Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal


Steampunk is becoming increasingly popular - and not only in young people. Moreover, it is possible to apply it in almost all areas. This can be reflected in clothing, decorations, room design. This style is good because any item of the decor can be created with your own hands, especially since there are many ideas in the style of steampunk.

Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_2

Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_3

What can be done from Papier Masha?

Scientific discoveries of the XIX century associated with steam energy, spawned this style. He was widely used in art, which led to the creation of fantastic things, sometimes resembling a time machine created from bizarre mechanisms.

Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_4

It should be remembered that Steampunk is a mixture of antiques and progress, new and old, the ability to move together at first glance, incompatible elements. All this eventually allows you to "be born" very original things.

    Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_5

    Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_6

    For beginner creative figures, you can choose something not too complicated. But if it is decided to make a work in the style of steampunk with your own hands, then In addition to the main tools and materials that will be needed, it is necessary to get no less important subjects to which:

    • Nuts, screws, nails;
    • All sorts of gears;
    • Old locks and keys;
    • Metal pieces of different shapes, wire;
    • Any metal things (even the old iron and scissors come down).

    Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_7

    Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_8

    In general, you can not limit your fantasy. Sometimes the look at quite a common item is enough to present the entire future picture of the whole: what will the subject look like what place it will take, what kind of fool's materials for its creation can be used.

    Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_9

    Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_10

    In the process of creating interesting things, it is sometimes possible to use as the basis of papier-mache. So, you can cut out a bulk ball (suppose it will be a globe), and then decorate it with all sorts of details and even try to designate the main continents. In conclusion, cover certain areas with special colors that mimic any metal surfaces, you can even artificially oxidize metal or reproduce rust.

    Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_11

    Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_12

    The easiest and simple and at the same time a fascinating option to try your hand in the new form of creativity - take a papier-mache mask and make the necessary decor. It is necessary to act in a certain way.

    • First, from Foamyran, cut out pieces of arbitrary shape, pierce (on some) holes, these pieces will simulate iron fragments in the future.

    Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_13

    • Next, we stick them on the mask, on top of this coating placing wheels, gears and different parts from a cardboard chipboard. We have them arbitrarily.

    Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_14

    • Then use metal accessories, complement the space with nuts, rivets.

    Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_15

    • When the surface is ready, it should be covered with black paint. After we take acrylic paints of different colors and apply to different sections, for example: blue, brown, green.

    Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_16

    • Then we use gold acrylic to designate iron plates, some areas can be treated with silver.

    Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_17

    These are just the main steps. But the mask can be brought to perfection infinitely, experimenting and trying his ideas. The mask can be divided into two parts and decorate differently.

    Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_18

    Master class crafts from wood

    Self-timers made of wood. Perhaps. You can come up with the most original things. When the principle of making things in a similar style is clear, it is enough just to turn on the fantasy. You can make any panel, as the basis using a wooden board. From gear, screws and other items you can create any item, whether it is a machine, a motorcycle, butterfly or a bird.

      Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_19

      A good decoration of any room or an original gift will be a box. Consider how to do it by choosing, for example, marine topics.

      • We take the usual wooden billet. Such can be purchased in a specialized store for creativity, like other elements that may be needed.

      Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_20

      • Covered black paint, glit to the right side of several flat sticks. Above the gears of different sizes from the cardboard. We do it over the entire surface.

      Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_21

      Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_22

      • We glue octopuses and other details. All these templates can be purchased in any stores for creativity. If there is time and desire, you can and independently make them from cardboard.

      Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_23

      • Cover texture paste with marble crumb some areas. Next will need a 3D gel. It is applied to the remaining areas.

      Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_24

      • Covered black paint again. Next goes to the blue acrylic. We look at the box, paying special attention to the protruding elements.

      Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_25

      • Sprinkle the surface of dry paint of the same color. Add a bronze gleam with a spray.

      Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_26

      • Metal elements (Gears, numbers, key, lock) cover black paint.

      Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_27

      • While they dry, you process the casket with wax of different colors, highlighting some elements.

      Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_28

      • Then the prepared details stick to the box. Decorations can be chosen on your taste.

      Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_29

      How to make a decoration?

      Decoration with your own hands is not so difficult. For example, you can create a metal suspension. Even without applying the maximum of fantasy, you can attach to the chain (copper or silver) key, the lock, having traded a couple of gears to them. If necessary, you can cover the special paint for the effect of the composition or rust. From the same gear, you can build owls by attaching them to each other and sticking your eyes from pebbles or beads.

      Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_30

      Decorations can be made not only from metal - skin, black atlas and even feathers. For example, everyone can make a hair rim for themselves. You only need to take a strip of the skin, enter the gum in it, stick feathers on the leather surface, sew metal elements.

      Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_31

      Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_32

      Also just you can make a bracelet. Satin ribbons are sewed to a wide piece of leather (it will be strips). A massive metal brooch is attached to the central part of the bracelet. Very well, if such an old thing will be able to find in a grandmother's chest.

      Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_33

      Create a picture

      Picture in Steampunk style each creates based on the general design and its own desire. The principle is still the same. Metal items should be selected, prepare a wooden frame with a cardboard basis. Next, you can pull the skin on the cardboard, smear the papier-mache layer. You can simply paint black paint cardboard and mount the products on it.

      Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_34

      Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_35

      As in the case of a mask and a casket, we place items on the surface, but not in chaotic order, but adhering to the idea. It depends on what we want to portray: car, motorcycle, tree, butterfly, bird. Here you have to show exclusively your fantasy. Next you need to cover the surface using acrylic paints, sprays with copper or silver effect.

      Steampunk with your own hands: crafts from papier mache and homemade, casket for beginners and paintings, crafts made of wood and metal 24574_36

      The frame also can be decorated with elements in the style of steampunk or just make it black, copper or silver.

      About how to make a steampunk machine (panel), see the next video.

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