Compatibility of the rabbit (cat) and rats (18 photos): the combination of women and men in love on the Eastern Horoscope


People who are fond of astrology cannot not recognize that certain coincidences talk about the unsaissualness of all the "star" judgments. And listens to the advice of astrologers, descriptions of signs, if we are talking about important issues. For example, about choosing a satellite of life. But even if the horoscope does not foreshadow the ideal relationship, it can indicate those "bumps", which is easy to stumble in love. Knowledge is power, and in the case of compatibility of people of different characters, they can also help.

Compatibility of the rabbit (cat) and rats (18 photos): the combination of women and men in love on the Eastern Horoscope 24661_2


Representatives of different symbols of the eastern horoscope have different traits of character.

Rabbit (cat)

The Chinese call the 4th year of the 12-year cycle of the Cat, the Japanese - the year of the rabbit. Description of this animal breaks some stereotypes. In many Slavic fairy tales, the rabbit appeared a cowardly creature, but in Eastern legends this animal could defeat the dragon. An animal (cat, rabbit) has quality - after the fall, it lands on all 4 paws. And this property is inherent in people who are born under this sign, they know how to persist to worry and get up even from the last forces.

These people can be called lucky - they really are lucky. They defeat in gambling, they often drop out light tickets on the exams, they won in the lotteries. But not only by luck they acquire authority and respect. People of this symbol have a rich intellectual potential. As a rule, they have good memory, excellent logic, excellent self-testing skills.

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Compatibility of the rabbit (cat) and rats (18 photos): the combination of women and men in love on the Eastern Horoscope 24661_4

These are gifted, ambition people, clearly weighing the situation. Sometimes they cannot make a choice even in something everyday, because of the habit of weighing and analyzing remain in the end without benefit. In love, these are faithful and affectionate people, but only to those who love them no less. Unrequited love is not about them, even if such a story happens in the cat's life, he loves himself in these sufferings and artificially prolongs them.

Cats Men are polite, sensual, know how to seduce with words, but not always deciding for actions. Knows how to pretend, but not always it is bad. Can give false hopes, but not from negative send, it is always hard to upset people.

Women's cats are a bit melancholic, pensive, vita in the clouds. But it gives them a certain charm. The behavior of the woman is such that it can become an excellent secular lady, the best wife of the diplomat. She knows how to file himself, knows how to like. The cat is not very reverently, the cat for marriage: she will not fight for him, as for the main value, if discomfort in marriage deprives her happiness. She will not go to her husband to another city, if she is sincerely good in his.

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Compatibility of the rabbit (cat) and rats (18 photos): the combination of women and men in love on the Eastern Horoscope 24661_6


Rat Year - the first year of the cycle. The rat has a dangerous charm and a lot of it uses. She knows how to make people help themselves, she knows how to manipulate and seek them through someone else's labor. Even a good and educated person with these characteristics cannot be burned from this natural feature: But such a quality can purchase a positive color, if a person becomes an excellent manager-organizer who knows how to delegate powers.

There are many choler's rats among rats. These people know how to speak beautifully and convince, they love to criticize. Successful in activities related to communication, communications. This pragmatic people who can cope with the critical situation. They often use their cunning, and more often mask it.

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In the love of rats are most vulnerable. Strong feelings paralyzing her will, mind and all rational calculations. Unfortunate love is able to introduce a rat to the hardest depression. People of this sign do not know how to open another, because the love injury that they do not displace beyond the borders of their hearts can affect the entire subsequent life.

Rat Male will prefer intellectual work physical, and often it is justified. He knows how to dispose of money, calculating and thrown. At the same time, generous, and it can easily part with a large amount, just having anyone help. These men have a mystical thinking: many of them are superstitious, although they do not show mind.

Women's rats are real realists who do not run away from the life and routine, well challenge the economy and in difficult times are organized by the other, while others are in bad mood and despair. From nature, they are sexy, attractive, do not suffer with dying. In the family, material wealth and stability are important for them, and passions can remain in the breasting period.

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Compatibility of the rabbit (cat) and rats (18 photos): the combination of women and men in love on the Eastern Horoscope 24661_9

Combination in love

Consider the relationship of women and men of these signs of the Eastern Horoscope.

Rabbit man and woman

The compatibility of the rabbit (cat) of women and men born in the year of the rat may be good, but with the condition of great effort from lovers. Such an alliance may be long and strong, from those marriages that over the years only gain strength. But this rarely happens, simply because people cannot accept the difference between worldviews. More chances for long marriage in those who have already experienced fails, suffered a major relationship and made conclusions.

These are people who are ready to take each other as they are. In this case, the woman of the rabbit will respect the intellectual power of the partner and in a certain sense to serve it. And the man will focus with this admiration. Not always such a puzzle is enough for a strong marriage, but it may be an anchor, which will not give people to break from her place, and break the love boat.

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By the horoscope they prescribed the rapid beginning of the relationship. Sexual attraction in this pair can be a strong, lightning room, but when the first passion lighted, it may find out that people are extremely different. And if we are talking about young people, the collapse of the relationship is great. Men begin to blame partner in the lack of bright emotions. In bed, they are dulled, and in the life, the melancholic rabbit may not be displayed at all. And the rats are needed for the total tone, for the taste of life.

This couple will be strong only if a man has already lived a passionate relationship with beating dishes and scandals, and began to appreciate calm. The domestic woman of the rabbit organizes the comfort and a quiet marina, where she will purr and create a relaxing atmosphere. If a man is grabs expression at work, he will not complain about the calm of the house. Sometimes jealousy may occur: this rat will want to make sure that his wife is interesting not only to him. But the rabbit is not needed such provocations, a woman thinks about himself and her quiet happiness, and not about the seduction of everyone around.

Relationships will be happy and long, if people have already matured, began to appreciate self-sufficiency and understand that no one happens without flaws, and the missing emotions can be obtained in work, sports and other things.

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Compatibility of the rabbit (cat) and rats (18 photos): the combination of women and men in love on the Eastern Horoscope 24661_12

Male Rabbit and Rat Woman

And this combination will not call simple - people of these signs can become irreconcilable enemies. A woman is able to give a harsh rebuff to a man, and even such that he flies and come into rage. A man is too lazy for romance and expression in a relationship, and a woman rat all the time it will be.

It is noteworthy that the preservation of the family, its consistency and the fortress - all this will fall on the shoulders of a woman. And it does not always understand it immediately, such a revelation can come to it only after 1-2 years of marriage. The rabbit often boils all the homework and problems in a partner, at first she and herself can be famous for the arrangement of the house, financial issues will fully take on children. But the strength ends, and the husband does not hurry to share this fate. And there are strong differences.

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Compatibility of the rabbit (cat) and rats (18 photos): the combination of women and men in love on the Eastern Horoscope 24661_14

Another possible problem in marriage is the unwillingness of the rabbit to let go of the rat to the "big world". A woman needs gatherings with friends, parties, turbors, corporate parties and different other mass events. She nourishes this energy, and facilitates her fate of the hostess and mother (for her husband she is also a mother). The rabbit is unusual for such a strong immersion in society, and he considers the desire of the rat "take a walk" by idiot, unacceptable behavior of a married lady. The household labyrinth is what the rat curses in a dead end, and it can crawl in one day.

Sexual relationships will be interesting only if the man rat is beautiful, charming. Then even his laziness and passivity did not turn away the partner, she will try for two.

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Friendship of signs is rarely real, durable, in which friends are equivalent. The rabbit will breed the beasts of the rat, as well as the easy entry of the principles, which the rabbit cannot tolerate. The rat may experience indignation on the boring of rabbit, their ownness and meticulousness, without understanding that its own ease is perceived by another as frivolity and recklessness.

Only those friendships can be successful when each person in this pair becomes a kind of alter ego for each other. Exhausted ability to risk, sick, whether the adventures and provocations of the rabbit can be fascinated by the "Bendery" mind of the rat. And its own lack of these qualities, he will compensate for friendship with such a negative charming friend.

Compatibility of the rabbit (cat) and rats (18 photos): the combination of women and men in love on the Eastern Horoscope 24661_16

For the rat, the rabbit may be like a sedative. It will console a friend at the moments of despair and losses, can cool it with dust and be a "brake" in dangerous situations. In the world of their passions and intrigue, the rat is often lacking such a calm and intelligent person like a rabbit. But often this complementary friendship ends with betrayal. People get tired of each other, get tired of using each other, and someone one does not very beautifully leave the relationship.

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Business compatibility

Business partnership can be successful if these are mature people who know how to reflect. If the rat will slow down the turnover of the rabbit, the business may well "burn out". It will be a good partnership if the rat is older than the rabbit, and it cautiously cautiously, shelters the intrigue less and, finally, more delicately learned to shift his duties on others. In business cooperation, this tandem will be more successful than in the same friendship.

The difference of characteristics, ideological conflicts, heavy contradictions is something that the rabbit relationship (cat) and rats can ruin But this is also what you can work with. There is no bad sign in the horoscope, every person, analyzing its natural features, strengths and weaknesses, can learn to live with them. Live happily and fully, converges with other people who dislike himself, and build a durable bridge of understanding.

Compatibility of the rabbit (cat) and rats (18 photos): the combination of women and men in love on the Eastern Horoscope 24661_18

Further, see the video involving a psychologist, describing the nature of people born in the year of rats and rabbit (cat).

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