PhotoFobia (6 photos): What is the name of the fear of bright and daylight? Signs of the disease in an adult and child, the peculiarities of the treatment of phobia


Waking up from the bright sun, which shines directly in the eye, someone gives great pleasure, and someone does not. It all depends on how a person perceives this world. When he comes out of the Dark Room and bright rays fall on it, he begins to frown. This is a completely normal reaction of the body. But if a person begins an unpleasant feeling, then this symptom needs to pay attention. Perhaps it develops photophobia.

What is it and causes

An unpleasant and painful feeling when the light enters the eyes is called photophobia. It is accompanied by an eyelid spasm, pain in the eyes, tearing. Arises as a result of eye illness or after visiting the eyepiece. During inspection, the doctor bursts a special solution into the eyes, which expands pupils. After that, a person cannot look at the bright light. But these symptoms are quickly passing.

Also the cause of light-friendly can be Glaucoma and an increase in intraocular pressure.

Walled diseases contribute to the development of photophobia. It may arise due to the reception of drugs and due to the disease of the oncology.

PhotoFobia (6 photos): What is the name of the fear of bright and daylight? Signs of the disease in an adult and child, the peculiarities of the treatment of phobia 24540_2

There are other reasons for the appearance of this disease. For example, if the individual has been infected with infection, such as measles, rubella, meningitis, rabies. Then, along with such a symptom, the temperature can be climbed and fever.

Still light-friendly can be caused by the hit in the eye of the foreign body. In fact, the fear of light directly indicates signs of any disease. When the nervous system is affected, the symptoms may be as follows: headache, blurred outlines of objects, expansion of pupils.

When irritating the retina, discomfort occurs in light in the eyes. If the person is completely healthy, the muscle narrowing pupil works without interruption. It is precisely the narrowing of the pupil makes it possible to defend itself from entering too bright light into the organ, which is connected directly with cerebral activities. If the eyes receive sudden irritation, the brain begins to immediately respond to this irritant. From here and there are various unpleasant symptoms.

By and large, the causes of photofobo can be a lot. There are two types of this disease.

  • Congenital Photophobia occurs when the body lacks such an important substance as melanin. The eyes look red due to the fact that the iris is transparent and the vessels look through it. Hair and skin are also deprived of characteristic color.
  • Acquired PhotoFobia may appear as a result of various diseases.

PhotoFobia (6 photos): What is the name of the fear of bright and daylight? Signs of the disease in an adult and child, the peculiarities of the treatment of phobia 24540_3

Svetuboyani in children and adults

If we talk about children, then the first reason for this disease can be congenital. As mentioned above, this is due to the lack of melanin's lack. But most often children's phobia occurs in a child against the background of various diseases (delaying the eye retina, sunny or thermal burn, surgical intervention).

There are still congenital children's pathologies. Partial or complete absence of iris - aniridium. By the way, it may occur as a result of injury. Related changes are classified for this disease: underdeveloped retina, clouding of the cornea, nystagm, reduction of visual acuity.

The same symptoms may occur in an adult person if he suffers from any disease. An exception here may be carrying contact lenses if they are chosen in the wrong way.

Such eye syndrome is another cause of light-friendly.

However, it should be remembered that Photosensitivity is the usual anomaly. The appearance of bright light after a long stay in the dark will necessarily arise, even if the person is completely healthy. After the sudden appearance of the light, the pupil does not have time to focus, so this effect arises.

PhotoFobia (6 photos): What is the name of the fear of bright and daylight? Signs of the disease in an adult and child, the peculiarities of the treatment of phobia 24540_4

A healthy person after awakening can briefly arise the lights. With long reading or as a result of work on the computer, deviations are also possible. It should not be treated seriously to such manifestations if they occur infrequently, but if these symptoms are repeated repeatedly, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Perhaps a person develops a damage to the nervous system. This can manifest itself when injuries of the head or with various brain tumors. This state of the meningeal syndrome is called. It is characterized by nausea, headache and, of course, light-in-friendly.

When injury to the brain, such pathology is quite possible very quickly, since there is a reason, and it is known. Other diseases such as abscess, tumor, parasitic cyst, is quite difficult to diagnose. Here it is necessary to look at the accompanying symptoms, for example, when the headache is accompanied by vomiting, which brings short relief. The intensity of this state directly depends on the position of the head. It can be horizontal or vertical.

It must be remembered that the light-wideness in the presence of serious diseases (brain tumors, cysts) is only one of the components of additional factors leading to increasing headaches. And if the light source is accompanied by other symptoms - dizziness, paresis, convulsive seizures, impaired sensitivity - you need to understand that there is a person with a serious illness. That's why With any manifestations of this kind, it is necessary to pass the appropriate examination. And if any diagnosis is confirmed, it is necessary to begin treatment.

PhotoFobia (6 photos): What is the name of the fear of bright and daylight? Signs of the disease in an adult and child, the peculiarities of the treatment of phobia 24540_5


It must be started without delay, otherwise your ailment will take the form of chronic, and then when the state is lost, will lead to complete loss of vision. Besides, As a result of starting, humiophobia can develop. It is a panic fear of daylight.

Patients with heliophobia are experiencing severe stress before entering the street, where the sun shines. They are afraid of characteristic cutting and pain in the eyes. These symptoms cause sunlight. This disease is accompanied by trembling in all limbs, dry mouth, dizziness, strong headache, attacks arrhythmia, hysteria, nausea or vomiting, panic attacks, pulse and respiration.

Therefore, you should not ignore these symptoms. You must first reveal the reason that provokes a phobia. If a person has these symptoms after injury or as a result of inflammatory processes, it is necessary to eliminate the cause. After that everything will fall into place.

If phobia has begun as a result of an infectious disease, it will pass as soon as a person starts to recover.

In order for the patient of photophobia, he did not feel extra suffering, he can recommend the following.

  • At this stage there are such photochromic lenses that are sold in specialized agencies - they will help. Just keep in mind that you need the correct selection of such lenses.
  • If a person is afraid of sunlight, he needs to wear light-protective glasses. Buy this product is needed in specialized stores, as they must contain glass that protect from ultraviolet.
  • It is necessary to closely monitor its hygiene. Any infection can provoke a deterioration of the patient's condition.
  • An individual with a dry eye syndrome should use moisturizing drops whose quality should be flawless.
  • Working with a computer is another reason. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange breaks during this activity, perform exercise and gymnastics for the eyes.

PhotoFobia (6 photos): What is the name of the fear of bright and daylight? Signs of the disease in an adult and child, the peculiarities of the treatment of phobia 24540_6

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