Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets


Sets for needlework are very popular in young craftsmen and their parents. Today we will tell you more about knitting sets and give advice on choosing the optimal model.

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_2

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_3

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_4

What is included?

Sewing and knitting were and remain the most popular types of needlework. However, for those who have never held the arms before, the question "how to learn to knit" can become a serious problem. What instruments will be required, where to start, what existing techniques are - it is not surprising that many, encountered with the first difficulties, are thrown. To facilitate acquaintance with this kind of needlework and sincerely love him, special needlework sets were created.

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_5

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_6

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_7

Knitting sets are created specifically for beginners and allow you to make simple, but good and high-quality products with your own hands. For those who do not have knitting experience, kits for creating a blanket, scarf and other simple things are offered. And the craftsmen who already stuffed their hand, you can make a choice in favor of sets for mating backpack, sweaters or dresses.

In each set there are all the necessary tools (knitting, hooks) and yarn, the number of which should be enough to complete the work. It is important that it is the highest quality. Of course it can affect the cost of the set . But the difference in work is cheap and expensive high-quality threads you will definitely feel regardless of how difficult your work will be.

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_8

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_9

Included in the set detailed instructions. It contains mating schemes and step by step tells about all the necessary actions to create the products you like. If accuracy follow it, the knitting process will be easy and most comfortable for you.

Knitting sets will be a good choice for newbies, Which previously never kept in the hands of the spokes or kept, but very long and would like to fully immerse themselves in the creative process. They are often bought for girls for 7-10 years, trying to teach them to needlework.

The kit can also be useful to those who want to make a pleasant to their loved ones and present them a gift made by their own hands.

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_10

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_11

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_12

Among the sets for mating crochet, the best user reviews were honored by the following models.

Abtoys, Scarf "I am a designer"

The set to create a scarf will be a good gift for schoolgirl . The kit includes 4 skeins of high quality yarn, steel hook, plastic needle, as well as a round-shaped platform on which loops are rolled. The technique of work resembles a knitting needles, but there are no sharp and other dangerous items that can be born. Suitable for children from 7 years.

Set is packed in a colorful gift box with a blister stand. It will become an excellent way to develop a shallow motility of hands and teach young craftswoman to create bright scarves for all their relatives and loved ones. Of the minuses, there are not enough shirts of yarn. In addition, users note that it is difficult to adapt to the machine.

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_13

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_14

Hoooked, Clark Caterpillar

Under this brand, sets are being implemented to create knitted toys in the form of caterpillars. For this there is everything you need:

  • yarn of three colors;
  • bamboo hook;
  • set of threads for the design of the face;
  • Detailed instructions with pictures in Russian.

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_15

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_16

The elements knit in a circle, after which they are stuffed and stitched alternately.

Small lifehak: If you add to the sakes balls, then the toy will be much more spectacular.

Users highlight high quality yarn - it is hypoallergenne and pleasant to the touch. However, it is worth such a set of more than 2 thousand rubles, while the filler will have to be purchased separately. However, if environmental friendliness is the main priority for you - this kit will be the best solution.

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_17

"Lama Ural", "Puppy"

Another interesting set to create toys with hook. Here you can find cubs, dogs, pandas and many other animals. The kit includes polypropylene yarn, hook, as well as a user manual in Russian.

Finished products are obtained dense, very colorful and bright . However, the quality of yarn leaves much to be desired, so Crafts in some places it turns out too thin . In addition, the filler will have to be purchased separately - its flow rate of one product of 15x12 is only 100 g, they usually use synthelubles or holofiber.

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_18

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_19

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_20

Of great interest are sets for knitting needles.

They allow you to create stylish and warm things. Newbies and headquarters use the greatest popularity of beginners.

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_21

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_22

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_23


This kit includes yarn from the Australian Merinos. It has a completely natural origin, pleasant to the touch, hypoallergenne . The resulting product does not creeze and does not irritate the skin, so it can be used by a child.

For knitting, knitted spokes from a beech with a diameter of 25 mm are used, they are covered with varnish for easier sliding loops. The fishing line has a steel core, covered with pvc braid. During the work, it is not confused and does not tear yarn. The set includes replaceable variants with a different length of 40, 50, 60, as well as 80 and 100 cm.

Users believe that the price of a set is high . However, this is fully justified by the exceptional quality of the yarn itself and all components. The set will be a good gift for a teenage girl. And the Snuda themselves for several seasons are holding at the peak of fashion and are an indispensable thing in capricious weather.

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_24

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_25

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_26

Alex, "Fashionable Things of Fluffy Yarn"

This set can be used to those who only make their first steps in knitting. It includes 6 fur fluffy yarn, safe plastic needles and a detailed work scheme. Using such a kit, the young craftswoman will be able to create scarves, bags, belts and headbands.

All of them are distinguished by bright, but gentle colors, they are hypoallergenic, do not irritate the skin and do not cause discomfort. Sets are recommended for children from 8 years.

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_27

However, it was not without flaws. The edges of the spokes of slightly stupid, so it is very difficult to throw the loops. In addition, the cost of the kit can not be called a democratic.

Nevertheless, the set is very popular, as the fantasy of the young Creator is not limited. The child can create the most unusual things, and if something went wrong - just dissolve them and start working again. Moreover, the number of metals and their length are allowed to carry out the most bold experiments with patterns and colors.

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_28

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_29

Wool & Mania, "Cap-Chalma"

This brand offers a rich selection of sets to create stylish hats. The collection is represented by sets based on tender thick Peruvian yarn in different color solutions. An instruction manual is attached, which describes in detail all the main steps of work and the number of loops to create hats of different sizes. It is noteworthy that when ordering a set, the manufacturer can eliminate the needles, if any, you already have.

Of the disadvantages, there are no decorative accessories for decorating ready-made caps and an unbroken packaging. Therefore, such sets rarely buy as a gift, but they are indispensable for personal use.

Peruvian yarn is distinguished by high quality, and wooden spokes have perfect grinding.

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_30

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_31

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_32

How to choose?

When choosing a set for creativity, the material of accessories plays an important role. So, on the spokes of metal, the loops begin to squat. In addition, with long-term knitting, they leave on the fingers a dark mark. In this case, preference is better to give models, in which the edges are covered with a special button.

Wood spokes are more fragile, they have a rough surface. On the one hand, this is good, because the loops do not slip from the edge. But on the other hand, too gentle and thin yarn during contact with the unpassed surface is damaged, and the finished product is obtained untidy.

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_33

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_34

As for the threads - everything is individually here. It may be natural wool or acrylic synthetics. When choosing a set for children, preference is better to give the materials of natural origin.

Well, finally, The age of the user. Most sets for creativity are recommended for girls from 7 years. This does not mean that they cannot be offered to babies for 5-6 years, but in this case the parents should be ready to help craftsmen and explain to them how to properly enjoy working circuits. At first, it is best to choose the simplest baby sets with safe plastic hooks and special platforms for loops.

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_35

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_36

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_37

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_38

Knitting Sets: Children's Kits for Knitting Toys, Bags and Backpacks Crochet, Tools for Creativity and Gift Knitting Sets 24509_39

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