I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit?


Most of his life is a person in the workplace. However, not everyone is flying there as on wings. There are people who, with difficulty overpowering themselves, wander to the organization hated by them. From dismissal, they can hold loans, mortgages, small children, sick parents, fear of change, high salary, pre-age, uncertainty in their own power, the location of the office near the house, the lack of a suitable position in another enterprise.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_2

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_3

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_4


Often you can hear from a variety of people: "I hate my work." Some do not like office work, but they have to spend all their working day in the office. Another psychologically difficult to fulfill the role of a teacher or doctor. Sometimes discontent occurs due to low salary. A person may not satisfy career perspectives or uninteresting tasks.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_5

Different circumstances force people to go to the unloved job. Sometimes labor activity is strongly oppressed, strains and does not cause any positive emotions. Sometimes regular stresses contribute to professional burnout.

Apathy, depression, fatigue and increased irritability appear.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_6

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_7

Experts allocate the most common reasons for hatred for their work.

  • The lack of freedom delivers many inconveniences. You need to come to a certain hour, to deny the whole work day, perform other people's instructions. The employee cannot refuse new instructions and responsibilities, even in case of severe workload. His career manages someone else. If personal urgent cases occurs or health problems, there is a need to ask and even humiliate before the bosses. In addition, irritates endless control over the performance of labor, the impossibility of manifestation of their creative abilities and defend its own point of view.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_8

  • Often, the causes of hatred for work lies in the hostile relationship between members of the team. Any motivations to the action of colleagues take bayonets, which is accompanied by aggression and resistance. Employees do not wish to listen to each other, interact. They do not want to learn better than their colleagues. Instead of friendliness, negative assessments prevail, unhealthy competition, perennial sluggish conflicts. Some teams lack disadvantaged events, collaborating in nature, simple gatherings in a cafe.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_9

  • Often the reasons for dislike for their own position are the overestimated requirements and rudeness from the head . The incompetence of the chief sometimes causes strong irritation. He either does not realize or do not know how much employee has to work, so it does not appreciate his work. Worker involuntarily eats up, having heard the voice of the boss. Not every leader knows how to build the right relationship with his subordinates. Some do not get along with people at all. In this case, a stress setting is created.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_10

Sometimes the employee has a good salary, an interesting job and a wonderful chief, but its own ideas do not comply with the principles of the company.

At the firm goals should be achieved at any cost. And for the employee, this approach is unacceptable, and in its internal conflict arises. For example, in the workplace, an employee must always be in fashionable clothing. And the person does not understand the fashion at all. On the one hand, he wants to meet the requirements, and on the other hand, wants to remain himself. A shower contradiction appears.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_11

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_12

What to do?

Sometimes you can not get quitted with hateful work due to the fact that money is very necessary, and other proposals for employment do not come. Do not forget about the millions of unemployed, desperate to find at least some earnings. And you contribute to society, bring the benefit of the organization and get a salary. In any activity there are boring and routine moments. They will not hide anywhere. You are able to change the attitude towards them, look at the problems with other eyes. Maybe you will not be able to love your workspace, but try to adjust yourself to a positive way.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_13

If your hatred is enhanced, and I want to go away immediately, take your vacation.

The passage will help bring some results of the employment path, focus on the future. Vacation time can be dedicated to job search. We go to the interview, advise with people who can give valuable advice.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_14

Do not leave until the possibility of new employment appears. Searches for work can be delayed for a long time: from several months to a year. Patiently pervive this period. Cannot be changed every six months. Such people lose the chance to take a highly paid position, since not all leaders agreed to waste the company's money and personal time to train an unreliable candidate.

Immediately quit only if you are humiliated, insult or forced to fraudulent actions, make people cheat, rob them. Subsequently, you can be attracted to administrative or criminal liability. With such employers, you must say goodbye immediately.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_15

Work that dislike can turn life into hell. In order to improve the situation, experts advise some steps.

Find another job

A good option to get rid of hate activities is to search for new work. This indicates human mobility and his desire for further development. A good location can be found if there is a good summary and contacts network, where you can ask for employment assistance. It is necessary to prepare the answers to the standard questions of the potential employer. If the hatred of work is due not to objective, but subjective reasons, then with the transition to another work is not in a hurry.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_16

Evaluate the situation

First of all, it is necessary to figure out what exactly annoys in the labor field. Immediately there was a sense of hatred for the workplace or formed gradually. You do not like the activity itself or strain relations in the team that has developed culture within the company, the structure of the enterprise? Or do you manage an unpleasant and despotic person? It happens that you have to work in unacceptable conditions for you. Sometimes a person expected a completely different situation. He came to this profession to do one, and here it turns out, it is necessary to engage in completely different things.

Do not rush to apply for dismissal. Do not forget that when changing the workplace, the voltage can be preserved. Make a list of what you do not like in your work. It is necessary to understand whether dissatisfaction is caused by the activity or its own person in its process. Adjust your emotional state. Find all positive and negative moments. Think about how the negative sides can be translated into a positive plane. This is a very effective exercise.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_17

Go learning

Sometimes discontent arises not because of the workflow itself, but because of the impossibility to engage in more interesting projects and earn a lot of money. In this case, there is a need to receive additional skills or even change profession. Improving the qualifications, getting another specialty often leads to new acquaintances, increase your value and cost in the labor market.

The development of the hobby distracts from depressive thoughts. Training and personal hobbies give a powerful impulse to your brain. Acquisition of additional skills and the presence of another diploma increases the chance to get more interesting and high-paying work.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_18

Do business

Become a successful businessman can a person with entrepreneurial vest and good professional knowledge in various fields. You can purchase skills using educational business programs. Some buy a franchise. Others make their first steps under the guidance of an experienced coach and gradually develop their own business.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_19

Any business begins with the formulation of clear goals, drawing up a plan and thorough study of all parts. At the initial stage, testing of own hypothesis is required to clarify how much people attracts this service or product. It is best to work in parallel in the main work and on your enterprise, because for the development of our own business, financial influxers are needed. The salary for the implementation of the main job responsibilities at a permanent workplace helps at first.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_20

After the appearance of income can be completely concentrated on its own project.

Find additional income

Everyone is fond of anything. One loves the oven delicious cakes, the other knits perfectly, sews, makes toys. Any hobby is suitable for turning it into an additional source of earnings. Some skillfully sell old things, others pass one of their rooms for rent. Having a sufficient stock of money, you can arrange a three-month holidays for rebooting. During this period, it should be dealt with accumulated problems and determine their goals. Now boldly start the search for a new workplace.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_21

Useful advice

Never compare yourself with others . Any comparison with more successful familiar, colleagues, relatives usually do not lead to global changes, but very much mood spoil. Reflections on injustice drive depressed. It is more useful to compare ourselves with himself a semi-annual or two-year limit. Analyze what changes occurred on the labor field, whether your professionalism has grown.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_22

Do not complain others. Scream and complaints will not change anything. Better change your attitude to work. Show the initiative to give the work of interest and efficiency, try new techniques. Focus only at positive moments. Suppose you are bored and uninteresting at work, but it is located next to the house, so you do not lose time in car traffic jams. It is possible to see more often members of your family. In addition, you have a stable and good salary, wonderful colleagues and a wonderful leader.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_23

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_24

If you do not like work in the office, but it is not possible to quit, Try to equip your workspace. Decorate it with decorative plants. Add a photo of your loved one. Even small changes may be of great importance. Take control of the personal working environment. Keep your table and drawers clean and order.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_25

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_26

Avoid communicating with constantly dissatisfied with colleagues, gossip and those who set up against other employees. The restriction of contacts with such colleagues brings more positive moments into labor life, contributes to the appearance of good mood.

Do not stay in the workplace during the lunch break. Stroll, disk up, get off . The walls that you hate are destroying on your psyche. Even a ten-minute walk will make benefits.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_27

Compensate dislike for their own position can intensive sports, hobbies, walks. An open-scale life can be filled with communication with pleasant people, with children and relatives. Some devote themselves to creativity, music, attend theaters and museums.

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_28

I hate my job: what to do if you need money, but you feel hate to work in the office and you can not quit? 24551_29

About why hatred for work arises, look in the video.

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