Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter?


Another decade ago, Tivat was a completely unsuccessful city, but a little time passed, and this area of ​​Montenegro simply transformed. From a gray dull place, he became one of the country's tourist centers.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_2

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_3

City description

Tivat was named after the glorious Queen Illyrian - she managed the teem, a small part of Montenegro. In 229 BC NS. The Queen was attacked by the Roman troops and fled from the well-maintained fertile lands near the Skadar Lake to the lands in the Bay of Bay. It was there that was later built her summer residence.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_4

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_5

The city today is distinguished by high tourist attractiveness, and that is why.

  • Less than 5 km from Tivat is a major international airport.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_6

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_7

  • Tivat is very conveniently located - just a quarter of an hour is the ancient city of Kotor, one of the most popular tourist resorts of Budva is located, and no more than 20 minutes need to get from Tivat to the sandy beaches of the Lushtitz Peninsula.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_8

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_9

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_10

  • The city has developed infrastructure - there are many cafes and restaurants with national cuisine, there are large paid and free parking, free Wi-Fi.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_11

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_12

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_13

  • The city is small and compact - if you wish, it is easy to go around on foot, so tourists do not need to rent a car to explore all its sights.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_14

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_15

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_16

  • In Tivat, visitors are offered a lot of opportunities for outdoor activities, diving is especially common. It is no coincidence that many hotels are located their own centers for experienced divers - they can immerse themselves in the water of the Adriatic. In addition, there are several bicycle trails in the city, and for fans of marine walks is offered a mini cruise on the coastal bay.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_17

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_18

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_19

  • On the coast of Tivat, there are several beaches recognized as one of the most luxurious and comfortable in Montenegro. In general, they are numbered about 17, and this is not counting private areas of recreation and small bays that are not particularly landscaped, but this is not less in demand. Perhaps the only lack of rest in this city is the hum of aircraft, several times a day of the take-off and landing. The airport is located very close, and the planes are clearly visible and audible.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_20

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_21

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_22

The climate in Tivat is ideal for tourists - mild autumn-winter, and warm, but does not wear out in the summer . From June to September air temperature In the daytime clock rises to 26-29 degrees, at night a little cool - the thermometer column keeps at + 15-17 degrees.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_23

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_24

You can swim on the beaches of Tivatu until October - at this time the air temperature is kept at 21-22 degrees, and the water of the weather is up to 20 degrees.

In winter, the temperature rarely falls below zero, during the day the sun heats the air to 13-15 degrees. The precipitation falls a bit, but their maximum peak falls on November, as well as December and January - so these months do not enjoy great demand from the visitors of Montenegro.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_25

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_26

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_27

What can be viewed for 1 day?

If you have very little time to visit Tivat, then first of all it is worth paying attention to the beautiful bays of the town. Modern marina for expensive yachts uses the greatest popularity among coming Porto Montenegro, the only one on the Adriatic coast of the Yacht complex. Initially, he wondered as a small town, which is why you can find here Five Star Hotel Regent Hotel & Residences, Sports Complex, a large number of museums and good restaurants In addition, there is everything you need to serve the yacht: repair shops, small workshops, elling and, of course, refueling.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_28

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_29

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_30

The construction of this "city in the city" started in 2006, and a few years later, Porto Montenegro became a full-fledged port for small vessels. In 2015, he was awarded recognition and awards of the authoritative jury of the British Association of Yacht Ports.

On the territory of this mini city is relying known to the whole country Museum of Maritime Heritage His collections are talking about the victorious History of Adriatic and show all the best traditions of the coastal regions of Montenegro. Exhibition samples are over 30 exhibits, here you can meet submarines of the production of Yugoslavia, Austro-Hungarian shipping equipment, various industrial machines, and even diary princess Montenegro Ksenia.

The walls of the unique complex decorate the pictures of El Salvador Dali, Kulis, as well as Roy Liechtenstein. Near the entrance to the museum there is a pair of submarines raised from the bottom and renovated.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_31

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_32

Through Porto Montenegro goes the cozy embankment with which tourists open amazing beauty views Tivat bay. According to the pleasure zone, you can go to the Coldimia Bay, in which you can see a huge number of small boats belonging to local fishermen - here it is impossible to feel the entire national flavor and identity of this unique land.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_33

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_34

By the way, on the way you can look into The comfortable city park, which is located near the berth for yachts - This is a cozy place where residents with their children love to walk. In the people, this park is called Capitolian He was established back in 1892. In those years, Montenegro stayed under the IGA of Austria-Hungary, it was here that the famous general Maximilian von Stern ordered to bring plants from all over the world of the globe, where only civilian and military vessel were.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_35

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_36

That is why it contains so many truly unique plants.

Interesting places within the city

However, the description of the attractions of Tivat does not end. Let us dwell on the review of the most popular places for tourists in this small town.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_37

Palace Bucha

This palace in distant times belonged to the Bury family - they were famous diplomats at the royal court. The history of the building has been more than five centuries for more than five centuries, at one time it was considered truly luxurious. The architectural ensemble includes a residential building, a defensive tower, a small church, as well as economic buildings.

The whole territory is observed by a stone fence. Unfortunately, to this day, the initial view of the palace could not be preserved - as a result of the earthquake that occurred in Montenegro, it was partially destroyed and subjected to subsequent recovery and reconstruction.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_38

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_39

Nowadays, the art gallery is located here, and lovers of classical music are going to enjoy the performances of famous musicians.

Church of Saint Sava

Saint Savva is considered one of the most beloved and revered on the territory of the former Yugoslavia of the Saints. Born in the family of Prince Stefan, he, being at a young age, took a post. For a long life, Sawva traveled a lot, often visited Russia, as well as Jerusalem. Due to the exceptional diplomatic gift, he did a lot in order to stop the destructive civil war in his country.

After Stephen's death in 1594, Turkish Vizier ordered to burn his power on the High Mount of the doctor, but the glory left for him in the hearts of people and was transmitted from generation to generation.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_40

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_41

A few centuries later, it was decided to build a new temple, where the only remaining part of the relics is kept - the hand, it is she considered one of the most important shrines in Montenegro.

House Verona

This building, erected in the style of the Gothic Renaissance, is a real sample of the medieval noble nest. Initially, the house belonged to the famous family of Bizanti in Montenegro, but in 1744, Antoine Verona bought it. Unfortunately, today the publication is abandoned, but, nevertheless, does not lose their spirit and historical value.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_42

For tourists, all sorts of carnivals are of particular interest, which are held in Tivat. So, in the first decade of February, the traditional masquerade in Montenegro is held here, in May, residents and guests of the city celebrate the day of youth, in the late spring, opens their doors in the gastronomic festival, during which absolutely everyone can try dishes made from an unusual plant, which is considered one From edible varieties of dandelion.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_43

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_44

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_45

At the end of July and the first half of August in the resort are speeches The famous Mediterranean Theater Purgatori. In addition, in summer days there is a mini-Olympiad on the National Game "Bochan" - this is a local species of the game in the towns.

In November, Tivat takes visitors within the framework of the Days of Culture - during the celebration exhibitions, theatrical performances, all sorts of perforans and concerts

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_46

Surrounding attractions

Not far from Tivat has many interesting places that are definitely worth a visit.

Mount Vrmatz Located on a small peninsula, it can be said that Tivat lies right at the foot of this cliff. Mountain will like the fans of active sports and hiking on a relict pine forest, while walking from the viewing sites opens the breathtaking views. Actually, the entire Peninsula of Wirms is an ideal place for Hayking and trekking. It is no coincidence that the inhabitants call this place with natural paradise on Earth, there are more than 20 pedestrian routes, there are several steep cycles.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_47

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_48

Selyanovo - Little resort village, many consider it one of the parts of Tivat, however, the locals claim the opposite. However, the administrative status does not matter. The only thing important for tourists is an unusual beauty sandy beach, spreading on an incredibly beautiful cape with a high beacon.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_49

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_50

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_51

You can even walk on the beach - the path from Tivat will take no more than 15-20 minutes.

Lower gaze Located immediately for Selyanovo, there are also several beaches, however, on beauty and landscaping, they lose their holiday zones in Selyanovo - the fact is that the beaches here are mostly concrete. But visitors can enjoy the view of small Venetian houses and other residues of the former luxury of the region. In fact, the lower gaze is considered an open-air monument, and therefore all tourist trails pass through this mountainous territory.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_52

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_53

Mountainland - Another tiny village, located on the top of the VRC Mountain, 300 m above sea level. From the coast to the village there is a cool trail with a length of about 3 km. People live in a mountainous lady from time immemorial, but in the middle of the last century almost all of them moved down, so today only a few people engaged in growing grapes and olives live there. Chernogorsk ecologists seek to popularize the place, and, despite the fact that the village is almost completely abandoned, here, as before, the flow of tourists rushes.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_54

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_55

Recently, there is a discussion of creating opportunities in the economy.

Kalardovo - This is one of the most comfortable Tivati ​​beaches. The place is located in a cozy bay, the coverage of the coast is predominantly sandy, the entrance to the water is gentle, so the place is particularly popular among guests with children.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_56

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_57

Tivatsky Solila. - The famous Montenegrin Reserve, which is just two kilometers from the airport. It lives the most beautiful and amazing birds - here you can find pink flamingos, as well as cormorants and other exotic feathers. The terrain is quite swampy, so for the convenience of visitors, pedestrian zones and cycles are equipped, several viewing sites are also equipped.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_58

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_59

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_60

Monastic archipelago It consists of three small islets, in previous years they fully belonged to the churches, and all the buildings on them were exclusively religious. During the construction of socialism, in Yugoslavia, religion was separated from the state, and was considered a contradictory communist ideology.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_61

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_62

Most buildings were destroyed, but, nevertheless, some have been preserved to this day.

Island of flowers In fact, wears a much more prose name - exceeding. Actually, it is difficult to call it is difficult, as it is connected to the mainland with a small sheath. In previous years, the terrain abounded vegetation, however, with the time of flowers it was dressed here, and the composition of the inhabitants changed significantly - the Yugoslav military came here, which built boarding houses.

A little later, refugees settled here from Bosnia - as a result, there was nothing left of the past beauty of the blooming gardens. From historical monuments you can allocate only the dilapidated temple and the ruins known at one time of the hotel.

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_63

Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_64

Island of St. Mark. Located immediately behind the island of colors. During the existence of Yugoslavia, there was a large ecoterritory with a bungalow and a large seating area. But during the collapse of the country, all environmental projects were forgotten, and the island plunged into ruin. Nowadays, all property was bought by one of the largest corporations in the country, and active work is being carried out on the reconstruction of the area.

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Sights of Tivat (66 photos): Porto Montenegro and other interesting places in Montenegro. Where to go and what to watch in winter? 24676_66

Tivat's sights are reviewed in the following video.

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