Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts


The original style of any interior involves not only an unusual design, but also an interesting decor. It looks very impressive, objects created by their own hands - thanks to its inherent uniqueness and thoughtfulness, they harmoniously fit into any room.

One of the most sought-after technicians in our day when creating items for the room for the rooms was the applique, called Iris Folding. With this method, you can create small pictures, as well as rather impressive panels.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_2

What it is?

The name of the technique suggests the so-called rainbow folding - Multicolor stripes of paper are specially placed in each other in the form of a twisting spiral at a small angle relative to each other.

Each Master Class on Iris Folding Includes several stages of work. To start on cardboard denote the pattern which is then cut down the contour. After that form Special templates The form of which should coincide with the model of completed work. All elements of the template are denoted by numbers - it is necessary in order to be understood by the sequence of sticking multi-colored stripes.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_3

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_4

Further Cut the required number of color fragments - It must be done with this calculation that the sheet will have to fold several times to impart the image and the necessary strength. Paper strips are fixed on the picture So that each subsequent slightly covered the previous one.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_5

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_6

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_7

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_8

Despite all the seeming difficulty, in practice, the development of technology does not represent any problems even for beginner needlewomen, and experienced craftsmen can create real masterpieces in this way.

Initially, the paintings in the technique of Iris Folding were created from ordinary colored paper, but over time the technique was improved, and today, except for paper, masters often Use satin ribbons and cardboard . Elements in technique Iris Folding are found in the form of decor in paintings, panels, as well as collages and postcards. However, they can be created as an independent composition.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_9

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_10

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_11

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_12

History of origin

Homeland equipment Iris Folding are the Netherlands - Dutch wizards made of cardboard and colorful paper made large volumetric patterns with a spiral print. The resulting masterpieces of something resembled the diaphragms of the pictures of the pictures at that time, and were visually similar to the iris.

The technique quickly gained popularity among Dutch masters, and soon came to other countries of the old world. The secret of the success of Iris Folding is explained by the ease of studying the principles of the methodology, the availability and low cost of consumables, as well as the possibility of independent preparation of stencils and schemes.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_13

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_14

Crafts in the direction of Iris Folding attract their views and literally motivated for creativity. The simplest options are available to work for children of preschool age, with complicated models, they already get acquainted in more adulthood.

This technique very much like young mothers and becomes a constant hobby for girls and women, the sphere of interests of which is related to the development of children. In addition, it is a source of inspiration for masters who are in search of non-traditional techniques and the development of methods for combining already studied.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_15


There are two basic directions of Iris Folding depending on the method of forming a picture.

In the first execution Spiral scrolls so that an empty place in the form of a small figure formed in the core . This unoccupied plot is usually sealed by a fragment of cardboard, matter or a piece of paper. In accordance with the second work method, the strips are placed so that the middle at the end of the work is fully filled - this technology is in demand for the manufacture of notebooks, cards and photo albums.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_16

If desired, each craftswoman can easily supplement Iris Folding any other popular needlework appliances.

Materials and tools

Before starting work, it is necessary to determine its subject. For example, you can make postcards for the New Year, Name Day or for Valentine's Day.

In order to work on a project without separation, You should prepare a set of necessary materials and tools in advance. You will need:

  • one-sided colored paper 4-5 tones;
  • solid cardboard that can be used as a basis;
  • ruler;
  • sharp scissors;
  • ordinary clips;
  • pencil;
  • Scotch or adhesive pencil;
  • A sharp knife.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_17

Additionally, a dense base that protects the table from scratches and chips when cutting out.

Schemes and patterns

Any work performed by the craftswoman in Iris Folding, suggests Using a working template or a combined composition of two or three templates. The simplest stencils are superimposed on a pre-composed thematic drawing. The main templates for inexperienced needlewomen serve the simplest geometric figures - Triangle, Square or Circle. The basic element of Dutch equipment is a rectangle or a triangle.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_18

For drawing pattern You should prepare the required number of items that should be different among themselves in size, form and color. Then there is the process of placement on the prepared pattern, as well as fitting and finishing fixation.

There are a large number of ready-made patterns. Direction Iris Folding has its own Basic rules - Thanks to the existing variety of stencils, the form of the finished product is limited only to the flight of the artist's fantasy and the wealth of consumables.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_19

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_20

With some skills, you can always create your own sample So that it perfectly corresponded to the dimensions of the crafts. To do this, you will need:

  • paper sheet into a cage;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_21

Before starting to work, need to choose the basic form - It may be a circle, triangle or square. Experienced masters can use more intricate figures.

Let us dwell on the diagram of the formation of a stencil on the basis of the square:

  • Draw on a piece of paper in a cell square with a side of 14 cm;
  • On each side towards the left of the corners, tick 10 mm;
  • As a result, you will have 4 points that need to be combined with each other - in this way, it turns out the "square in the square";
  • In the second square, again tick the point on the left at the removal of 10 mm, they should also be connected and form the third square.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_22

All manipulations are repeated until a small square remains in the central part.

Similarly, work templates based on a triangle are created. Draw attention to the fact that at all It is not necessary to make a 10-15mm wide width - It can be any in the range from 7 to 25 mm, depending on the idea of ​​the wizard.

On complex stencils are usually affixed Numbering - It shows what should be the sequence of laying the prepared multicolored strips in bright samples. Templates are additionally labeled taking into account the color wishes.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_23

How to make crafts?

Depending on what print you are planning to do, Iris Folding includes several consecutive steps.

  1. First you need to choose a drawing, which in the future you will lay out.
  2. The drawing is transferred to the cardboard or a sheet of solid paper. It is necessary to circle, and then cut so that the window is formed - in it you will place rainbow tapes.
  3. Next, select the pattern corresponding to the drawing.
  4. A sheet of paper with cut out on it. The figure is placed on the stencil of the back side. Then the whole design is fixed by stationery clips or scotch, so that during the work the pattern does not move.
  5. Next, you need to make paper strips of all shades, of which you plan to lay out the pattern.
  6. The strips are twice in length so that the location of the cut was not noticeable.
  7. In accurately, the bands used by the band are glued to paper until all areas are fully filled. Strips need to fix the flask, that is, with a light layering, overlapping one to another.
  8. Next, a piece of paper with a laid out is removed from the template and sample the purr part of the cardboard.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_24

On this drawing is completed - you can turn your work and admire it.

By the New Year

In the style of Iris Folding, you can easily make a Christmas tree, it will be even in poorly painful needlewomen or young children. Registration of such a postcard includes several consecutive steps.

  1. Color paper of several shades neatly cut by strips in 4-5 cm wide. Initially, at least 10 bands of each coller should be made, and their final amount can be adjusted in the process of further work. Each strip must be folded twice.
  2. A chipboard is drawn on a piece of cardboard and cautiously cut on the contour with scissors.
  3. Pick up a suitable pattern, then cut out and placed on the cardboard on the back side, attached tightly with paper clips.
  4. First lay the trunk, for this strip, one on the other is placed and fastened with glue.
  5. Strips-branches are fixed exactly according to the template, lay them as neat as possible. The central part is drawn up with a shade, slightly different from the rest of the left palette.
  6. The finished handicraft turn over the outdoor side of the workpiece and draw up to its taste, the back side is closed with one-photographic paper. Most often, Christmas trees are separated by artificial snow, a glitter, as well as contrasting beads.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_25

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_26

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_27

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_28

As a festive card for students of primary classes or even pupils of the elder group of kindergarten, you can offer Make a cap Santa Claus. Discharge such a workpiece is absolutely easy - Manipulations need to start from the middle of the caps before the scene.

  1. Lines should diverge in different directions by analogy with sunlight.
  2. Multicolored bands are cut in rectangular shape, and each folds half the long side.
  3. Outing the bands are performed from top to bottom using a scheme with alternating multi-colored and monophonic parts.
  4. When the entire module is completely sealed, the operation turn over and over the cardboard sheet with the cut-cut opening of the desired form.
  5. The craft is decorated with cotton and pompon, and emptiness decorated with snowflakes or stars cut out of foil.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_29

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_30

By March 8.

  1. To create this unusual postcard in the form of a female silhouette, you can take a braid or tape of two kerkers instead of paper.
  2. After drawing out the outline of the dress, it is necessary to draw the scheme for the placement of thin strips of matter, ranging from the strapless and the bodice zone.
  3. After that, the lines are drawn in the diagonal direction, moving from the top of the bodice to the middle part of the hem.
  4. When sticking the satin ribbon, it is necessary to act in the same way - the fastening is started on top, first lay out the bodice, and the laid part is carried out in the latter order.
  5. In the plot of the junction of the races attach a bow.
  6. Carry out the contour of the craft, on white cardboard at the bottom, it is advisable to make wavy lines.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_31

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_32

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_33

This is a simple handicraft, and if you alternate tapes of different colors, it will look pretty effectively.

Valentine's Day

For considerable craftsmen, it is better to use ready-made craft patterns - they can always be found on the Internet or draw themselves.

  1. The template is placed on hard cardboard, rub the pencil and cut the heart in the center.
  2. The resulting pattern is fixed to the cardboard with clips.
  3. Next, paper three coloring is required, it is cut by strips with a thickness of 4 cm, each of them is folded in length - so you are preparing the blanks for your valentine.
  4. Multicolored stripes are laying out in turn in accordance with the color scheme, fixing them with the help of glue or scotch.
  5. After all the workpieces are run out, the middle is laid out by any kelper suitable on the satellite gamma.
  6. The postcard is almost ready - you will be left only to turn it over, decorate the front part of your own taste, and the involves to stick to any single-color paper.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_34

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_35

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_36

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_37

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_38

If desired, such a heart can be made in one-year, without adding any other colors. To give greater decorativeness instead of ordinary paper, you can take corrugated or satin.

By February 23

As a gift for February 23, Iris Folding star is often manufactured. Step-by-step instructions suggest the following actions.

  1. First you need to copy the template and move it half a sheet of A4 format.
  2. After that, the maximum distance between the individual sections of the star is measured, and another pair of millimeters are added to the resulting value - they will go on amendments and gaps. The resulting value will correspond to the width of multi-colored strips.
  3. Then it is necessary to take the paper of 3 different shades and cut into the same strips in accordance with the width parameters calculated before.
  4. The sticker starts from the corners, moving consistently towards the center.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_39

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_40

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_41

At the exit, the elegant festive star should turn out.

When creating pictures in the technique of Iris Folding, you need to keep in mind the following nuances:

  • Be sure to consider the location of your future crafts in order to correctly think over all possible ways to disguise the back of the product;
  • At the end of the full filling of the stencil with multi-colored stripes, you can attach the flap of fabric, as well as velvet paper;
  • The facial part is usually decorated with stickers, beads or ribbon.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_42

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_43

Very creative look Elements of own production decor, made in felting technique or scrapbooking . All volumetric elements are desirable to glue with a hot thermopystole. For registration of lace elements, you can use decorative holes.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_44

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_45

Beautiful examples

Technique Iris Folding is very fascinating. In addition, it forms patience, as well as perfection, scrupulsiness and accuracy - this is especially true, if we are talking about children of preschool, as well as younger school age. Iris Folding helps to reveal hidden creative opportunities, work allows you to relax and fully enjoy creativity - we can say that The process of creating a picture using the Rainbow Folding method delivers these moral satisfaction to the craftsmen.

  • Especially beautiful in this technique it turns out heart.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_46

  • And the kids will probably like the idea of ​​folding out of paper Swan, cat, owl or apple.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_47

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_48

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_49

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_50

  • In the direction of Iris Folding even make Interesting vases.

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_51

Iris Folding (52 photos): What is it? Schemes and templates, technicians and master classes of making cards, the most interesting crafts 24592_52

Created in this style postcard, panels, collages, as well as covers for books and photo albums will be a good presentation for loved ones from children, and for adult craftsmen will be an impetus to expanding the circle of communication, the development of unique master classes and participation in creative events.

About how to make an applique in Eris Folding technique, see the next video.

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