Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home?


To make a birthday memorable for a child for 8 years, you need to prepare in advance. At this age, children are waiting not only for gifts - they want adventure with their friends, bright emotions and a memorable holiday.

And therefore In addition to the gift, come up with a special scenario, prepare contests and games for the children's company. And then will still remember how well they spent time together. About how to celebrate the birthday of an 8-year-old Round, read in our article.

How to organize?

By organizing a birthday for children 8 years old, first of all choose the holiday themes. This is important because you will continue to "dance" from this idea, conducting an event at home. Choose a room for a celebration, where fewer furniture and sharp corners. Well, if the area allows you to divide the zones to the dining, where the feast will go, and the game. Even better if it is separate rooms.

From the selected theme depends on the design. And it is not necessary that the holiday is devoted to some fabulous or cartoon hero, it can just be an orange party. Then, accordingly, the main color in the design will be orange.

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_2

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_3

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_4

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_5

Decorate the room in our time is not such a big problem. To do this, you can use the primary means, buy ready-made decor elements, the benefit of them is complete in specialized outlets. And of course, the balls will be helped. You yourself will get a lot of pleasure from what you are doing.

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_6

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_7

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_8

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_9

Just do not overdo it with it - everything should be tied to the subject of the holiday. Think about treating - small friends love pizza very much. If you order it, they will eat her with pleasure, but show their creativity and prepare an interesting table for the birthday boy and his guests.

Cohere, for example, their chicken kebabs, baked piglet from puff pastry, chocolate berries, ginger curious biscuits.

Let the menu remain secret from the birthday room - there will be a surprise for him, and you can attract it to the preparation of the table - let it feel the importance of the process in advance.

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_10

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_11

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_12

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_13

Well Do not forget about entertainment: you can take a ready-made script or come up with your own. The main thing is that there are many mobile contests - children at 8 years old are quite active, but at the same time they will gladly solve rebuses, show their fantasy and intellectual abilities, so that contests and games should be diverse.

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_14

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_15

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_16

Interesting ideas

It's not so difficult to arrange a holiday yourself, although you have to try to interest the guys. In our time, this is not very simple - modern children are not much surprised, but if you manifest a little fantasy and care, it will be quite possible.

Put the elements of surprises and games on the holiday from the very beginning. For example, lay the balls in advance and place small edible souvenirs in them (chewing candy, small chocolates, chups, other sweets).

Offer to small guests to choose your ball, inflate and pick it up home: Let it take a part of the holiday and good mood from you.

If the party is thematic and is dedicated to fabulous heroes, then prepare costumes or part of attributes on the topic and distribute roles on your own.

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_17

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_18

For example, your daughter is a birthday room, and she is Malvina. Then we give one of the guests a long nose - he, of course, will be Pinocchio. Someone tie one eye and configure the Cat Basilio to the role. By the way, the participation of adults on a par with children is only welcomed. In such a company, everyone will be interesting: both adults and children.

The main thing is that there was a clear scenario, there was a lot of space in the premises for the development of events and adventures, and so that adult organizers did not dry out the desire, strength and patience to bring the holiday to the end. Children are very easy to involve into the game, it is important to keep them to the attitude to the end, do not let them get bored and maintain the selected pace.

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_19

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_20

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_21

If something goes wrong - do not worry, improvise, children love unexpected turns. Prepare jokes, draws, quiz. Implement another interesting idea - organize a zone for photos, preferably taking into account the general subject.

Agree to photograph children on the background of the wall with wallpaper or against the background of furniture - not very beautiful, because the photo from the birthday is the memory and a source of positive emotions for many years, so the photowon is obligatory.

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_22

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_23

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_24

Please note that children can get rid of activity, and they just get tired. As a rule, after 1.5- 2 hours of fun, it is necessary to arrange the defector snack and give an opportunity for recreation. During this period, you can show them a puppet play or arrange master classes, such as gingerbread paintings, stones, T-shirts. Each souvenir takes with you.

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_25

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_26

Review of entertainment

You can discuss contests and games in advance with your birthday room, then you can embody his desires and fantasies. Mark the fun holiday with friends is the main dream of your Chad, and you must come up with how to implement it correctly.

Merry games and funny competitions to entertain children, mass, they can be held at the table, do with prizes. Do not forget about traditional dances, hide and seek, carousel and the like. You can take the children anything if the tasks are fascinating. Below is a selection of entertainment games and contests for different cases.


Offer to play a "submarine". This contest can be carried out with a small number of children. We must divide the participants of the event for 2 teams. All sit at the table. There are 2 vessels with water for two teams (you can take ordinary plastic cups), not quite complete. These will be submarines.

Now each participant of the team takes turns into this boat cooked items: Coins, paper clips, pencil residues and so on, but it is necessary to do it as little as possible. That team, which will begin to overflow through the top and lose. And the winners get encouragement.

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_27

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_28

Children love contests with water, so on the veranda or on the summer site, it is possible to offer them another water entertainment "Non-Fair". It can also participate a greater number of children, for example 10-12 participants. They are divided into 2 teams. Each group is given on a bucket with water and a circle, and an empty vessel is installed opposite the start.

The task of each team fill to fill this vessel with water, preferably not shedding on the road either a drop. But it will be difficult to do, because the task of teams to mix the opponent during the passage of the distance, showing different faces. That team wins, the participants of which are less than waters and fill their vessel faster.

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_29

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_30

Children can offer to pack their present for the birthday room. For this, all the gifts are laid out, next to the wrapping paper, rope or ribbon, scissors. On the team, guests begin the packaging process.

The one who fastest and high quality will issue a gift for a birthday party. As a rule, children are all trying to please the perpetrator of the celebration and make the maximum of fantasies and skills in this competition.

It is necessary to provide a sufficient distance between the contestants, so that during the competition they did not interfere with each other and nevertheless they did not hurt scissors.

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_31

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_32


At the beginning of the holiday for Zador, offer children to play the game "Who is there." If small guests are unfamiliar with each other, give them back and divide into 2 commands. Tension between the teams with a sheet or bedspread and distribute participants from each team opposite each other.

At the team, remove the wall, the assistants let go of the sheet, and the participants quickly call the name of their rival standing opposite. The one who will be the first to do, takes the opponent to his side. The victory goes to that team that more pulled the participants from the opposite team.

Arrange a foam party, guys with pleasure playing with soap bubbles. Can be fun and adults along with children. Each guest distribute the soap composition for bubbles and straw. Tell the start command and give each one minute. Who will create more foam in the air, the winner.

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_33

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_34

The game around the chairs with clarification, who is superfluous, always brings positive and burdens to the company. The center is installed on 1 chair less than the number of participating in the game. Children include music, and they run under her around the chairs.

As soon as the music stops, everyone must sit on the chairs. To whom did not get a landing place, he crashes, respectively, with each retired member decreases the number of chairs. When many children, instead of chairs, you can use newspapers for which they become legs.

Carries children a chamomile game. A large chamomile is made with the number of petal, how many guests are invited to the holiday. On the reverse side of the petals write tasks: go housing, to contact as many times as a birthday woman, jump, like a kangaroo with a young in a bag, repeat the patter, copy the galcoonka or cat Matroskin from "Prostokvashino" and so on. Children are very amused and fun.

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_35

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_36

Scenario example

We describe the birthday script in the underwater kingdom, so that both the kimair be, and the treasure to find, and the riddles to guess, and videly come. We must prepare the necessary details: Suits for Neptune (For what kind of kingdom without an underwater king), kimikors, decorate the room with jellyfish and fish, prepare appropriate music and contests.

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_37

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_38

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_39

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_40

So, The holiday begins with solemn music, which Neptune comes out and announces an important event: today his daughters are 8 years old. Therefore, he invites all guests on this occasion to join the fun.

By the way, Guests can offer the role of fish, stones, jellyfish, mermaids, pirates, and so on. Anyone who fell into the kingdom is dancing sea dance. By mocked, now Mermaids, fish and pirates are offered the following test: to stand on one tail (leg) 8 times 8. The most resistant "fighter" of this competition should receive a prize from the cheer's chest.

Children in anticipation to conquer the prize from Neptune try to resist in one place, how suddenly the kimair is broken, which is from anger, that she was not invited to the holiday closed the chest of the Lord of the underwater kingdom for the holiday, and in order to misconfigure everyone, scattered 7 keys on the bottom of the sea.

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_41

Only one key is needed, the rest are fake. But how to find out the maritime residents where to find it? As it turned out, Kimikora stolen and the map of Nepotun's possessions, and now the guys do not have anything left, as soon as it is correct to answer the riddles of the villain of kimikors.

But it was not there! Whatever caverzny riddles made this Madame, the maritime residents quickly coped with her assignment and got the card. Taking it, they together with the mermaid immediately go to search for the key. Sea stars suggest the path, indicate directions after someone guess the tip.

Neptune's possessions are big, but a birthday party here is all familiar here, she leads his friends on the fastened paths in search of a cherished key. Everyone has to run, overcome obstacles (during the search you can come up with interesting contests), but who said that adventures are without difficulty?

At least the guys are invited to pass seven tests, for example: jump on the turtles, go through jellyfish, find poisonous fish and destroy them and so on. After each successfully passed test, the guys mined the key.

When all seven keys are found, it remains to find the one that opens the cherished cassette Neptune, where not only the main gift for the birthday girl is stored, but also surprises for all its guests. The guys are friendly and having fun pick the desired key, everyone thinks that it is necessary in his hands.

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_42

And here is the castle of Kimikors open, Neptune under the sounds of solemn music, everyone distributes prizes, the birthday girl presents a cherished gift, and the villain only swells and is angry at the sidelines. Here at the discretion of the mermaids, to take Kickymore for a festive table or not.

Everyone together come out of the underwater kingdom to the surface where guests are invited for a festive table. By this time, everyone is already burning to eat to eat, the birthday girl poices candles on the cake and makes a desire. And all guests sing a congratulatory song and give gifts.

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_43

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_44

After you can offer a children's company to watch cartoons or a puppet play, play board games or spend calmer contests, as well as make a photo for memory. Such a holiday will remember each participant for a long time.

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_45

Birthday script 8 years: contests for children, funny and fun games at home. How to celebrate the children's birthday at home? 24621_46

Choose the script topic on the basis of the preferences and interests of your child. Try to organize a holiday for your beloved Chad as bright as possible, make it fun - all your efforts and care child will certainly appreciate. Let him feel that it is all for him and for him.

How to arrange a birthday in the style of the underwater world and the mermaid, see below.

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