Women's chakras is responsible for what the first and second, 3, 4 and 5 of the chakras, ajna and sahasrara? Block throat chakra. As a self-release energy?


Chakra - it is a kind of energy channels of the human body that serve as conductors of cosmic energy. They are involved in the energy and are designed for energy filling the body from the environment. Because of the chakras depends on the development of energy, every woman needs to disclose them and to step up. You can do this in several ways. Correct operation of the chakras promotes luck, well-being and easy solution to all life's questions.

Unlike male chakras

Women's chakra significantly different from men in their action. Initially, man was created by nature as a hunter, miner. The main purpose of women is caring for her husband and children, she homemaker. The essence of the existence of two sexes in this case is different.

Men especially active is at the lower chakras. At the same time female representatives it is considered the weakest. Their chakras have not only the right to work, but also seamlessly communicate with each other that men and women were comfortable with each other.

Women's chakras is responsible for what the first and second, 3, 4 and 5 of the chakras, ajna and sahasrara? Block throat chakra. As a self-release energy? 24488_2

chakras species and their significance for women

Every woman has several chakras. Each of them is responsible for his sphere and is activated in different ways. In addition, each of them has its own unique name. Some of them are quite difficult to pronounce. But, Despite this, 7 remember names is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.


The first chakra is considered to be the root and is responsible for the ability to survive the women in the world. It has a red color, located in the lower part of the body, in the area of ​​the ovaries. It refers to the element of earth. In its central part located the so-called animal instincts. It owns a set of primitive instincts:

  • nutrition;
  • thirst;
  • procreation;
  • clothes;
  • adoption of any decision.

The special features of this chakra include: commitment, energy, physical condition, clear signals of the body.

Women's chakras is responsible for what the first and second, 3, 4 and 5 of the chakras, ajna and sahasrara? Block throat chakra. As a self-release energy? 24488_3


Second, the orange chakra has a water element, is located just below the navel, it is considered sacred. It not only gives a woman attractiveness and beauty, but also gives strength and is responsible for the determination. To this chakra is working correctly, a woman must learn to express their feelings, because any unexpressed pain violates the energy exchange.

Features work properly this chakra are in the right attitude not only to themselves but also to the world. If the chakra is functioning properly, it becomes the owner of the feminine and active in the physical plane.


The third, yellow, chakra is subject to fiery element located in the field of solar plexus. Bioenergy is convinced that it is in this place that the female ego is also located. Chakra is responsible for cash flow, public recognition, achieving goals.

The features of the 3rd chakra include: a sense of self-esteem among others, success, fame, material well-being.


For women, 4 chakra (green) is considered the most significant because it is responsible for love. It belongs to the element of air, helps a woman to experience love for a man, keep him loyalty, and also gives it a feeling towards the universe. Open cardiac chakra is important for any woman. Features are: the feeling of happiness, love, joy and compassion.

Women's chakras is responsible for what the first and second, 3, 4 and 5 of the chakras, ajna and sahasrara? Block throat chakra. As a self-release energy? 24488_4


The throat, blue, chakra is located in the neck area and is considered a male. She helps a woman to gain confidence, believe in itself, to achieve intended goals. Also, with its help and the right work, you can feel your own uniqueness. The features of the 5th chakra are: the ability to communicate well and correctly convey their thoughts to others, the impact on people, self-confidence. Her element is a sound.


The sixth has an indigo color, responsible for creative potential. It is located in the forehead area between the eyebrows and helps a woman to send their creative abilities in the right direction. Also, the 6th chakra emphasizes insight, intuition and the ability to listen to it.

Features include: the ability to feel the mood of people, wisdom, insight, intuition. Her element is light.


The seventh, purple, is on the scalp and is a kind of conductor between man and space. It also communicates with the universe. She develops abstract thinking in a woman, the ability to know being and itself. Features include: awareness of their own uniqueness and communication with the universe. Her element is thought.

Women's chakras is responsible for what the first and second, 3, 4 and 5 of the chakras, ajna and sahasrara? Block throat chakra. As a self-release energy? 24488_5

Why is blocking?

Blocking each of the above chakras occurs for various reasons. You can detect blocking by some features that are also separate for each chakra.

The first is blocked by fear that a woman cannot control. The block indicates several circumstances at once:

  • permanent financial difficulties;
  • The feeling of loneliness is almost in all life situations;
  • weak activity and stiffness;
  • Continuous sensation is not safe.

Also, the signs of blocking include constant stress caused by a woman by external pressure.

The second chakra - Svadchistan is blocked by a sense of guilt. Signs of blocking or improper work Multiple:

  • Permanent feeling of guilt before other people or in front of something;
  • excessive rigor to yourself;
  • Problems in sex and negative idea of ​​it.

When blocked, the woman unsuccessfully trying to find a suitable partner, but all attempts remain unsuccessful.

The manipura is blocked by a sense of shame. A woman becomes convinced that she is a victim of circumstances, and all life depends on fate. She cannot acquire confidence, and also constantly wants to please and please others. This is done in order to increase your own self-esteem, but no sense of satisfaction such actions do not even bring.

Women's chakras is responsible for what the first and second, 3, 4 and 5 of the chakras, ajna and sahasrara? Block throat chakra. As a self-release energy? 24488_6

Anahat is blocked by grief. Symptoms look like this:

  • A woman cannot find the meaning of his own life;
  • She does not feel happy and can not be content with what has;
  • It is afraid to close with people.

In relation to the opposite sex, it shows such qualities and traits of character, as vitality, irritation, insult, egoism. As a result, all this converges at one point and leads to parting.

Vishuddha is blocked by a lie. The throat chakra works incorrectly in the event that a woman:

  • try to please everyone;
  • It is afraid to be rejected for the truth being said;
  • can not defend his right and its point of view;
  • Fear to remain nephonic surrounding.

With a blocked chakra, a woman says too fast, so in most cases surrounding it do not understand. Ajna is blocked by an illusion. In this case, the woman constantly winds out for any occasion, does not trust the inner voice, does not listen to intuition, and is also not able to accept an independent decision after thinking about the situation.

The upper chakra is blocked by affection. If a woman is very often suffering from headaches, focused on material and can not catch the value of spiritual life, then her chakra works incorrectly.

Women's chakras is responsible for what the first and second, 3, 4 and 5 of the chakras, ajna and sahasrara? Block throat chakra. As a self-release energy? 24488_7

Wake-up methods

Unlock chakras can be independently. But for this you have to make some efforts. The discovery will free the internal energy. A woman will feel much better not only in physical, but also in the spiritual plan.


Meditation is the most common and useful way to unlock. Starting from the first chakra, you need to act like this:

  • do yoga;
  • learn to realize and really evaluate the present time;
  • In the process of meditation to disclose the third chakra in the solar plexus zone, it is necessary to represent bright yellow sunflower;
  • You need to practice relaxing asians, as well as to make it installs: "I am worth it," "I will cope with it", "I love myself what is"; "
  • more relax;
  • adjust to reality daily;
  • Practice meditation with sacred sound "Ohm".

Meditation should be practiced constantly. They will help to reveal the chakras and customize them on the right job.

Women's chakras is responsible for what the first and second, 3, 4 and 5 of the chakras, ajna and sahasrara? Block throat chakra. As a self-release energy? 24488_8


Harmonization depends on many things. In order to unlock the chakras, it is recommended to perform certain actions.
  • It is necessary to get close to nature as much as possible, for example, more often walk barefoot or work with the ground.
  • Learn to enjoy life. Tell connections that suppress the proper work of the chakra. It is also important to trust your partner.
  • Eat yellow products: bananas, cheese, lemons and much more.
  • Keep away from people taking vital energy.
  • Stop paying painful attention to others.
  • On the frontal part of carrying oils: mayoran, juniper, nutmeg sage, rosemary.
  • Include in the diet of purple-colored products: eggplants, plum, blueberries, cabbage.

Recommendations are located in the same sequence as the chakras, starting below.

Additional exercises

As an additional exercise, you can practice any respiratory gymnastics. You can also use special stones intended for cleansing chakras. Aromatherapy will be superfluous.

It is important to work out every chakra, to establish the power, sleep and rest, learn how to interact with you correctly and the surrounding people. Even with minor manipulations, life will begin to enter the right direction. A woman will feel the necessary, attractive, confident, self.

Women's chakras is responsible for what the first and second, 3, 4 and 5 of the chakras, ajna and sahasrara? Block throat chakra. As a self-release energy? 24488_9

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