White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews


On the counters of stores you can find many paints for lightening hair. One of the popular funds is white henna. This paint, like any other coloring substances, has its advantages and disadvantages. This article will be discussed about the peculiarities of the drug, as well as the intricacies of its use.

White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_2

What it is?

Henna for hair is known to everyone as a dye made from natural components of plant origin. However, there is not only natural henna, the modern cosmetic industry produces synthetic tools with the same name.

Contrary to the name White Henna is not a natural means . Chemicals prevail in its composition, and the paint has received its name due to the presence of one natural component - colorless henna. It also includes the following components:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • lemon acid;
  • magnesium oxide;
  • Magnesium carbonic;
  • water;
  • Carboxylated methylcellulose.

White Henna is used to lighten the curls.

White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_3

White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_4

White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_5

With one-time use, the hair shade becomes lighter 4-6 times.

Despite the fact that the composition of the paint is present such a natural component as colorless HNNA, the means is synthetic and Does not have the strengthening properties for hair.

Advantages and disadvantages

Compared to other means for lightening curls, White Henna has its advantages and cons. The benefits include the following factors.

  • Has a good clarifying effect . In contrast to many clarifiers, it allows you to get a visible result from the first application.
  • Easy to use. To apply paints, it is not necessary to attend a professional hairdresser. The procedure can be carried out at home yourself.
  • Low cost.
  • Uniform lightening Hair over the entire length.

    White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_6

    White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_7

    Also, white Henna has a number of significant drawbacks.

    • The main minus fund is Negative effect on the structure of the hair. Synthetic components of paints make hair dry and brittle.
    • For lightening dark curls Requires multiple coloring that, in turn, poorly affects hair health.
    • Means You can not use for staining of gray curls , as well as after a chemical curling.

    White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_8

    Preparation for painting

    Before lightening white henna Locks need to prepare for the procedure in advance. The means as a result of staining does not remain on the skin of the head, but can negatively affect its condition. Therefore, two days before painting the head is not recommended, which will protect the skin and hair from the chemical burn.

    Henna can not be applied after the chemical curling and staining procedures.

    After the last painting of the curls must pass at least 30 days. Also Do not use paint for lightening damaged and weakened hair.

    On white hu There is an allergic reaction , so before staining it is necessary to spend a test. To do this, a small amount of composition is applied to the skin in the area of ​​the bend of the elbow and leave for 20 minutes, then wash off with water. If the skin does not appear on the skin, rash or itching, then the mixture can be used to dye hair.

    It is important to properly prepare the coloring composition for applying to curls. For this you need carefully explore the instructions for paint . Non-compliance with the rules of using white henna can lead to chemical burns or an unexpected result when painting.

    White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_9

    White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_10

    White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_11

    Necessary materials and tools

    Before staining with white henna at home, you need to prepare all the necessary accessories. To protect the skin of the hands from the coloring composition should be used gloves . Most often they come complete with paint.

    To protect clothes from staining, you will need Special cape. For breeding white henna need Deep container, as well as a wooden or plastic wand for its stirring. To protect the skin sites near the hair, it is recommended to apply vaseline on them or Children's cream.

    To apply the coloring composition on strands can be used Special brush or toothbrush. After applying the henna, it is necessary to wear a special cap or a regular package and tied with a towel head. After washing the paint, it is recommended to wash the hair with shampoo and apply on them Balsam-rinser.

    White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_12

    White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_13

    White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_14

    Staining technology

    Before staining, it is important to make the coloring composition correctly. The proportions of white henna and hot water will be listed in the instructions for the paint. After the mixture is ready, you can begin to apply.

    It is necessary to distribute white hu from the roots, gradually going down to the tips . So that the roots are better to attract, after applying the means to the brush it is necessary to obscure the skin of the head with your hands. Henna dry out quickly on her hair, so you need to wear on my head Special hat or cellophane package Immediately after the staining procedure. For a better effect and exposure to the substance on the structure of the hair, the head can be buried Warm handkerchief or towel.

    Henna exposure time on hair depends on several factors and can be from 10 to 40 minutes. First of all, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the recommendations that pointed out the paint manufacturer in the instructions. The longer keep the coloring composition on the hair, the stronger they will brighten.

    White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_15

    White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_16

    White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_17

    The recommended maximum staining time is 30 minutes. If you keep the hen longer, then risk risk to spoil curls, and also get Chemical Scalp Skin Burn . The paint is thoroughly washed under the jet of water room temperature. To completely remove the composition from the hair, you must use the shampoo.

    At the end of the procedure on strands, you must apply a rinse balm. Typically, the means comes with a white henna, but you can use another balm.

    The composition is recommended to withstand 15 minutes on her hair, after which it was washed off with water. If, as a result of staining, it was not possible to achieve the desired shade from the first time, re-procedure can be repeated not earlier than one week. With repeated clarification It is not recommended to change the shade of strands to the most contrasting tones. . It is best to gradually seek the desired result, which will allow you to apply the minimum damage to the hair.

    White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_18


    The hair lightening procedure negatively affects them, so after dyeing is required Special locomon care. It should also be remembered that when contacting certain substances, the clarified strands can be changed their color.

    After staining Do not use shampoos and other hair care products, which include sulfates. . It is best to use professional care lines for clarified curls. In intensive care, hair needs the first three weeks after staining.

    White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_19

    White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_20

    White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_21

    In addition to professional means to restore damaged hair, you can use Folk recipes . Well nourish dry brittle hair oil, for example, olive and castor. They can be applied to curls in kind or use to prepare reducing masks.


      According to the reviews of girls who enjoyed white henna for clarification, the result from the procedure does not always justify the expectations. If the tool was applied to dark curls, then after the first staining, it will not get snow-white strand . In this case, the hair will become red or yellowish.

      Also women note that after using paint, the status of the curl deteriorates. Hair becomes Brush, dry and naughty. In this case, the condition of the hair is important to the lightening procedure. Henn's greatest harm to be initially unhealthy and damaged hair.

      White Henna (22 photos): What is it? Dark hair staining white henna. Its composition. Why doesn't she stay on the skin? Reviews 24169_22

      On the benefits of using white henna when lightening hair, you can learn from the video below.

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