Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines


One of the most popular statuettes is the so-called animalistic direction. And it is not at all surprising: the fact is that the images and figures of animals since ancient times, people gave a sacral value using them as amulets to attract certain events in their lives. The Eastern Teaching Fengshui also actively uses animalist when harmonizing the human housing.

Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_2

Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_3

Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_4

Advantages and disadvantages

It is not worth treating a skeptical to this kind of attribute - after all, no wonder our ancestors used as totems of the animal world, and the ancient Chinese developed a whole scientific direction associated with symbolism. A figurine of a certain animal placed in a residential room can bring both benefits and harm.

For example, all known 7 elephants with raised trunns, lined up, cute clarity-mandarinks, "money" toad or a priori's "monetary" horse will not create a field of negative energy in the radius of its action, as they are considered completely positive characters bring love, Good and material wealth. However, there are figures, placing which in the house is extremely undesirable.

Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_5

Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_6

We are talking about the statuettes depicting aggressive creations, and not only actually existing, but also mythical. So, the figures of animals with poured pastes, with sharp fangs and claws will emit negative energy that will spread to all people living in the room. Chimeras, Garpians, Garguli and other monsters will also negatively affect the owners of the house and in general on its atmosphere.

    That is why, before purchasing your favorite figurine of a particular animal, do not be lazy to look into the Internet and make sure that its symbolism does not represent threats, but on the contrary, is designed to help people and improve the aura of dwellings.

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_7

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_8

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_9

    What are there?

    Currently, animal statuettes are made from a wide variety of materials such as natural and artificial origin. They are:

    • wooden;
    • ceramic;
    • bronze;
    • Stone (used precious and diverse minerals);
    • clay;
    • faiences;
    • porcelain;
    • glass;
    • from alloys of various metals;
    • crystal;
    • gypsum;
    • alabaster;
    • plastic;
    • rubber;
    • From Polisterone and so on.

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_10

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_11

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_12

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_13

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_14

    Now let's figure out in the symbolism of the most popular figures.


    These include the following representatives of the animal world.

    • Frog (toad) is a symbol of hidden beauty. The amulet in the form of this amphibian will help in love affairs, retain sincerity and loyalty in relations. Well, a three-challenging frog, sitting on a mountain coin, attracts wealth to the house - this is one of the most famous Talismans Fengsui.
    • Not everyone knows that Hippo finds a couple of life for life and never part with his second half. That is why a couple of lovely Hippo will become an excellent symbol of love, harmonious relationships and unity of the couple. Amulet is good for a newlywed gift.
    • Crocodile (just see that the figure does not radiate aggression) Fengshui personifies male start, brutal sexuality and self-confidence. He is an excellent protective talisman.
    • Fish (gold, koi carps) attract material well-being into the house. They are installed in the southeastern sector of the apartment - the zone of wealth, or in the northern - the career zone.
    • Dolphins. Paired mascot. Two frozen dolphin will bring new sensations into your relationship, some "air", "breath of life." Are a strong guard for the married couple.

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_15

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_16

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_17


    Cute fluffy creations living next to us were also not forgotten in Fengshui.

    • Mouse (rat) is one of the most revered symbols in China. It personifies wisdom, rational handling of money, the ability to accumulate and maintain wealth.
    • The talisman in the form of a protein came to us not from the eastern, but from the Vine Slavic culture. Our ancestors considered the animal of the vendor himself. Its image and embodiment in sculptural art was used to improve well-being, attracting good luck. In the country of the rising sun, a protein with a vine of grapes in the paws was used as a symbol of fertility. She also personified the creative beginning, helped find an optimal solution even in a difficult situation.

    The figure of a hamster, known for its love for the accumulation, contributes to improving the material situation, helps to save money.

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_18

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_19

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_20

    Large wild animals

    In this category, the following statues enjoy in great demand.

    • Deer. It is the personification of endurance, good health, longevity, brings its owner success in business, stable income and prosperity. Will be a good gift careerist.
    • A lion. The king of animals defends the territory entrusted to him, as well as its inhabitants from any threats from the outside. It helps to fight with ill-wishers and envious, as if establishing a certain impassable barrier for negative energy, which is why it cannot penetrate the home and spoil the life of his owners. Prombs stability, prosperity and calm.
    • Fox. The tricky Red Bestiya gives energy to establish the necessary contacts, development and strengthening relationships.
    • Bear. This terrible animal is a strong assistant, attracts wealth, stability, positive energy into the house. There is an opinion that the more massive and the larger the Bear Figure, the more effective there will be an amulet.
    • Tiger. Guards the house and its inhabitants. Promotes strengthening and maintaining marriages.
    • Wolf. Personifies power. Will be an excellent gift to a man leader.
    • Giraffe. This is good herbivore with surprisingly beautiful eyes symbolizes happiness, good luck, wealth. He is an excellent protective talisman from any trouble. A couple of giraffes standing nearby - a symbol of love and loyalty.
    • Elk. Helps to those people whose ambitions do not allow them to fade in one place. Promotes the development of the "sixth sense", excerpt. Supports when mastering new horizons.
    • Black Panther. Protects the owner from the negative from the outside.

    Figure is better to place in the prominent place in the apartment.

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_21

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_22

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_23


    Of course, our story will be incomplete without mentioning the following fauna representatives as talismans.

    • Dog. One of the favorite characters, both in China and in our country. It is easy to explain: the dog since ancient was a friend of man. Fengshui uses several types of dogs. So, a puppy or dogs of a small breed (dachshund, Pug, French Bulldog) symbolizes energy beating through the edge, personal growth, novelty. A large formidable dog - Dob, Doberman, Shepherd - guards the house and owner, gives confidence in his abilities. Chinese FU dogs installed at the entrance to the dwelling guard it from penetrating any negative energy.
    • Bull personifies power, strength, reliability, stability, fruitful work. The cow carries the positive energy of the Earth itself, fulfilling the most intimate desires of its owner, sharing with him universal wisdom.
    • Horse. Its sculptural image is recommended to be installed in the house of those people who do or plan to engage in their own business. It helps to establish good reputation, acquisition and accumulation of material values.
    • Rabbit , sitting on a hill coin or holding a bag with them in his paws, improves the welfare of the owner. Base figures, looking up, use creative personality for tide inspiration.
    • Snake He is a well-known symbol of wisdom, which she is generously divided with the owner. Also gives him strength, contributes to the development of intuition. Personifies purely female attractiveness.
    • Camel. This hardy animal helps the owner to overcome any life difficulties, eliminates barriers from his path.
    • Turtle. Beautiful talisman for the head of the family. Protects, gives wisdom, constancy, strengthens the rear, helps to go up the career stairs. Symbolizes hard work and a decent reward for it.
    • Hedgehog. With their sharp needles, drives negative energy. And the owner is only joy, good, prosperity and friendliness.

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_24

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_25

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_26


    Heavenly creatures approximate to the gods could not be unnoticed.

    • Peacock. One of the most powerful Talismans good luck. Using its figurines as an amulet will help the owner to advance in a career, reach harmony, high level of spirituality and material well-being.
    • Swans. A symbol of unconditional clean mutual love, loyalty, romance. Lonely people talisman in the form of a pair of swans helps to find a second half, married couples - to strengthen and strengthen the existing feelings, gain spiritual unity, mutual understanding. The statuette is often given to newlyweds, young unmarried girls.
    • Rooster. Favorable symbol. Brings good luck, great wealth.
    • Parrots. A couple of these tropical birds personifies love, attachment, strong sympathy.

    Multicolored parrots are the symbols of good luck and good.

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_27

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_28

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_29

    Mythical animals

    In ancient China, creatures from the legends and myths were very revered. They were also sent to Earth to help people.

    • The Dragon. One of the most powerful talismans good luck. It is often depicted with pearls in paws or mouth. Performed by the wishes of the owner, gives him wisdom, true greatness, spiritual perfection.
    • Unicorn is a symbol of happiness. Attracts good luck, neutralizes negative energy.
    • Phoenix. A bird that dying is reborn again from the ash, gives its owner strength in order to win always and everywhere, as well as wisdom and beauty.

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_30

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_31

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_32

    To date, the statues of animalistic themes you can find the following manufacturers:

    • "Techno-Bronz" from St. Petersburg produces bronze products under the Brovanz brand;
    • Imperial porcelain factory (IFS);
    • Art of Indonesia - handmade products from natural raw materials;
    • Lefard - products from porcelain, as well as stainless and corrosion steel;
    • Veronese - beautiful polystone figures from the best Italian masters;
    • Kaiser Porzellan;
    • Pavone;
    • Parastone.

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_33

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_34

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_35

    Tips for choosing

    To begin with, we will give recommendations for the choice related to the manufacturing material.

    • Marble and porcelain figures will best look in the interior weathered in the classic style, Neoetics, AR-Nouveau.
    • Wooden and faience articles will perfectly fit into country style, ar-deco.
    • Porcelain, ceramic statuettes, as well as figures from valuable wood, emphasize the uniqueness and identity of the interior in Eityle.
    • Ceramic products - the most for the style of modern, Retro, A la Ruse, Provence, Bocho, Shebbi-Chic.
    • Animal figures from semi-precious stones can be installed in almost any interior, well, perhaps besides High-tech. Best options - Ethno, Ar Deco, Modern.
    • Plastic models will perfectly fit into the style of fusion, retro, pop art.
    • Metal, glass, copper options made in the technique of steampunk, can be installed in the apartment, the interior of which is designed in the style of techno, high-tech, minimalism.

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_36

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_37

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_38

    This is what concerns manufacturing material. If we talk about the symbolism, then you need to listen to only your own heart and realize the needs - for which you need this talisman, which you want to achieve with it.

    Deciding finally, you can go for buying to the thematic store or order a product on the Internet.

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_39

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_40

    Animal figurines: horses and deer, dragon and frogs, lions and cows, foxes and bears, other figurines 24804_41

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