Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset?


Pick up the table top for the kitchen room is not so easy. This is the same important part of the finishes, like walls, gender or ceiling. In order not to make mistakes with the choice, it is worth not only on the cost of products, but also on their practicality. On how to decide on the choice of countertops for the kitchen, read in our article.

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_2

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_3

Standards for the type of material

First of all, the owners of the kitchen should determine how important the large size of the countertops is. The kitchen is not only a place for cooking, but also for meetings with friends and family gatherings. It is important to save the comfort and space. The table top is the space on which the food is prepared, the sink is installed and the stove. There are certain rules here, including the observance of the parameters of the "work triangle" so that the hostess it was convenient to cook.

The size of the countertops is important no less than, for example, the material for the floor. After all, this is a full-fledged working surface, near which the hostess spends most of the time.

Standard countertops are manufactured in templates that appeared thanks to the same type of apartments.

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_4

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_5

Select a ready-made option easier and financially more accessible. You will also know in advance how much the place will take the surface, and how it will look at your kitchen.

But is everything so good as it may seem at first glance? Standard dimensions allow you to immediately get a picture of how your kitchen will look like, how much free space will remain, as well as on the table top to place household appliances and various details of the decor and public. On the other hand, it is not always good for large kitchens. If you have an area and want to take it something, then standard countertops will not be completely appropriate here. Non-standard dimensions allow you to use all your fantasy.

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_6

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_7


Countertops from MDF and DSP are most in demand among consumers. This is due to their low cost. But, in wear resistance, they are inferior to other materials. Chipboard is compressed sawdust which are connected to each other using formaldehyde. In fact, this is the same tree, but it is not different practicality. And formaldehyde is harmful to health.

MDF is a more natural material, so the cost is slightly higher. Paraffin and natural resins are used for connecting and pressing. There is still LDSP - it is a chipboard, covered with a layer of laminated film, which serves as additional protection and increases wear resistance.

Standard sizes of countertops from this material have the following parameters:

  • width (depth) 60, 92 and 120 cm;
  • Length 4 meters, but some manufacturers prefer 4 m 10 cm, and countertops are also in demand with a length of 3 m;
  • Thickness from 27 to 40 mm.

Kitchen countertops are made from MDF and chipboard. These are the most budget materials, so the most in demand. Plus, here is a variety of colors and drawings, you can pick up the topics for the kitchen.

Also, the damaged surface can be repaired independently.

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_8

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_9


Tabletop made of natural wood is not only a stylish solution, but also an environmentally friendly and safe material. For such countertops used oak, pine, larch, beech and ash. Manufacturers use the following parameters as standards:

  • Width - from 600 to 1000 mm;
  • Length - from 1000 to 3000 mm;
  • Thickness - up to 40 mm.

The most popular and sought-after size is 3000x600 mm. It is convenient for kitchen any planning. A table top of a tree requires a certain care - regular varnish or rubbing oil. If this is not done, the wood will quickly deteriorate, will lose its external data and practical properties.

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_10

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_11

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_12


Stone countertops are suitable for large and spacious kitchens. This material is very durable and durable. The countertop looks expensive and presentable. The most popular size is 4000x600 mm. Standards that have a stone countertop:

  • width - 60 cm;
  • Length - 75/80/240/300 cm;
  • Thickness - from 40 mm.

For tabletops, granite or marble is most often used. Both materials are very durable, resistant to moisture and mechanical damage. Products are made to order.

In a regular store, you can hardly find ready-made tabletops, so think about it on time.

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_13

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_14


Acrylic surfaces are considered artificial stone. Its composition is a white clay, acrylic chips and polymers. This material is also very durable and looks excellent. To the touch, such a countertop will seem warmer than the stone. Size standards are such as those of the stone, but the thickness is less. Sometimes it is just 12 mm. Due to this, the consumption of material is much smaller, and accordingly the cost will be lower. On the strength and service life, such thickness is not reflected in any way.

Acrylic is a rather complicated material in the work. Its installation costs quite expensive, but the result is pleasantly surprising. And special solutions help qualitatively disguise the seams, creating the effect of solid canvas. Acryl often suffers from scratches. Therefore, the material is not suitable for those who sometimes forget to take advantage of the board or in the house there are small children. But if it still happened, the scratches are easy to restore. Acrylic is not exposed to moisture, does not absorb smells. But, when contacting with acetone may be damaged.

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_15

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_16

Non-standard indicators

Standard is averaged values ​​that do not take into account many factors, including the wishes of the consumer. In order to make a worktop that differs from the standard, you will have to look for a company that is engaged in individual orders. Sometimes the interior design assumes a tabletop along one wall. The size in this case will be long. But still do not forget that the tabletop must be commensurate with the kitchen area, otherwise you risk losing a significant part of the space. The maximum length that manufacturers perform - 5 m.

For a small kitchen, it is better to choose a size of 1800x600 mm. This is the optimal option, but is also manufactured to order. Is not a dream to get a kitchen that will be performed by the project you personally. Countertops that are performed by individual orders are more expensive than standard. It all depends on your taste and financial capabilities.

Remember that this is your home where you will spend most of the time.

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_17

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_18

How to choose the appropriate option?

The choice of countertops is not a simple. A huge number of factors play a role here. The key is:

  • material;
  • Method of fastening and installation;
  • dimensions;
  • compliance with the general stylistic solution;
  • Convenience when operating.

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_19

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_20


Material is a defining factor. From what material will be used, the life of the product depends. Also important is the thickness. Thin materials are not always able to withstand the load. Thick plates, for example, chipboard are also not a guarantee of a long service life. If you choose natural materials - wood or stone, then there is no need to do too thick countertop.

These materials are quite strong, but for an excess thickness will have to pay a lot.

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_21

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_22

Fastening and installing

It all depends on the choice of outdoor tables or brackets, they will be overall or not. In the first version, the countertop is installed on the stands and is attached directly to them. The load is distributed evenly. It is important to calculate everything competently. If you are not sure about your abilities, contact your professionals for help. If you choose fastenings on the brackets, it is worth considering the thickness of the table top. You need to choose the most reliable materials and optimal thickness.

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_23


  • Length. It all depends on your wishes, but it is necessary to navigate on the standard parameters of length: 1000, 1260, 2460, 3050, 3,500 and 4100 mm. Also focus on the area of ​​the room.
  • The width or depth of products according to the standard is 600 mm. But this does not mean that you must have such a tabletop. If you are the owner of a huge kitchen, you can make a work surface and sewing. And if, on the contrary, every centimeter is important, it is quite realistic to reduce the size of up to 51 cm. Or maybe you want to divide the space on the zones and make an island in the center? It will also require additional measurements. And most often the standards are inappropriate here.
  • Thickness. There also have its own standards. 27-38 mm are the parameters of the wood array and MDF. But the stone and acrylic can be thinner, it all depends on what load should withstand your table. Do not forget to take into account the aesthetic appearance. The tabletop must harmoniously fit into the interior, without having taking it.

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_24

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_25

Compliance with general style

This item should pay attention yet when planning. It is necessary to measure the area of ​​the kitchen and the perimeter, also each wall separately. This is necessary in order to determine not only the width and length of the table top, but also the height of the upper cabinets. It is now important to determine the location of the stove, sinks and techniques, if it is built-in. It is worth determining how the kitchen set will be with a straight angle or bevelled. Or maybe you will have a headset on one wall - linear, and how the addition is a bar counter or island in the middle.

Now you should look at the color. Often manufacturers offer tabletops of different shade. The most wide range of MDF and chipboard. The tree is always chic and expensive, and the natural structure is always stylish. The color is worth choosing very carefully.

Most often, designers are offered to make a tabletop contrasting with respect to the total color of the kitchen headset. Here you can decide.

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_26

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_27

Dimensions of countertops for the kitchen (28 photos): standard and non-standard sizes of kitchen countertops. What is the length of the table top in the kitchen headset? 24892_28

Convenience when operating

Finally, it is important to determine whether your kitchen will come out. Do you like everything in it, or maybe you should add some details or change the dimensions. It all depends on your taste and wishes. Remember that standard countertops are a much more profitable option in terms of finance, but is it suitable for you? Such surfaces can be mounted, and if necessary, and repaired independently. That is, you do not have to look for a specialist and spend in vain.

The table top ordered by your individual drawing is original and stylish. This will definitely not be anyone. You will enjoy every stay in the kitchen. But the cost most often bites. In many respects it depends on the material. Also, when installing a non-standard countertop, you will need to refer to a specialist who competently performs installation depending on the load distribution. Whatever the option you choose, weigh all the pros and cons and find what it suits you. And the advice from our article will probably help you.

How to choose a countertop for the kitchen, told in the next video.

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