White and black envy: What is it? What does envy in kind? What is the difference between black and white envy?


Everyone at least once in his life experienced envy. One people are very easily recognized by this emotion, the others, it is simply gnawing from the inside, but they are not ready to confess. Since childhood, every parent instills his child to envy others badly. In explanations, they compare this feeling with a worm that will sit in the chest and erod soul. However, parental explanations are forgotten with age. And the feeling of envy sometimes overtakes at the most inopportune moment. Eliminate the envy of white and black. What they differ among themselves and how they manifest themselves, learn in the article.

What it is?

In many literary works, you can meet a negative manifestation of the feeling of envy. For example, snow white and stepmother, scar and mufas (cartoon characters "King Lion"). Even in the Bible, the feeling of envy between the Cain and Avele brothers is pronounced. In fact, envy is a rather complicated phenomenon. And to understand its basis, you should consider what this feeling consists of:

  • rivalry;
  • malice;
  • hatred;
  • dissatisfaction;
  • comparison.

This is only part of emotional shades that enviously experienced. But the most interesting thing is that this feeling in real life is found under different masks.

White and black envy: What is it? What does envy in kind? What is the difference between black and white envy? 24554_2

Feel the feeling of envy means that the enviable person wants to have something that the other possesses . For example, a woman wants a fur coat from natural fur. But life circumstances force her to wear an ordinary down jacket or artificial coat. And her girlfriend acquires a mink fur coat in the floor. Accordingly, a woman has anger feeling, since she very much wanted to supplement his wardrobe with such an element of the upper clothes, but could not achieve this. The fulfillment of your desires from others is an unbearable feeling. And as a so-called protective reaction, the enviable person begins to revenge the one who everything turns out. In the example of a woman with a fur coat, not satisfied with the life of the lady begins to dissolve gossip about his girlfriend, telling noby. But in fact, such examples are found in everyday life at every step.

Researchers revealed that People aged 18 to 30 years are susceptible to the feeling of envy. Extremely rarely envy other people of old age and children. In the modern world, the phenomenon envy is divided into white and black species. It is believed that the white envy is not terrible. However, in fact, even the white shade is bad emotion. Of course, it is softer, contains less negative emotions, even plays a peculiar role of push, motivating moving forward.

The emotional scheme of White envy: he envyed, decided, gathered with the forces, got the desired. Roughly speaking, White envy is a motivator guiding a person to achieve success. Black envy is much worse than white. She causes the most negative emotions with the envying, sets him on anger and rudeness. Sometimes even requires the destruction of someone who envy. For this reason, intrigues, deceptions, and sometimes even murders are always hung around the black envy. White envy may occur kindly and unconsciously, and black is deliberately. It may be tested for rich, beautiful, talented, successful and healthy people. In reality, a person can feel the feeling of envy only to what he does not have. In fact, this is a powerful aggression that causes unpleasant sensations in the shower.

Envious man is considered one of the most dangerous, as it is capable of any actions.

White and black envy: What is it? What does envy in kind? What is the difference between black and white envy? 24554_3

What differ?

If a person is experiencing a black envy in his soul, his aura is sent by anger and full negative, angrily and hatred. Such a person can no harm to the owner of the desired good. Black envy can push a person on terrible actions. For example, drop the paint machine or write a blister to the employee who has enhanced. A person experienced a white envy does not arise bad emotions in the shower. He does not seek to harm a person who has achieved success. White feeling envy allows you to improve, believe in yourself and your strength, thereby achieving the desired heights.

Many know what the white envy of black is different, but they cannot pass words. The main difference between these feelings is that White envy is a stimulant and motivator, and black is anger and hatred. It is the black envy that kills the emotional state of a person. It happens that man is extremely difficult to cope with the feeling of envy. The only decision is the help of a highly qualified psychologist.

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Causes of occurrence

The causes of the feeling of the envy of each person are different. It all depends on individuality and character. However, according to psychologists, The main self-assessment, the love of boasting, the desire to have the best benefits, complex childhood, improper education and weakness of the spirit . Love for power can be attributed to the same list. Despite the diversity of the reasons for envy, they are combined with an important component, namely the desire to have the fact that there is in another person.

Regarding white and black envy there are many different stories, small stories, tales and parables. For example, one day the old Indian told his grandson that in the soul of every person there is constantly the struggle between the two wolves. The first beast is anger, hatred and jealousy. The second carries good, peace, love and happiness. Little Indian who listened to this story carefully, asked his grandfather, what kind of wolf wins, to which the old Indian replied that he was defeated by the one.

Many psychologists are confident that the feeling of envy is a contagious phenomenon. If such emotion appeared in the head in 1 person, she will certainly strike a neighbor. For example, a man for a long time envied the professional success of colleagues, because of what began to discuss with the whole team of this employee, he began to tell about him from unprecedencing, collect gossip and even substituted a colleague under the punch before manual. Having heard this information, necessarily 1 out of 10 employees will fall on the side of the enviable, and the war against a successful person will be built with double force.

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Individual attention psychologists pay people with low self-esteem due to difficult childhood and poverty. They experience the envy of social injustice, which is much more difficult to overcome. It is almost just as difficult to get rid of envy people who consider themselves losers and full of insignificance. They are constantly given the lack of better in life. At the same time, even small victories, they themselves perceive as defeats.

Don't forget that Himself envious, experiencing a feeling of envy, plunges into the mistrup of suffering and the liquefies of his feelings . It often happens that you cannot throw out negative emotions on a successful person. Then you have to keep a tested malice in yourself. Permanent negative emotions cause many diseases - not only spiritual, but also physical.

In addition, the envious in the attack of a strong malice can create a situation in which there may be affected by innocent people. The most interesting thing is that Any of them can be a very serious opponent, then the envious will have to be tight.

Even ordinary jealousy is synonymous with envy. Both of these feelings require possessing something. And where there are such emotions, conscience, pity and sincerity is absent.

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Useful advice

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to cope with you. That is why envy comes unexpectedly and can gnaw a person from the inside for a long time. So that this does not happen, it is necessary to determine the main reason for the occurrence of envy and work with a psychologist. It is advisable to indulge yourself with beautiful things, delicious food, trips to interesting events, to leave the country, to visit distant countries. To eradicate the feeling of envy, you must constantly work on yourself. In no case cannot compare ourselves with other people. Freed from envy, a person's life is entirely changing. He has new priorities, interests, acquaintances. The emotional background is changing for the better, and the question "why not me?" goes on the back.

A person is very difficult to curb independently, but with the right approach you can turn this feeling in perfect motivation. For example, women wishing to lose weight is enough to look at the beautiful bodies of the fair sex representatives in the gym. Those who wish to get rich should work hard and look for their purpose. One of the important councils of psychologists, allowing you to cope with the feeling of envy - to increase your own self-esteem.

If a person suddenly has envious, he needs to mentally appeal to them, thank for everything and in no way pay attention to their actions.

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