should be paid to the fact that it is exactly shrouded throughout the perimeter of the product.

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_19

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_20


Do not buy stretch sheets of an unknown brand. In this case, it is better to pay attention to firms that specialize in the production of bedroom accessories and textiles for home. Well established itself in this sense, such brands like "Night is gentle", "Spallenka", "Textile shop", "Tale", Letto, Cottonika.

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_21

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_22

Review of customer reviews

On the Internet, you can meet a variety of reviews about sheets on elastic bands. And negative and positive. It all depends on personal preferences and the specifically selected product. To the advantages, many include such moments:

  • The stretch product allows you to enjoy the perfectly refilled bed, the gum is well holding a sheet on the mattress;
  • Such a bedding is convenient for both adults and children;
  • A wide dimension range allows you to choose exactly the option that is convenient for a particular mattress or even a sofa;
  • The color palette is also pleasing to many, it is possible to choose the color, pattern or picture that will suit other bedding and will look harmoniously;
  • As for prices, for many they turn out to be quite acceptable, you can find the option of cheaper, based on the subtleties of the family budget.

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_23

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_24

At the same time, there are consumers who note that the stretch canvas keeps badly and is still slid. Some are unhappy that there is a certain inconvenience that the product is difficult to hang after washing and stroke. Another part of the people complains that it was not possible to find the desired color. But if you carefully examine the reviews, it can be concluded that the advantages outweigh the minuses, and the disadvantages are not so significant compared to the advantages.

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_25

Knitted sheets on the rubber band: 160x200 and 140x200, 120x200 and 180x200, other sizes, customer reviews 24905_26

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