Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time


Before traveling, tourists want to know everything about the city, which was decided to go. Niksich is the second largest Population Item Montenegro. The city stands in the north-west of the country near the river Zeta. It rises above sea level 650 meters and is surrounded by colorful lakes: Liverovichi, sloping, krup.

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_2

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_3

City `s history

Nikschich marked the Roman Military Camp of Anderba, standing in the IV century at the junction of important roads. Later, already in the V century, the anahastum fortress was built on the site of the camp. Slavs, who came to these places later, renamed the city to Ongošt. After the conquest of the Ottoman Empire of Serbian lands, Niksich received the status of a large Turkish fortress. When Nikola I Petrovich-Mesh stood at the head of Montenegro, the Turks were expelled, the city was freedom, and began to attract new settlers. At this time, he began to wear a modern name.

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_4

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_5

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_6

In 1883, Architect Josip Slast wrote a plan for the development of the city, which was dynamically implemented in the next thirty years: trade, production, culture and education was actively developed. By 1900, the main attractions of Nicshits were erected, the main square, and several parks were broken. The Second World War was pretty in the city, but it was reconstructed.

Over time, the population of Niksich has grown three times, and it became one of the key production centers of Montenegro.

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_7

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_8


There are quite a few attractions in Niksich, so it's not necessary to miss here.

Cathedral of St. Vasily Ostrog

One of the largest monuments of art, admiring its snow-white beauty and the magnificent, which focuses the wide staircase from stone leading to the entrance to the temple. For the interior decoration of the building used expensive marble. After the First World War, a clock with a huge dial appeared on the temple bell tower.

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_9

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_10

The Cathedral of Light appeared in 1899 thanks to the king Nicholas the second, and is dedicated to everyone who fought for the independence of the country. Nowadays the temple acts, and collects a lot of parishioners on weekends. The cathedral, together with the bordering park, forms an ensemble called "Sabore".

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_11

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_12

Local Lore Museum

Initially, it was a palace ensemble, which was owned by King Nicola I Petrovich-Mesh. And only in 1951 the former royal residence turned into a museum. One of its sections is devoted to exhibits illustrating the life and life of the ruler living here. In other halls, you can see the archaeological finds collected from the local Czrena Wall ("Red Wall") collected into the collection. They narrate about the life of a person in the time of Paleolithic.

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_13

Tsarev Most.

Erected from stone in 1894 for the money of Tsar Alexander the Third, and was named in his honor. Over the project of this masterpiece, the famous architect Josip Slat is worked. The bridge is moved across the River Zeta, and boasts an impressive length (270 meters) and a large number of flights (18). The length of the bridge exceeds the width of the river. This is explained by Earlier there was a swamp, drained during the Board of Josip Tito Broza.

Nowadays, the road is laid on the bridge connecting Nicksich with southern villages.

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_14

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_15

Red Scala

Located on the left bank of the river Trebishnitsa. It is famous for the fact that the parking lots were satisfied. It can be called an important monument of the times of Paleolithic. Archaeologists opened a thirty-one cultural layer here, and found more than five thousand artifacts.

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_16

Lake Kropachko

Created artificially, with the help of embankment in the Niksich Valley. Now it is considered a large freshwater extinguishing, gets water from spring and mountain streams. There are many species of fish in the lake, including rare. For tourists there is a comfortable embankment and beaches, fishermen competitions are held regularly. In addition, a lake festival is held annually on the shore of the lake, where you can enjoy a variety of music.

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_17

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_18

Square Sloboda

It is located in the city center and is one of the most revived Niksich places, especially in the evenings. Six streets are departed in different directions from the square.

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_19

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_20

Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

Built in the 9th century, it is located on the Cemetery of Niksich. According to legend, the first Serbian Patriarch - Saint Sava served in it.

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_21

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_22

Monastery ZEVA

Located a few kilometers from Niksich, on the left bank of the river Gracaista. No one can call the date of the foundation of the monastery, one can only assume that this happened in the Middle Ages. As the legend says, the monastery was originally stood on the right bank, but was destroyed by the stonepad from the mountain of Gradats. After that, he was restored by Princes Cherneyevichi, but soon suffered again. The people disassembled the destroyed building, and in the pebble moved to the other side of the river, where the church again erected and set Celi.

In the XVII-XVIII century, the monastery was a key spiritual and cultural center of this region. From time to time, the Turks raids were made to her, and at the beginning of the XIX century, the monks (the monastery was male) was left almost half a century a monastery. In 1853, the church was predicted by fire as punishers of the Ottoman army. In the difficult time of the Balkan War, the Lazares of the Russian Red Cross, who treated independence fighters was opened here. Later, the abode was abandoned, part of it was assigned to the travel agency. In the nineties, the monastery was revived, but now he became female.

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_23

Fortress Ebel

The misfortune is the upper part of Niksich, who used to and was Roman Anhastum. Then there were Slavs here, and in the XVIII century, the settlement won the Turks. There they erected this fortress. There were many battles here, today the ruins remained from the once great structure. They are guarded by the state as a monument of culture and art.

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_24

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_25

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_26

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_27

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_28

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_29

Lesopark Remesz

Located in southeast Niksich. In order to get into it, there are many tracks for tourists and slapper paths leading to the grief of demand. Forest park is famous for the rare fauna and flora, as well as springs, flowing into the Glosson River. For holidaymakers on the approach to Mount there are corts and platforms for tennis and football.

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_30

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_31

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_32

Weather in Niksche

The climate is moderately continental. If you plan to go in winter, warm coats will not need - the temperature, as a rule, does not fall below +5, frosts are never here. As for the summer, during this period the weather is very warm, but not too hot - about 25 degrees. The sediments fall in the fall and in the spring, in summer they are extremely small.

In Niksich, it is recommended to come from the end of spring and all summer, although it can be said that the city does not lose its beauty and in the winter season.

Niksich: Tsarev Bridge and other attractions of the city of Montenegro. Weather in Niksche in summer and winter time 24679_33

In the next video you will find a walk through Niksich in Montenegro.

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