Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews


Henna is a familiar strangest word that many heard, but did not immediately remember what it was. Meet that Henna is hena, familiar to many. Available inexpensive agent is found not only in cosmetics stores, but also in pharmacies, and tattoo salons. With this natural dye, the female floor becomes even more beautiful. That's just before the first purchase it is worth thinking what henna it is better to choose.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_2


The thing is that the southern thermal-loving plant of Lovevonia, from the leaves and the stems of which and make powder, grows in North Africa, South Asia, India. It is here that the most popular Indian and Iranian henna produce. Undoubtedly, these species are very similar, but also have their own characteristics, since plants grow on different soils, and therefore vary by chemical composition.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_3

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_4

There are six main differences in the Iranian and Indian powder.

  1. Cups . For the production of powder, the leaves of the Lavson are crushed, therefore, there are natural particles of the plant in the composition. In the Iranian product, they are larger, which is noticeably noticeable when staining. Indian powder has a form of homogeneous flour.
  2. Ease of use . Due to larger particles, Iranian henna loses Indian.
  3. Compatibility with other components . In both powder, you can add other natural ingredients to create new colors and shades.
  4. Color variety. In its pure form, the Iranian product gives one bright copper color. Indian powder without additives is seven shades.
  5. Availability . Indian lavesence is much less common in ordinary stores, but it can be bought using an online order. Iranian powders in various variations can be bought in almost any cosmetic store, as well as on Internet portals.
  6. Price . The usual Iranian henna without additives is quite inexpensive, it is a little cheaper than Indian. But various complexes and mixtures are sold. Their price is much higher, but also benefit from them more.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_5

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_6

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_7

Henna has more interesting features. If you carefully get acquainted with the instructions for the use of any powder, it turns out that they do not only from Lavsonia. Yes, from this plant get natural paint with a pigment, as well as a colorless hu. But under the concept of Henna, a number of products are also suitable.

  • Cassia Tupoliste. It is used as a colorless substance for hair recovery.
  • Ostrol cassia . Colorless henna, softening the scalp and hair, as well as protecting curls from the sun.
  • ZIZIIFUS. . Used as a dandruff remedy, for the treatment and stimulation of hair growth. Protects hair painted by Lovevonia or Basma. It is used as a detergent for the head.
  • Indigofer dye or bass. Powder, giving hair black, get from the young leaves of the Indian plant.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_8

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_9

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_10

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_11

Thus, under the brand "Hena Iranian" you can meet Lovevonia to change the color, colorless, black bass, white hu to remove hair from face and body, as well as for lightening curls. And all because in the east, henna is called powder facilities for body care and hair.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_12

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_13

If we say exactly about Lavsonia, then using flowers, leaves and stems, the plant is used for:

  • hair coloring;
  • treatment of the scalp, hair bulbs and strands;
  • purification from excess skin saline;
  • tattoo eyebrows;
  • Body mural (Mendi, Mehendi).

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_14

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_15

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_16

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_17

Advantages and disadvantages

The obvious advantages of natural Iranian paint include:

  • hypoallergenicity;
  • no ammonia and hydrogen peroxide;
  • The possibility of use during pregnancy and feeding baby breast milk (if earlier the use of henna did not cause individual intolerance);
  • antiseptic properties for the treatment of scalp;
  • the ability to compact the structure of the hair that makes her hair thicker;
  • the possibility of using starting with adolescence;
  • improvement of the appearance of the hair;
  • low price and efficiency;
  • Easy storage of unused powder.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_18

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_19

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_20

But there are disadvantages of this natural paint:

  • Lovevonia does not paint 100% gray;
  • Henna straightens curly hair;
  • It is very difficult to choose a consistency and paint exposure time;
  • It is important to properly enjoy the proposed formulation so as not to be with green hair;
  • Wash the hair paint very problematic;
  • Frequent coloring dries hair, making them brittle;
  • Iranian paint has a very specific smell.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_21

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_22

Options for shades

Given the fact that the Iranian Henna gives only one copper color, then it can be achieved by other shades by Additions of natural ingredients to powder:

  • Bright Rye gives turmeric or saffron;
  • Locks with red chip It turns out if Henna is not kneaded on the water, but on the chamomile decoction;
  • Cherry tint obtained by mixing the powder on the beet juice or adding 4 tbsp into the powder. l. cocoa;
  • Colors of bitter chocolate Achieve, adding coffee in proportion to 25 g of henna - 1 tsp., You can also use tea welding;
  • 1 part of the henna and 2 parts of the bass will make Brown hair chestnuts;
  • Brown color can be achieved using 5 tbsp. l. Ground coffee;
  • 2 pieces of henna and 1 part of the bass will give Russes Hair Bronze Color;
  • hour extracts of pure lavsonia, and then an hour - clean bass make hair Black.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_23

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_24

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_25

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_26

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_27

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_28

But the initial color of the curls is of paramount importance, their thickness, condition, density. At first, correctly pick up the color will be problematic, as dark hair, in general, the first time does not blame. Lavsonia has a cumulative effect. Correct the proportions of components and exposure time will only help experience.

Most gently prepare paint for blond and gray hair: In blond curls, any coloring substance is more noticeable, and the gray hair porous, faster absorb paint. The mixtures applied to dark hair will make them brighter, shiny. It is difficult to turn brown or brunette to red, using LoveVonia with or without additives. But you can brighten your hair with a white henna.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_29

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_30

The most predictable effect can be achieved if you buy ready-made mixtures. But they are absolutely natural or with synthetic dyes. And here, before each buyer, the question of trust does not have so much to the manufacturer as the seller: high-quality goods - the lot of honest vendors.

How to choose?

The quality of the natural paint directly depends on the time of collecting leaves, colors and stems, their arrangements on the shrub, storage conditions. Raw materials are of different quality.

  • Henna Low Sorta It is made from stems and deciduous powder. The likelihood was great, which was harvested after the rain, there is little chlorophyll in it, so it has brown, and not light green. With vitamins, tannins and oils in this product, there is also a clear problem.
  • Middle Quality Product Made of leaves collected from the lower branches of the shrub. Collect raw materials in the fall, so it will dry it much longer, which affects the number of Lavson and Chlorophyll. But there are much more vitamins and essential oils.
  • High Sort It is characterized by light green color, as the upper young leaflets are harvested in hot summer and instantly dried under the scorching sun. Fast drying retains chlorophyll and all useful components. Staining this powder will be more resistant. Henna has a therapeutic effect.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_31

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_32

It is also important where the goods are faced. Ideally, this should be in the place of growing plants. No less important storage and sale conditions. If the store suggested the packaging that lay in the sun, it is not worth buying it: the goods must be kept in a cool dark place. Therefore, a good option is online purchase.

The most bright products are the following companies: "Art Color" and "phytocosmetics". Goods of other manufacturers are extremely rare. Definitely marketing confrontation wins "phytocosmetics".

  • The range of the company is much wider : Not only dry powders, but also ready-made mixes. The dry powder of the highest premium variety is indicated as "Henna Natural Luxury." The finished mixtures in a huge assortment with the addition of the ray oil are indicated as "cream-hen" or "hair mask". There is a colorless composition and white.
  • Packaging is much more attractive: There are both cardboard boxes and metallized packages.
  • Price Very varied depending on the composition.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_33

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_34

"Art Color" It also offers color, colorless and white hu. Buyers confirm that this is a worthy product of excellent quality, but it looks not as attractive as a competitor. Ready for the use of the compositions here is also not observed.

Both companies represent a high-quality product on the market, but still specialists recommend buying a hen produced in Iran. And such shops can also be found. That's just not always the goods is accompanied by the translation instructions for use, and therefore neither shelf life is unknown, nor special recommendations.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_35

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_36

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_37

How to paint hair?

Depending on which composition is a mixture, painting technology at home may differ. But still there are general Rules of preparation and work.

  • You should take care of the following subjects in advance:
    • rubber or polyethylene gloves;
    • brush or foam sponge;
    • Flat comb with a sharp tip for the separation of strands;
    • Cape on the shoulders;
    • polyethylene cap;
    • Kleenka or newspaper on the floor;
    • Capacity from glass or paint ceramics;
    • mirror (better folding);
    • Nutritious cream or medical vacuine;
    • Henna powder (75-100 g per middle length) or ready-made composition (according to the instructions);
    • Hot water (everything is done in different ways, someone brews steep boiling water, someone with water in 60 - 90 degrees);
    • Vinegar (for example, apple) or juice of one lemon.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_38

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_39

  • Head wash shampoo They dry or completely dried hair.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_40

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_41

  • Prepare a mixture of henna with water , other natural ingredients, any vegetable oil (or without it). The consistency of the NEGOST sour cream, which will easily go to the hair, but at the same time do not drain with them - this is what should happen when mixing.

In the case of oil use, it is added before the start of staining. Many users write that, besides oil, vitamins in liquid form (from ampoules) are added.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_42

  • Before starting painting The head of the head along the hair edge is lubricated with cream (vaseline).

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_43

  • Shoulders are covered with a towel, the floor - the glued . On the hands put on gloves.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_44

  • Starting from the occipital part, Carefully tasted the roots across the head, separating the strands of the fine handle.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_45

  • Next tassel and hands are applied to paint along the entire length of strands. Hair carefully whipped and laid from the roots to the dark. It is necessary to do it quickly until the paint has cooled. Warm henna easier penetrates her hair.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_46

  • Polyethylene cap, package, cap, and then towel - and the exposure time begins. It is very individual: that the blonde becomes red, the paint needs to be held 15 minutes; Dark hair color is carried out in a couple of hours. The use of additional components increases the staining time by 3-4 times. But some leave paint overnight, and satisfied with the result. Colorless hen nu on light hair 30 min., And on dark - hour.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_47

  • Without shampoo Henu is washed under running water.

So that the hair has become shiny, they are rinsed with vinegar with water or lemon juice. The bath is laundered immediately after the procedure!

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_48

  • Paint is absorbed For 2-3 days, so the use of shampoos at this time is undesirable.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_49


There are a lot of reviews about the use of Iranian Henna. Mostly they are positive. Women like experiment, pick up their color. But absolutely everyone writes that to flush the Iranian paint is much more complicated than Indian.

And "Art Color", and "phytocosmetics" received good reviews. But often there are statements of buyers that paint purchased in different stores is very different from each other. So we are talking about poor-quality goods or counterfeit products. Users advise paying attention to the shelf life, as well as carefully consider the packaging before purchasing.

Excellent reviews obtained compounds reinforced with seaweed and oils.

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_50

Iranian Henna (51 photos): how to choose a natural huhu with a rapid oil for painting hair? What color can be obtained? How much do you need to keep colorless huhu on the hair? Reviews 24174_51

But it is important to choose a mixture without artificial components. For people suffering from allergies to chemical paints, Henna is a real salvation to give beauty to their hair.

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