Tattoo "Oskal Wolf" (43 photos): value and sketches, tattoos with wolf grinding on the shoulder and on the chest, on the forearm and in other parts of the body


The tattoo with the image of an ousticized wolf is not very common. Similar drawings are preferred to fill bold and strong personalities who are not afraid of someone else's opinion.





People worshiped with wolves since ancient times. These animals were always considered strong, wise and capable of traveling between worlds. Therefore, tattoos with their images have always been popular. Earlier, the tattoo with grilled wolves was stuffed on the body only strong and bold warriors. Now you can decorate your body with such a spectacular pattern.




Tattoo with the image of a formidable wolf with ruffled usually symbolizes bravery, endurance and male strength. As a rule, such tattoos are stuffed on the body power men.




In addition, the tattoo with grinding the wolf often means the desire to defend your opinion to the last. Holders of such tattoos usually do not like when they are trying to lead them.




Girls choose a tattoo with a wolf ruffle. Much less often. The image of a gloomy wolf they usually try to soften, adding the drawing with the image of the moon or some other interesting details. Such tattoos are suitable for girls with a strong character.




Types and sketches

Now there are many interesting options for tattoo with Wolf Oskal. When planning to make such a composition on the body, it is worth paying attention to beautiful ready-made sketches. So it will be much easier to choose something interesting for yourself.

  • Werewolf . Fantasy or mythology lovers will like the idea to decorate their body with a spectacular image of the island. It can be both small and occupying most of the back. Wolf waswolf with an open mouth looks concern and effectively. As a rule, such tattoos make red-black. The finished sketch can be supplemented with such characteristic characters as the full moon or traces of claws.


  • Wolf in flame. The head of the wolf, surrounded by bright flame languages, also looks rather unusual. Such a tattoo is a symbol of a strong connection with the otherworldly world. Tatoo is best to do color. Flame languages ​​can be not only red or orange, but also blue or green. Very often, wolf's eyes are made by fire-aluminum. It only emphasizes the gloom of the tattoo.


  • Animal in the jump. Active and moving people who are not accustomed to sit and inactivate, a tattoo is suitable depicting a grinding wolf in a jump. Such a drawing emphasizes the readiness to risk and any ways to achieve their goals.

You can knock on the whole wolf, and the front part of his figure.


  • A flock of wolves. On the will wolves prefer to live with flocks. These are very devoted animals. Therefore, they are always ready to defend their flock from any enemies. If the wolf that rocks is surrounded by other animals, the tattoo is a symbol of loyalty to its loved ones. She will suit a person who tries to protect his family and relatives from everything bad. Very often, next to the stunned wolf, have a wolf. In this case, the tattoo denotes the close connection of the owner of the tattoo with its second half.


  • Wolf and flowers . Similar tattoos are more popular among girls. Such a contrast between wolf rage and beauty of flowers looks interesting and unusual. This is the tattoo and attract the young lady. Surrounding the shape of the grilled wolf can also be simple wildflowers, and spectacular roses.


  • Tattoo with a skull. Very often a large wolf is depicted next to the skull. Such a tattoo is a symbol of the absence of a fear of death. Looks like this tattoo rather gloomy. Therefore, people are usually stuffed on the body with a difficult life path. A massive tattoo with a skull and a wolf looks beautiful on a shovel or chest.


  • Two wolves . Tattoo with a drawing of two wolves usually takes a rather much space. Such a drawing symbolizes the readiness to protect against enemies or fight between good and evil. To make a tattoo more interesting, one of the wolves make white or red, the second is black.


  • The sun . The tattoo depicting the grilled wolf and the Greater Sun will accurately attract the attention of the lovers of the Scandinavian myths. Such drawings are usually made elongated and stuff on the shoulder or hand. The beast on a similar sketch is usually depicted with a cured chains.


  • Wolf in the forest. Wild animals are very often depicted against the forest background. Trees can be supplemented with bulk clouds. Such a tattoo helps emphasize freedom and independence. She will also suit a person who is constantly pulling to nature.


You can add a resulting drawing to some inscription. It can be a beautiful quote from a song or even a human life motto.


Animal tattoos most often do Realistic . It is this style that best helps to convey all the beauty of wild animals. Wolves - no exception. Crawing animals look spectacular and stoken. The only minus of such a tattoo is done for a long time and are expensive. But the real lovers of tattoos usually does not stop.


When planning to fill a smaller drawing, it is worth looking at less detailed sketches. It can be the original tattooes made in the style of minimalism or oriental. In the first case, the drawing consists of lines and points. It is usually done slightly darkened. Tattoo in the style of Oriental, on the contrary, consist of fatty lines.


You can add the ease of the tattoo, by performing the drawing in the style of the sketch. In this case, it will look like an ordinary pencil sketch. Similar tattoos need to do large. Only in this case they will be beautiful. Small tattoos in the sketch style look unclear and inaccurated. It can ruin even the most beautiful sketch. Similar tattoo with time can be done more detailed or supplemented with bright paints.


Fans of color tattoo should look at bright tattula in style old school . Such tattoos differ from their other simplicity. The minimum amount of paints is used to create them. The main details in the picture are driven by thick dark lines. Simple drawings made in this technique often complement with flowers or stars.


Places of application

The tattoo with the image of the wolf can be placed almost on any body area . To choose a place for a tattoo should be responsible. Many prefer to fill drawings in those areas of the body, which are almost never visible. In this case, the tattoo will not interfere with employment, and it will not be able to quickly get bored to its owner.



Most often, tattoo with wild animals stuff on the shoulder or on the forearm. The drawing of this type will best look at the male body. The image with a grinding wolf perfectly emphasizes the muscles.

To decorate the body, it is recommended to select a realistic tattoo or drawings in the style of Oriental.




The volumetric tattoo on hand can be later supplemented with monochromatic or color items and turn into a sleeve. Near the grinding wolf beautifully looks on images of feathers, compasses, hours or flowers. I wonder the "sleeves", made in the style of popular movies or fabulous stories.




Beautiful large drawings can be placed on the chest or back. Little contour tattoo - on the shovel, ankle or wrist. One of the most risky options is a drawing on the brush. Usually on this site of the body of wild animals are depicted in order to emphasize their attitude towards the environment.




A tattoo with a stunned wolf perfectly fit into the image of a strong and confident men or a strong girl. The main thing is to choose the right sketch and turn to a good master.




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