Kazakh New Year: how to celebrate New Year's holidays in Kazakhstan? How many Kazakhs are resting? Traditions and customs on holidays


New Year's holiday in Kazakhstan People celebrate in different ways: someone prefers to meet him in a narrow home circle, and someone joins the noisy fun in the company of friends or departs in various entertainment institutions. During the New Year's celebration of all people, the belief is united in the best and hope that the coming year will be happier and lucky than the year outgoing.

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Kazakhstan celebrates the new year twice. The first time is celebrated by the traditional European New Year, which comes on the night of December 31 to January 1. His residents of Kazakhstan began to celebrate only from the middle of the XIX century with the arrival of the Kazakh lands of the Slavs. At the time of unification of the republics in the Soviet Union, many Slavic traditions were firmly entrenched, including the celebration of the New Year.

For the second time, the Kazakh New Year is celebrated on Eastern tradition, and it happens from March 21 to March 23. It is called this holiday in Kazakh Naurys Meirama. Kazakhs celebrated this holiday for many centuries, and now this tradition has not lost their national significance for them.

Kazakh New Year: how to celebrate New Year's holidays in Kazakhstan? How many Kazakhs are resting? Traditions and customs on holidays 24567_3

Kazakh New Year: how to celebrate New Year's holidays in Kazakhstan? How many Kazakhs are resting? Traditions and customs on holidays 24567_4

How to celebrate?

On New Year's holidays, the Kazakhs do not work. Numbers from January 1 to January 2 and from March 21 to March 23 are the official weekend holidays in the republic, when all people are resting. This time Kazakhs devote to communicating with relatives and loved ones, meet friends.

Approaching the European New Year's holiday in Kazakhstan is felt in advance. Already from the first days of December on the streets of the cities, in shop windows, festive garlands are beginning to be lit in the windows of houses, christmas trees are installed, which are decorated with New Year's toys and Mishur. On the central streets of the cities of the Christmas tree appear only after Independence Day, that is, after December 16.

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Festive dinner in Kazakh families begins on the evening of December 31, Everyone is waiting for the New Year's appeal to the President with the summary of the outgoing year and congratulations, after which the festive salute rattles and there is a fight of hours, announced the occurrence of next year.

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In cities and villages in New Year's holidays, the people suggests mass guides, where you can see a fairy-tale character named Ayaz Ata, which in the Russian language can mean "Santa Claus".

Often, his granddaughter-assistant goes next to him. New Year for the Kazakhs is a family holiday, and at this time they give each other pre-prepared souvenirs and gifts. Residents of large cities are now often choosing the celebrations of the new year clubs or restaurants.

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Kazakh New Year: how to celebrate New Year's holidays in Kazakhstan? How many Kazakhs are resting? Traditions and customs on holidays 24567_8

A few minutes before the new year, people take a glass of champagne into the hands of a glass of champagne, light the Bengal lights and under the battle of the clock congratulate each other, wishing happiness. After midnight, the Kazakh youth goes to the streets of cities and joins the festive festive, watching the show and fireworks, congratulating friends and acquaintances. On New Year's Eve, you can walk to each other on a visit, visiting and congratulating close people.

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Traditions and customs

East New Year is celebrated in Kazakhstan with the arrival of spring, in March, when the snow is already melting, and nature awakens from the winter sleep, feeling the imminent approach of summer. For centuries, the Kazakh people had a tradition to celebrate the beginning of a new period of agriculture in the days of Nauryma's holiday. At nomadic peoples, he was the most revered and important holiday, but with Nauryry Mairma's religion, there is no connection, so no rituals were committed these days. In the period from March 21 to March 23, the Kazakhs congratulate each other and wish a prosperous, yield and profitable year.

In the old days, people were preparing in advance for the celebration of Naurys Mare The old men cut the mustache and beard, got the best and new outfits, went to visit each other, congratulated their relatives and loved ones, wishing them good and happiness. These days, the Kazakhs were made to conduct various competitions, one of which was to shoot on archery. To the competition, the men were preparing for about a week, honing their skills to perfection. Everyone could participate in competitions - from kids to old men.

Kazakh New Year: how to celebrate New Year's holidays in Kazakhstan? How many Kazakhs are resting? Traditions and customs on holidays 24567_10

Kazakh New Year: how to celebrate New Year's holidays in Kazakhstan? How many Kazakhs are resting? Traditions and customs on holidays 24567_11

On the holiday of Nauryz Maerama, the hostess was preparing the main dish called Nauryz Skom. In this treat, there was meat from winter stocks, as well as milk. The dish was served to the table with the wishes of good and happiness. A ram and 7 spices were added to Nauryz the skin - it was a symbol of the Spring and Farewell symbol with a leaving winter.

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Before the occurrence of the holiday in homes, they were clean and put 2 lamps - all this was done to drive evil and illness from the home spot.

And so that the year was generous and yield, In the house in all the dishes it was necessary to pour milk, Ayran, Kuism or a simple spring water . During the Soviet Union, the Communists considered this holiday with religious and banned him to celebrate. But already in 2001, by order of the President of Kazakhstan, Nauryma Mairma's holiday began to be honored and everywhere to celebrate.

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Festive table

In winter, during the celebration of the European New Year, the hostess prepare a generous table for a festive dinner, where you can see various dishes of national Kazakh cuisine. Favorite delicacy of Kazakh children are Baursaki - Sweet or fresh flour donuts. No festive feast and without traditional Kazakh Beshbarmaka - Dishes cooked from boiled lamb, horseback or beef with the addition of homemade noodles. This dish is served with meat broth, which is called a sorp.

Another national dish is Homemade sausage Cooked from horseback with adding spicy herbs, it is called Kaza. Kazakhs love both lamb, pickled and cooked in a creamy sauce called cheese.

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For the dessert for children prepare the famous Chuck Chuck which is made of pieces of dough mixed with bee honey. As traditional Kazakh drinks on the festive table use Kumys from milk mares and Shubat , cooked from milk camels.

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About how to celebrate the New Year in Kazakhstan, see below.

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