Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home?


9 years, though not a round number, it is still a Birthday, which can be marked clearly, loudly, with a serious preparation. Yes, because all the children's birthdays are an opportunity to arrange a special holiday to your beloved child. While he is still small, and while this day is truly magical for him. And great when each new birthday is not like the previous one.

What to take into account when preparing?

Children's holiday organizers are usually parents. And if they want to do everything perfect, you will have to start with the plan, which will be treated in detail. But no nuance will remain unaccounted.

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_2

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_3

Preparation for the holiday may be like this.

  1. What was not yet. Children are waiting for their name so tremendous as no adult. And the details of the holiday they remember for a long time, evaluating every surprise special day. Because repeated - just not the best option. It is necessary to recall, as previously held Birthdays, what ideas is definitely not necessary to duplicate. Even if the last time everything went with a "hurray".
  2. Where will be a holiday. It makes sense to write on the leaves all the real options and disassemble the pros and cons of each. If, for example, last year's holiday was in a cafe, in the game center, the upcoming can be organized at home - no longer as usual. Or vice versa.
  3. What the child wants. Surely celebrations hero himself has expressed his wishes or hinted that he was waiting for. Of course, they need to listen to them. Supporting questions are welcome.
  4. How many guests and what their composition will be. There will be only a children's holiday, or adults are also invited (often a birthday is celebrated twice - for children and for adults, but it is expensive, including physically).
  5. What is the budget of the event. Be proceeding out of it, and let this amount be adequate. Even if you plan to spend a little holiday can turn out amazing. And it is better to know in advance which spent parents are ready.
  6. What will be at the festival must, and what exactly will not be. Some great ideas in the preparatory turmoil are forgotten, and it is very sorry to be unrealized ideas. Therefore, all important points must be prescribed at once: for example, to give a sachet of snacks to each guest so that he takes it home or not forget to make an electronic newsletter photo from the holiday to each guest.

As soon as the answers to these questions are given, you can already begin real training.

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_4

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_5

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_6

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_7

Choosing a place and themes

Many options: from the children's play center to the home party. The question is what parents are ready. If in the class of children, it is customary to celebrate birthdays in special places, and the child himself can refuse the idea to celebrate at home. He will just be afraid to look too modest in the eyes of classmates.

But this is a losing position: you do not need to adapt to the ground, if other interests are originally.

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_8

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_9

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_10

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_11

For the celebration in the apartment says the following.

  • You can save on rental premises.
  • There are always more comfortable at home, everyone is felt more relaxed.
  • This is a great opportunity to show your room to friends.
  • Some guys were almost never on domestic holidays, so such a birthday can even be an exclusive.

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_12

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_13

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_14

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_15

For celebrating in a cafe / game center / Bowling, etc.

  • No need to worry about the decoration in the apartment and not too new repairs.
  • The festive atmosphere in such places reigns a priori.
  • You can invite many guests - there is enough space for everyone.
  • After the holiday of the parents, there is no ambitious cleaning.

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_16

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_17

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_18

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_19

Mark fun everywhere, where there is a clear organization of the holiday. For not good repair or cramped conditions, it is not necessary to worry about. Children remember the atmosphere, comfort, goodwill and adult involvement, and not the quality of the laminate or a combination of colors in the interior.

Themes - the question that needs to be discussed with the child. Perhaps he wants to beat the theme he saw on the holidays of friends. And it can be both a successful idea and failure. The guys can play freshened contests and follow the script no longer for them.

Because if you can beat something new, you need to cling.

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_20

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_21

Popular and no longer such original children's birthdays: Pirate party, holiday with the participation of the heroes of favorite cartoons and films, flower party, Hawaiian party, Jungle is called the school of young wizards. And what could be in a novelty for the guys: Small Olympic Games, Dobryakov's City, Botany Lab, Closed Magic Party, Herbal Pharmacists, Shows of Great Magnies, Middle Meaders, Indians are looking for a treasure, etc.

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_22

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_23

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_24

Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_25

Preparing contests and games

In this selection - the ideas of games and tasks that can be held on a holiday organized entirely on their own. Let us give 7 fun contests.

  1. Secret messages. It is necessary to come up (download) a symbolic alphabet in which each letter is equal to some symbol, drawing. For example, a - sun, b - triangle, in a wavy line, etc. This alphabet should be in the form of an old card, which the guys will find on the vendor. It should be big. Adults fasten the found map in a prominent place, distribute beautiful leaves with all the guys and ask to leave a message for a birthday room, using the alphabet, of course.
  2. Talking toys. This is not so much a contest as entertainment, surprise for guests and a birthday room. You need to make a screen or something resembling it. Over the screen hides some of the adults. In his hand alternately, the beloved toys of the birthday room will arise. You need to voice them in advance using the voice change program (in any mounting program). In the room you can turn off the light, light the candles and say that now on the holiday there will be something that happens once a year - toys come to life. The voice "includes" another parent or assistant.
  3. Funny masks. You can draw, glue, build yourself or download templates from the Internet of different funny masks. For example, larger heads of lion and crocodile, other heroes. These large paper heads with imperceptible eye slits must be fixed on thin wooden sticks or branches. Each guest comes out on the middle of the room and says the mask number. Adult looks on the list, who is indicated by this number and takes the mask. The child is trying on her, he needs to say or congratulate the birthday man or some poem. The child should not forget to take a picture.
  4. Orchestra. Playing on girlfriend "tools" - always fun. Someone will get a real children's musical instrument (toy), someone's saucepan, someone homemade rattles. The orchestra will be headed by an adult conductor. Wonderful if he really knows how to sing and learn something very simple with children, some simple "viral" song for all times.
  5. Cunning envelopes. Children get a bag filled with multicolored "cunning" converters. In each of them - the task that the guys have to do. In essence, these are the same phantas, only they must be combined with a common topic. For example, at a pirate party of the boy you need to come up with a sea spell, the name of the parrot, the recipe for a steep sea soup, etc. On the girl's flower party, you can remember the names of flowers on a certain letter, compose 3 rhymes to the word "roses", to dance under the waltz of flowers with friends . Each contest can be accompanied by prizes for winners and participants.
  6. Nightingale my, nightingale. Selects "nightingale". On this child you can wear the appropriate mask, somehow designate its role. The task of the rest of the guys is that the nightingale sang. They ask him (can be musically, too), and he responds. The adult includes a phonogram, and the "nightingale" should be skillfully and ridiculously discover the mouth under it. The phonogram is a few recorded fragments of famous songs.
  7. Find card fragments. They will indicate where the treasure is stored (sweet gifts for all guests). And you need to search for fragments in all, for example, green places. That is, they may be behind the curtain, in a vase with a plant, under the green book, etc.

But only the competition is not limited to the competition. All modern children adore quests.

    Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_26

    Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_27

    Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_28

    Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_29

    Quest options

    He, ideally, should also be thematic, that is, all the tasks are subordinate to the general idea.

    What kind of quests can be made?

    • Search Treasure - Children are looking for fragments of the cards that will lead them to the treasure chest. Each fragment they receive (or find) for the correctly performed task: a solved crossword, rebus, puzzle, etc.
    • Search for philosophical stone - Obviously, where is this topic. Therefore, everything that concerns magic and young wizards is suitable for search assignments. The main thing is that they all assume group participation. You can use ciphers with spell recognition, intelligent questions for the most cuty, as well as the vapor of witchcraft (under the guise of it you can cook some kind of fruit cocktail).
    • Search for old amphora - It can be made from Papier Masha, for example. All search assignments must obey the topic of ancient legends and myths. And inside the found amphora, the guys can find a treasure in the form of gold chocolate coins.

    The quest may intervene with the main contests, but more often this is an independent program. The same contests can be included in the test of the quest, accrueming points that will help to gain a new map fragment.

    Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_30

    Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_31

    Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_32

    Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_33

    How can you diversify the script?

    Perhaps the following ideas will help to make a children's holiday even more memorable.

    • The script will be more fun if someone from adults can play on a musical instrument and will gladly sleep with kids some funny song.
    • Each guest can be suggested to call with your name which is some part of the house, for example, a bookflake name of the guest of the guests of Petrova or a corner with a flyer name of the honorary guest Tanya Smirnova.
    • A colorful personal menu will be assumed to a festive table with funny names of dishes in the party themes (for example, a semidron salad, "Kiss Sea Wave" sandwiches).
    • Especially for meeting guests to extract something like a red carpet.
    • Release special festive rules: for example, to contact today to the cat nothing else like your purrity, smile, as soon as you start taking pictures, to look under peacefully standing soft toys (candy can be lying under them), coming for a holiday only in socks from different pairs, solemnly Help the main cocoon / chef collect plates, etc.

    The more adults themselves fool themselves, joke, look into the topic of the holiday, the most likely that the children will like everything and will definitely remember in the smallest details.

    Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_34

    Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_35

    Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_36

    Birthday scenario for 9 years: Competitions for children at home, funny and fun games for boys and girls. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24626_37

    An interesting quest for a birthday gift search Look in the video below.

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