Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic?


Changes to appearance allow girls to feel more attractive. One of the most common trends among women is lightening hair. Today, many people seek to repaint in the blond, because this particular shade is associated with tenderness and purity. However, such a tone is not all. Most often blond girls are lit, half of them are satisfied with the result, and the rest regret it. So that you do not cry in your natural color, you need to correctly clarify the hair.


It is best to make staining in the salons, where experts will select the means that will not spoil the structure of the strands. But many are decided to do it on their own. Such an approach will not cause difficulties if you know in advance how to properly brighten the light-blond and dark blond hair. There are several ways to achieve excellent color, lightening a blond color without intervention of specialists.

Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_2

Discoloration by folk methods

Folk remedies are the most harmless option, because there are no chemistry in them. True, the quick and long result is also not expected.


Honey masks for lightening hair are quite popular. They are not suitable for everyone, but the girls with Rusi strands will be surprised by the effect. Light shades are more susceptible to discoloration, so the result will be visible after 1-2 applications. The clarification occurs due to the enzyme glucose oxidase, which in a certain medium turns into hydrogen peroxide. Unfortunately, substances in honey contains very little, therefore The discoloration occurs gradually, and no more than 2-3 tones.

To change the hair color, you need to apply honey on strands, carefully distribute over the entire length, then wrap them with a film and wrap in a towel.

Leaving a mask for the night, in the morning you can see that the hair acquired a healthy shine and volume, and the shade became a little lighter.

Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_3

Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_4

Honey and lemon

The reason for using honey is understandable, but I always have questions about Lemon. Lemon acid penetrates the hair and discolor the pigment. From this we can conclude that the lemon itself can also be used to lighten the hair. However, with honey, citric acid will reduce the strands much faster.

To prepare a mask, you need to take:

  • lemon juice;
  • honey;
  • Olive oil - instead, you can use other components, such as kefir, egg yolk.

All products must be mixed equal to quantity. After the mixture should be applied to the hair, distribute over the entire length. Head is wrapped with polyethylene film 2-4 hours, And then the tool is washed off by the usual shampoo.

Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_5

Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_6


This fermented milk product does not only contain a huge amount of vitamins that help hair grow faster, and improve their condition as a whole, but also removes pigments from the curls.

Alone kefir is rarely used. Other ingredients are usually added to it: honey, lemon, cinnamon. This allows you to achieve results faster.

  • For mask with honey, products are mixed in equal amounts and are evenly applied along the entire length of the hair. After 2-3 hours, the mixture was washed off with ordinary shampoo.
  • One cup of kefir is mixed with half a cup of lemon juice. After applying on the strand, it is necessary to warm the head with a towel.
  • Cinnamon is mixed with kefir in relation to 2: 5. The mixture is applied to the hair for 2 hours, wash off shampoo.

Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_7

Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_8

Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_9

Lemon essential oil

Another way to clarify blond hair is to apply the essential oil of lemon. It can be bought in the store or prepare yourself. For this, lemon peel must be put under the press to squeeze the liquid.

    It is this liquid that is added to hair care products to achieve a lighter shade.

    To speed up the process, oil is used in combination with other ingredients as a mask.

    • Kefir is mixed with shampoo, egg yolk, and 2-3 drops of essential oil are added. About an hour this mixture must be kept on the hair, and after washed with warm water.
    • Lemon oil can be added to a mixture of yolk and vinegar. Half an hour hold on the hair, and you can wash off with a shampoo.
    • Olive oil together with lemon will allow the hair as much as possible. Hold a mask half an hour, wash off shampoo.

    Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_10

    Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_11


    The lightening of the chamomile decoction is a rather fast process, and it flies the least to the hair. The result will be soft curls for 1-2 tones lighter. Therapeutic properties of daisies are also forced to make a choice in favor of this method.

    • The easiest way to brew a little pharmacy chamomile with hot water. It is necessary to insist such a solution in a thermos for 6 hours, and after soaking the hair and wrap them in a towel for an hour.
    • If you mix chamomile with saffron and lemon juice, then a mask from this solution should be applied for half an hour.
    • For the preparation of the next mask you need to pour chamomile, turmeric and lemon zezdar in boiling water. After it is necessary to strain and cool the solution, apply on the hair every day until the result appears.

    Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_12

    Hydrogen peroxide

    Hair discoloration peroxide dries hair, which is very bad. Color as a result will be bright, but yellowish. If this is satisfied, then you can proceed to clarification. Three-percent solution is most convenient to apply with a sprayer. After applying, it is necessary to evenly distribute peroxide peroxide. After 20-40 minutes it is necessary to wash off the tool, and put on strands of balsam.

    Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_13

    Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_14


    Not the most popular way, but rather fast. Compound of peroxide and urea in composition allow you to lighten the hair by 2-3 tones. After cooking, it is worth it for the entire length. Then you need to wash your hair thoroughly with a shampoo. To make less harm strands, you need to use balm and masks.

    Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_15

    Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_16

    Baking soda

    Lightening with soda is known to everyone. It spoils the hair is not as strong as hydrogen peroxide, therefore it is used much more often.

    A mixture of soda with salt, kefir, shampoo and lemon juice allows us to discolor blond strands to almost the blond in a short time.

    Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_17

    Application of chemicals

    If there is no desire to wait for the result for a long time, or I do not want to engage in the creation of masks manually, you can take advantage of the ready-made compositions.

    Lightening tonic

    In the modern world, some girls change hair color quite often. In order not to spoil strands during staining, they use tonic. Of course, the fact that coloring and brightening hair tonic will not last long, frustrating. However, less harmless way to lighten the hair for 3-5 tones does not exist.

    Use tonic is very simple. It is necessary to carry out the procedure in gloves and before proceeding, you need to apply bold cream to the skin area, which can be stained during staining. This will avoid painting hands and heads.

    The remedy is evenly distributed over wet hair, covered with polyethylene and leave for a while. Depending on the desired result, the tonic hold on strands from 5 to 20 minutes. After time, the hair is thoroughly washed in warm water without using shampoo and dried.

    The desired result can be obtained from the first time and without harm to the hair, if you follow all the recommendations in the instructions.

    Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_18

    Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_19

    Shampoo shampoo

    The clarifying shampoo helps discolor the hair due to the oxidizing agent, chamomile extract and citric acid in the composition. Reasons to choose shampoo for staining quite a lot. Unlike paint, the positive quality shampoo is the ease of use and efficiency. With proper use, you can brighten the strands to 1-2 tones and improve the condition of the hair in principle. Before use, it is worth examining the instructions and check whether there is no allergies to the components that are part of.

    The procedure should be carried out in gloves. The tool is applied to wet hair, after which it must be combined and washed with water without using the shampoo. The next step will be re-staining. But if it was necessary to wash off the remedy last times almost immediately, now you need to leave it on strands for 5-10 minutes. The last item is flushing the shadow shampoo and driving the curls.

    It is possible to achieve the desired shade for 1-2 applications, and after shampoo use every 2-3 weeks to maintain color.

    Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_20

    Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_21

    Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_22

    Clarifying sprays

    Relatively new way to clarify blond hair - spray. Such a means is little known, but the reviews are only positive. No harm to curls, and clarification by 2 tones for 2-3 applications. The only minus is the high cost. The discoloration occurs due to hydrogen peroxide, in addition, the strands are preserved in excellent condition due to panthenol, glycerin and vitamin additives.

    This product may cause an allergic reaction, so it is worth checking it in advance.

    Use sprays at home is quite easy. It is necessary to simply spray the product on the hair and comb them. The main thing is not to get into the eyes and follow some rules. For example, on gray, brittle and weak curls, it is impossible to apply a means to finally spoil them. Frequent use can also harm hair. Professionals advise to use sprays no more than 1-2 times a week.

    Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_23

    Lightening blur hair (24 photos): How to brighten the strands from lightly blond and dark-blond to blond at home by folk remedies and tonic? 24188_24

    What are the subtleties of blightening blond hair, see the next video.

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