Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it?


Change the way quite easily. For this example, it is possible to dye hair with henna. This will be discussed in the article.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_2

What it is?

A coloring agent obtained from the dried leaves of thornless lawsonite called henna. This product has gained initial popularity in the eastern states. As trade prosperity met with henna and beauty, living in different parts of the world. This product of natural origin rather quickly became popular and was used primarily for dyeing hair.

The plant, which is made of this natural dye is a shrub. Its height is comparatively small:. Only about 1.5-1.8 m, this plant grows in countries with hot climates. The sun's rays affecting leaves lawsonite, contribute to the fact that they accumulate nutrients. It is for this reason that during coloring Henna not only changes the color of the curl, but also contributes to their recovery.

Interestingly, the Lawson thornless night allocates a specific smell. The same "flavor" and appears in the preparation of the dye composition of the crushed material. It should be noted that the smell is not a repellent. For example, many women say that when stained with henna they do not experience such discomfort, as the application of paints, rich chemical components and various fragrances.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_3

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_4

Coloring composition for hair and eyebrows made from the crushed material obtained from the leaves of lawsonite. It is important to note that the quality of the product of grinding is of great importance.

This is noted and henna manufacturers. Lawson grows mainly in India, Egypt and Sudan. However, the planting of this heat-loving shrubs can be found in other countries with a hot climate.

Interestingly, the powder of crushed leaves lawsonite ancient times used not only for the hair dye. This product is also used for the treatment of various diseases. For example, the preserved historical data that this tool was used in the XVI century. According to the documents, the powder is crushed leaves lawsonite used for treating many skin diseases, since the series of components in its composition, has a disinfectant action. Interestingly, the henna used even for treatment of wounds and various skin lesions, as the biologically active components that it contains, help to speed up the regenerative processes in the skin.

A powder obtained from Lavsonian leaves is also used to treat various infectious diseases. For example, Eastern Lekari used it to handle the rash, which appeared on the skin with wind pump. Modern doctors, of course, do not confirm the efficiency of using such a natural product for the treatment of infectious diseases. However, in individual Eastern states, supporters of the People's Medicine Henna is still used to treat these pathologies.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_5

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_6

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the advantages of henna is its natural composition. A high-quality powder contains quite a few biologically active components. These substances are able to have a beneficial effect not only on the rods of hairs, but also on the scalp. Some women even note that after staining the curls by this means, they noticed the acceleration of hair growth.

The composition of this natural product includes the components indicated below.

  • Complex organic resin. It helps to improve hair elasticity, and also makes them smooth and shiny. Helps reduce excess dryness of curl tips.
  • Natural ethers. Help to improve blood flow in the skin of the head, which leads to the restoration of nutritional bulbs. Such an action contributes to the activation of hair growth. Also, these components contribute to the reduction of locked loss.
  • Chlorophyll . This component is a natural antioxidant. It helps reduce the risk of negative consequences due to the impact on the hair of various external factors. It also contributes to the normalization of hair growth.
  • Pectina . Contribute to normalizing hair fatty, helping to prevent such a delicate problem, like dandruff. Also help to improve the appearance of the curls, making them visually more voluminous.
  • Hennitaninic acid. Beneficially affects the process of normalizing the state of the scalp. It has a detrimental effect on a number of microbes, thereby reducing the risk of infectious trichological diseases. Helps fight the inflammatory process.
  • Polysaccharides . Contributes to the fact that the skin of the heads become more moistened. Have a beneficial effect on glands that produce a silent secret.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_7

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_8

Henna in its composition is much "richer" than many popular paints. It is no coincidence that many women around the world and to this day use this tool for staining. For example, producers of hair paints enrich their products with synthetic vitamins, and in the henna powder, many biologically active components are contained without it. It is for this reason that many beauties believe that Henna is the best tool for hair coloring compared to other drugs.

Another advantage of such a painting product is definitely the fact that it rarely causes any unpleasant consequences after use. For example, allergic after the use of henna is quite rare. This is due to the fact that in the chemical composition of the product there is practically no components that could somehow harm the body.

Another advantage of using such a painting hair for hair is its cost. Packaging with the henna powder can afford almost everyone.

Staining henna at home is a good option for those who want to save a family budget.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_9

Henna availability is another product advantage. "Breaking the" head over where to purchase this coloring agent is not needed. It is sold in many stores and even some supermarkets of different countries of the world.

However, as in any coloring agent, Henna has not only pluses, but also certain disadvantages. One of them is a small color palette of shades. It is for this reason that the product is not suitable for creating any creative images, as well as for complex staining.

Henna, despite the fact that it has in its composition quite a lot of components for the skin of the head and hair of components, it is still impossible to use too often. This may cause excess hair dryness. At the same time, the tips of the curls become "dissected", which means that the hair does not look well.

Another problem of frequent use of Henna is a decrease in natural hair gloss. If you perform staining too often, for example, 3 times a month and more often, you can achieve the fact that the curls will look dull. At the same time, even the use of special shampoos for painted hair to save the situation will not be able.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_10

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_11

For this reason, experts are recommended not to abuse with the multiplication of the use of such a product.

The disadvantages of henna include the fact that it is relatively poorly colors gray hair. Contained in the dye powder components do not completely fill the structure of the hair shaft, whereupon on gray tresses may remain even after dyeing. Some holders of blond hair say that the henna powder, they do not use, so how to get the desired color curls through this tool and you can not.

Specialists coloring curls noted that henna rather badly mixed with artificial colors. It is because of this, they recommend the use of a colorant without adding to it any additional artificial colors. If we want to somehow change the original color of henna, then the powder for dilution with water before painting should be added only to vehicles having a natural composition.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_12

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_13

Experts recommend that women who have recently completed a perm curls, remember that henna staining can cause acceleration of straightening hair. Do not use this tool for people who are allergic to henna. For this reason, prior to the application locks the product is recommended to be sure to conduct a test to determine individual sensitivity.

Hair, dyed with henna, can "burn" in the sun. For example, when exposed to sunlight such locks quickly lose their color. Insolation could also be the reason that the hair will look dull. Experts recommend the ladies who have colored hair with henna during the summer be sure to wear hats to protect hair from sun exposure.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_14

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_15

Women with increased dryness of the scalp, hair dyeing with henna and may not be suitable. In this case, after a single dye any adverse consequences are not usually the case. But after a few such procedures scalp can become even more dry, and the hair does not look well-groomed. However, such a reaction is an individual.

Expectant mothers who decide on hair coloring Henna, it should be remembered that the result of such a procedure can be a bit of a surprise.

During pregnancy in a woman's body is a lot of changes. Hormonal changes also influences the condition of the hair. When painting with henna hair to achieve the desired result will be more difficult.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_16

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_17


On the basis of the crushed leaves lawsonite can get a lot of coloring products. They differ not only in the country the manufacturer, but also the color palette, as well as the range of applications.

One of the most popular natural hair coloring products is the Iranian henna. This product is mainly used to dye hair in a red shade. In this case, if you add in the breeding of henna powder other natural ingredients, it is possible to achieve a beautiful color, for example, caramel or chocolate color. Such tinting products are perfect for owners dark hair, because they help to create a unique and unique image.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_18

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_19

In order to vary the color of the Iranian henna, it is possible to add a variety of natural products. For example, the eastern beauty achieved produce interesting color shades using the product mix with turmeric powder, coffee, and various decoctions of herbs.

To make the painting not only a cosmetic procedure, but also improving to henna powder can be added to a variety of essential oils. They contain components will have a beneficial effect on the scalp, leading to normalization of blood flow to the hair follicles.

Adding essential oils will also help to ensure that growth will accelerate curls.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_20

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_21

Indian Henna - this is another version of the coloring product. This natural color may be a few shades. For example, the color palette of this product is included in the following colors and shades:

  • mahogany;
  • gold;
  • burgundy;
  • chestnut;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • black.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_22

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_23

The paint is widely used in India not only to color the hair, but also to treat them. For example, Indian beauties use it to get rid of dandruff and make hair stronger and silky.

It helps normalize the growth and curls. The diluted liquid henna water can be added various natural additive.

For example, to create unique shades used beet juice, wine, coffee, turmeric and many other components.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_24

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_25

Hair care is applied and a colorless henna. This product is suitable for women who are happy with their hair color, but would like to improve their structure. Colorless henna - rather therapeutic product than cosmetic. It is used to normalize the hair growth, as well as to give them a beautiful smoothness and silkiness.

It should be noted that the product in its composition does not contain color pigments. This means that when you use it do not need to be afraid of hair coloring. Experts note that in order to achieve the desired effect should be used colorless henna course. If desired, during the year can be so "treat" hair several times.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_26

Product Application facilitate:

  • improve hair growth through increased blood circulation in the hair follicles;
  • elimination of dandruff;
  • scalp moisture and thereby decrease the increased fat content;
  • normalizing the development of the secretary produced by saline glands;
  • Drawing brilliance curls.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_27

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_28

For many years it was considered that Henna is a product that does not fit the blondes at all. However, this is not quite true. Currently, there are products based on henna that help make hair lighter. Such henna is called white.

Some manufacturers of this natural paint assure that through the use of the product, it is possible to ensure that the curls become snow-white. However, not all women who have tried such paint, agree with this.

White henna helps make hair lighter, but achieve, for example, the so-called Scandinavian blond, is difficult.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_29

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_30


Most Henna options are well suited for girls having dark hair. The use of this natural paint really helps to make a unique and memorable image, while staining can be performed even at home without resorting to the help of the wizard.

Through the use of Henna, you can give hair the shade of chocolate or caramel. In this case, you can paint both all curls and separate strands. Painted colored hair hair look very beautiful and essentially. To give the locks of beautiful brown shades, Henna from India is perfect.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_31

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_32

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_33

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_34

For dark-haired women to give hair a beautiful shade of milk chocolate, you can use a huhu and turmeric. Such a mixture applied to the hair helps to achieve a beautiful shade.

To get a shade of Burgund to Henna, the juice obtained from beets is added before applying it, and if the juice add more, you can even achieve quite bright red color with a temperate brown ibel.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_35

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_36

Wasteers of color curls of chestnut for staining, you can use the product in the shade of Mahagon. When applied, such paint should be remembered that staining can contribute to the addition of several years image. For this reason, it is not suitable for everyone.

It happens and Henna, which is brought from Iran. It gives hair a rich red color. Such natural paint can be used by green eye owners.

Staining hair with this dye will make it brighter.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_37

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_38

The Iranian Powder of Lavsonia can be used to create an interesting palette of shades. The table shows the various combinations of mixing the coloring powder with different products and the estimated result of the use of this composition.

Added ingredient

Received tint

Corn powder

Brightly red


Saturated brown

Essential oil of tea tree, ginger

Light redhead



Luke husk (infusion)


Chamomile, Kurkuma


Red wine, beet juice, cranberry extract

Rich shade of Rubin

Corks from mandarins and oranges


Beats elders


Chamomile infusion or dandelion root


Supporters of the use of natural product staining products noted that such combination of Henna-based compounds have a beneficial effect on the locked state. In their opinion, the hair becomes more "alive", and also look well. The unconditional advantage of the application of such compositions is that they can be used to dye the curls quite often.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_39

The owners of blond hair should not be upset that henna does not fit them. Currently, there are many natural paints on the market based on the crushed Lavsonian leaves of non-commodity, which are used even with blondes and girls with rusia from nature with her hair. Through the use of such coloring products, you can give the chapels a beautiful wheat or golden hair color.

Some owners of blond curls for their staining use Henna brought from Iran. But before using such a product, they are added to powder other vegetable components, such as turmeric or chopped chamomile flowers. These coloring compositions are perfectly suitable for girls who want to give their hair a golden shade.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_40

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_41

Winners of light hair specialists in coloring are recommended to be careful. Sometimes it is impossible to get the desired shade through the use of henna. It happens so that getting the result that I want, it is possible not from the first attempt.

Rating manufacturers

The abundance of various natural paints can lead to confusion. Choose a truly good product in some cases is quite difficult. Specialists in coloring recommend before buying henna, be sure to get acquainted with different ratings of such a product.

Zeitun's product is available in Jordan. It often heads popular ratings. This natural paint has an excellent composition.

It is possible to apply it not only for staining, but also for the treatment of hair.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_42

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_43

Many ratings of popularity of various Henns also have products of the following manufacturers:

  • Khadi;
  • Lady Henna;
  • Day 2 Day Care;
  • Chandi;
  • IndiBird;
  • Triuga Herbal.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_44

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_45

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_46

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_47

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_48



Terms of Use

Henna is an excellent product for home use. Such staining is quite simple to perform even on your own. This will require Henna and auxiliary plant components (if desired), as well as standard staining devices.

Before you apply a natural coloring agent in the hair, it is necessary to make sure that the expiration date has not expired - this will minimize the risk of possible adverse effects from the use of the product. In order for the coloring makeup does not hit the clothes, the shoulders should be covered with a protective cape.

Hair before applying them to the natural composition should be well comb. In this case, painting will be more uniform.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_49

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_50

How to breed?

If staining is used curls powder lawsonite, it should first be diluted with water. Make it better in a pot, made not of metal. For mixing the ingredients can use capacity of plastic or ceramics. You can also use and glassware.

For staining need to pick up the required amount of product. It must be done before applying the dye composition to the hair. Store ready-made henna diluted in a refrigerator is not necessary. The staining should be ready diluted dye composition immediately after it infusions.

For breeding powder or a "steaming" should not use the hot water and water having a temperature of about 75-80 degrees. It is also possible dilution of the product is not only water, but other liquids, such as yogurt. Such a method is perfect for owners of locks that are prone to dryness.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_51

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_52

It should be noted that the milk product before the dyeing is better to pull out of the refrigerator in advance.

Product calculation required for staining, depending on many factors. The required amount of, for example, depends on the original hair density, as well as their length. Usually, in practice, each woman using henna for coloring curls, determines the required amount of coloring powder alone.

There is, however, conditional recommendation. For example, for dyeing tresses short (10-12 cm) requires about 100 g of the coloring agent. For owners of hair with long hair down to his shoulders number of natural colors has doubled. For dyeing tresses below shoulder usually requires 350-400 grams.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_53

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_54

At this stage, also to henna, you can add a variety of additional ingredients that will help to create a unique hue. For example, toners can add coffee, turmeric or beet juice.

Ready coloring composition should have a certain consistency and resemble in their density thick cream. Excessive addition of liquid can help to ensure that the paint will be too liquid and therefore, will flow on the skin and can even stain your clothes.

Water bath is used to dilute the ingredients. It contributes to the fact that the components are better mixed with each other. At the same time, experts on the staining of hair henna noted that the microwave is not to replace the water bath.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_55


Before applying a cooked coloring composition on all hair, first it is better to handle a couple of curls. In this case, you can assess the finished consistency of the tool, and how it is distributed through the hair. Some women note that such a way helps them to predict a possible future result of staining.

Apply the coloring composition better on clean, slightly wet curls. Some women apply a product on dry hair. However, it is still recommended before carrying out such home staining to rinse the chapel. It is necessary to do this using a conventional shampoo. Hair before applying on them the coloring product should not be dirty.

After the head is nothed to the curls, you do not need to apply a rinse balm or some kind of careser.

It is better just washing the hair to dry the towel so that they become a slightly wet.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_56

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_57

Collect curls are recommended first from the occipital zone. This site, as a rule, is quite difficult to paint at home. Processing, first of all, gray strands are exposed. This is done so that gray hairs can clean up to the desired shade.

Painting pigments that are contained in Henna can paint not only hair, but also the skin. It is for this reason that the means should be applied carefully, avoiding the composition of the appearance of the visible sections of the face. Some women in order to reduce the risk of dark and red spots on the skin after staining, recommend apply on the face near the hair growth line of the fat cream.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_58

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_59

Apply the coloring composition on hair is recommended in protective gloves. The fact is that colored pigments contained in the product can paint the skin of the hands, as well as make it dry.

The use of protective gloves helps minimize possible negative consequences.

How much to keep?

The exposure time on the curls can be different. It is largely determined by the intensity of the desired color. If the coloring natural composition is used only with the aim of making curls of a moderate shade, then in this case it should be kept on the hair for 15-20 minutes. In order to fully paint curls, it takes a few more time: usually 0.5-2 hours.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_60

How to wash off?

In order to remove the residues of the coloring agent, it is necessary to use water. For this, the hair needs to be thoroughly rinsed under running water. Apply the shampoo is undesirable, as this can contribute to the fact that the coloring composition completely will wash off from the hair. However, many women who have used henna for coloring, for its washing with curls using all the same shampoo, because they believe that this result will have no effect.

After the remnants of natural dyes will be washed away, it is not necessary to use a balm or a mask - this can help to ensure that the resulting hue on the hair to change. It is also recommended not to use such products in 3-5 days after the home-staining.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_61

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_62


Painted with henna for locks should be well looked after. In order to maintain the rich color after dyeing longer, it is recommended to use shampoos that are designed specifically for colored hair. Such products typically have a specific composition with components that have a gentle effect on the hair.

In order to preserve the color of colored hair after applying henna saturated, it is necessary to protect them from direct sunlight. To do this, in the summer are great variety of hats.

It is extremely important to protect your hair from the sun when you stay on the beach.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_63

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_64

To maintain the color can be used and the various means of tinting. At present, there are products that contain in their composition henna. They are perfect to save the resulting shade of hair for a long time.


Henna - a fairly popular product for coloring. Despite the abundance of contemporary colors, this means deservedly in great demand. Many women, according to reviews, is used such a means not only to change the hair color, but also to just "treat" them.

However, among the set of positive and negative opinions is. For example, some women say that henna hair dye is not used, as this product does not help them to achieve the desired result. Among the negative reviews found and those where girls say that the henna, unlike some known hair dyes fairly quickly washed off, and therefore the need to resort to coloring often.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_65

Hair dyeing specialists point out that the color white curls using henna blond, should use this tool more than once. Only such repeated use can help achieve the desired result. In practice, there are cases where women even after several applications of paint were unable to achieve the desired result and therefore were forced to buy chemical compounds or contact the beauty salons.

Treat the hair by means of a white henna will not work. Of course, this product contains relatively few components that could somehow damage the hair, however, argue that this remedy cures hair is also impossible.

This paint relates more to decorative products than to careful.

Henna for hair (photo 68): the rule of hair coloring, shades and colors of natural dyes. What is the best henna, and how to use it? 24171_66

About how to achieve the desired shade of hair with the help of henna on dark hair, see the next video.

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