Allergy to henna (14 photos): how to check the hair for hair on allergies? Symptoms and treatment


Henna is a natural product for changing the hair color. It should be known whether this means can cause the appearance of allergy symptoms, and what treatment is carried out if adverse signs still appeared.

Allergic manifestations

Change the hair color can be a tool having natural composition: henna. For many years, this product has been used by beauties in many countries around the world, who want to paint their curls. In many respects, the popularity of henna is that it is pretty easy to buy, and also that it has a natural composition. Some women believe that when using such a means, allergic symptoms cannot appear.

However, doctors disagree with such an opinion. Henna, although it belongs to natural origin products, still in some cases it may cause allergic rashes. So, if a woman has an individual hypersensitivity of the body to this means, allergic can develop. In this case, the genth particles act as allergens - that is, substances that launch a real cascade of allergic reactions. This, in turn, leads to the emergence of allergic manifestations.

Allergy to henna (14 photos): how to check the hair for hair on allergies? Symptoms and treatment 24170_2

Allergy to Henna on clinical features is different. So, after using this tool on the skin of the head, items may appear. Usually they have an uneven shape and red.

Such rashes, as a rule, appear in those areas where Henna was applied. Also, their localization can be the back surface of the ears and neck. It is possible to suspect allergies to the henna and on the appearance of a rash, which is called an allergic urticaria. In this case, the rashes also appear on the contact areas of the scalp with paint.

In this case, the allergic urticaria is usually accompanied by a strong, and sometimes even unbearable itch.

Allergy to henna (14 photos): how to check the hair for hair on allergies? Symptoms and treatment 24170_3

Allergy to henna (14 photos): how to check the hair for hair on allergies? Symptoms and treatment 24170_4

Allergy to henna (14 photos): how to check the hair for hair on allergies? Symptoms and treatment 24170_5

The severity of allergies after using the henna can be different. The most minimal intensity manifestation is the appearance of only slightly burning. This symptom, some women perceive quite normally, not paying for him due attention. However, in some cases, moderate burning can be a manifestation of an allergic reaction.

The most dangerous consequences of allergy refers, of course, swelling of Quincke. This pathology is characterized by the appearance of edema on the face. At the same time, the lips and the area under the eyes can take care. Sweep quinque is easy to suspect: a woman has an appearance. The eye cracks are already becoming already, and the lips are slightly increasing due to the strong edema of fabrics of the face.

And also to the manifestations of allergies on the henna can relate:

  • severe tear;
  • The appearance of watery discharge from nasal moves;
  • nasal congestion;
  • Breathing disorder (due to squeezing the larynx by the fabrics of the face);
  • Strong peeling of the scalp, accompanied by the appearance of a strong itching.

Allergy to henna (14 photos): how to check the hair for hair on allergies? Symptoms and treatment 24170_6

Allergy to henna (14 photos): how to check the hair for hair on allergies? Symptoms and treatment 24170_7

Allergy to henna (14 photos): how to check the hair for hair on allergies? Symptoms and treatment 24170_8

Henna is used not only for hair coloring, but also for applying various drawings on the body. At the same time, the risk of allergies also exists. In the case of the development of an allergic reaction after the use of this coloring product, severe redness or allergic rash appears on the skin in the places of application. Such manifestations are usually accompanied by a strong itching. At the same time, the affected area of ​​leather usually swells.

How to check the hell?

When using any painting compositions for hair, including natural origin, doctors recommend that precautions must necessarily comply. To date, there is no hair paint that would be completely without allergens. Henna in some women can provoke allergic manifestations.

Before making staining the curls by this means, it is necessary to test the test for individual sensitivity. Make it quite simple. To do this, a small amount of diluted coloring natural product should be applied to the forearm area (from the inside). After 30-40 minutes, the product should be thickened thoroughly and evaluate the condition of the skin. They should remain clean, without any rash or itch. Skin condition should also be estimated and a day. If no adverse effects of such use followed, it can be used for hair dyeing.

Allergy to henna (14 photos): how to check the hair for hair on allergies? Symptoms and treatment 24170_9

Allergy to henna (14 photos): how to check the hair for hair on allergies? Symptoms and treatment 24170_10

To protect yourself from the emergence of negative consequences after using such natural hair paint, specialists recommend that it is necessary to find out the expiration date. Each manufacturer indicates it on the package. If the shelf life of the goods is already approaching an end, it is not worth using it.

Women suffering from bronchial asthma should be advised to consult with their attending physician before using Henna. In some cases, the use of such a means is unacceptable for this disease.

And also for additional consultation to the specialist it is recommended to apply women with allergic pathologies.

Allergy to henna (14 photos): how to check the hair for hair on allergies? Symptoms and treatment 24170_11


Treatment of an allergic reaction arising for a huna should be carried out immediately. In some cases, he is impossible to slow with the use of antiallergic agents. For example, the late reception of drugs in the emerging father's edema may cause the development of extremely dangerous negative health consequences.

If some adverse symptoms appear during the application of henna, then this product with the scalp should be strained immediately. Note that flushing skin cover should be carefully. The purpose of such a washing is to remove all the remains of the vegetable product from the hair. It is important to remember that even the small persons remaining on the curls may continue to be the reason that allergy to get rid of the symptoms of allergies will be more difficult.

Allergy to henna (14 photos): how to check the hair for hair on allergies? Symptoms and treatment 24170_12

Folk remedies

One of the most frequent symptoms of allergies after using Henna is the appearance of a strong itch. Supporters of traditional medicine are recommended to get rid of this adverse symptom, apply champs of various plants. You can use an ordinary pharmacy chamomile.

For the preparation of healing sizes, only 3 tablespoons of crushed daisy flowers and ½ liters of boiling water will be required. It follows the means for half an hour.

Rinsing hair with a chamomile decoction helps to significantly reduce the skin itching, as well as clean the skin from the arrowings of allergic rashes.

Allergy to henna (14 photos): how to check the hair for hair on allergies? Symptoms and treatment 24170_13

Medicia treatment

Antiallergic preparations are used to eliminate allergies. They are currently there are many. They help effectively eliminate skin itch, as well as clean the skin from allergic rashes. As well as these drugs help to normalize their breathing, as they contribute to the elimination of the edema of the fabrics of the face and neck. In the event of the appearance of allergy symptoms, Zirtek, Loratadine, Claritine, Supratin, Telfast and other antiallergic agents can be adopted. These drugs are used, subject to instructions for use.

If, after receiving an antihistamine tool, the improvement of well-being did not follow, then in this case it is still better to consult a doctor. The doctor in such a situation can prescribe a comprehensive treatment, which in addition to antihistamine, includes other drugs: for example, enterosorbents. If the allergy manifested itself quite strongly, then in this case not only the appointment of tablets and capsules, but also intravenous drug use is required. But it defines only the attending physician.

Allergy to henna (14 photos): how to check the hair for hair on allergies? Symptoms and treatment 24170_14

Recommendations of specialists

When using any painting product for hair, caution should be taken. The quality product is usually safe for health and extremely rarely causes any adverse effects after its application. Before use of Henna, an individual sensitivity test should be carried out. It should be noted that such a preliminary examination should be performed not only before painting the hair on the head. Individual sensitivity test should also be performed before painting eyebrows or eyelashes. At the same time, it is necessary to assess the condition of the mucous membranes of the eyes. After testing, tears or redness of the eyes should not appear.

Some manufacturers indicate their products in Hypoallergenically. This marking can be misleading. Some women when they see such a package with a painting product, fully trust its quality and do not conduct a preliminary test for determination of individual sensitivity. And this, according to doctors, is an error. Even if on the product there are marks about its hypoallery, then the preliminary test for the definition of individual sensitivity is still needed.

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