Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair?


Recently, the technique of dyeing hair is rather popular. With it, you can create a completely extraordinary hairstyle that will attract views. Such a hairstyle will appeal to those girls who want to stand out among others.


Ombre is staining only the tips of strands in a variety of colors. Snars can be pink, red, and even blue. In addition, such staining has many advantages:

  • Color Ombre - is a cardinal change of its image;
  • Such staining looks profitable both on long hair and on the strands of the middle length;
  • If a woman wants to completely remove the pink color from his hair, it will be enough to trim them;
  • Ombre can hold out on his hair to several months;
  • Unlike other techniques, such staining can be done even at home.

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_2

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_3

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_4

However, ombrie also has several drawbacks. In some cases, the selection of tone is a very complex process. For example, those girls who have oriental appearance cannot be used pearl pink color. But brunettes do not go to the color of fuchsia and other saturated tones.

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_5

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_6

Who goes?

Of course, such staining is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, choosing a pink style, it is necessary to take into account not only the natural nature of your hair, but also the color. So, who has a winter or summer color, you can use cold shades of pink color. For autumn or spring, warm and at the same time saturated shades are suitable.

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_7

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_8

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_9

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_10

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_11

Especially cautious should be those girls who have either pigment spots, or small pimples, as well as small wrinkles. It is not worth doing it and more mature ladies, because it will only add them age. Best of all, the combination of colors will look like girls with impeccable appearance.

But the rose-gold is suitable for almost any color and age. Therefore, such a shade is becoming increasingly popular every year. In addition, this color is easily corrected and paints seeds.

When choosing a bright pink shade, you need, first of all, conduct some experiments to find out, it is suitable or not. You can do this with the help of a spray or ordinary shadowal balm and only making sure that this color is suitable, you can begin to paint yourself. In addition, this tint will require that the style of clothing fully matched him.

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_12

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_13

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_14

Pink shade looks great on girls with rusia hair. Moreover, it can be both bright shades of blonde and dark. The only thing you need is to find your tone. Blonde hair perfectly looks with saturated, light and pink salmon varieties.

But for charming blondes with gentle peach skin, caramel-pink or peach-pink colors are suitable. For those who have skin with olive subtock, it is worth choosing an ash rose shade of paint.

In addition, you need to know that Having medium-length hair, it is possible to paint the ends to five centimeters, no more.

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_15


To date, there are quite a few options for pink ombre. Moreover, recently, such a color is becoming more and more relevant and helps many girls become more effectively. At the same time, the pink gradient is suitable for any type of hair. Coloring can be done in different colors - from gently pink to bright pink.

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_16

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_17

Staining with a pearl tone will suit everyone, with the exception of girls with the eastern features of the face. But ordinary blondes without a branch of conscience can afford to choose a classic, very light pink color. It will be a kind of "Barbie Doll Effect", which will definitely like those who in the soul remains a small cute girl even in 40 years.

On dark hair

Dark-haired girls should pick up the colors more saturated. For example, they are suitable rain-pink, lilac-pink or even purple-pink color. Such shades will be able to emphasize the beauty of the girl, and will also give her more confidence in themselves. It is important to know that for dark hair it is recommended to choose pink colors with a slightly muted shade. In this case, the appearance of the girl will remain bright. At the same time, a lightweight effect will be created, which looks very original and unusual.

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_18

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_19

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_20

On light

For the owners of blond hair with brighter roots, a milky pink color is perfect. It will stand out on the background of light skin and blue or pale gray eyes. In addition, such a color will be to the face of women at any age. Also for light hair you can use all warm shades of pink color. It can be gold or, for example, ash.

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_21

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_22

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_23

Staining with a pearl tone will suit everyone, with the exception of girls with the eastern features of the face. But ordinary blondes without a branch of conscience can afford to choose a classic, very light pink color. It will be a kind of "Barbie Doll Effect", which will definitely like those who in the soul remains a small cute girl even in 40 years.

Such a combination is probably best demonstrating incredible pink abilities.

Separately, it is worth mentioning and such a moment as a combination of bright colors. Rose Ombre is perfect for making an extravagant hairstyle with blue or green hair even more unusual. The main thing is that the shades are combined with each other. It is sometimes very difficult to achieve such harmony.

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_24

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_25

Technique coloring

Of course, experts recommend to conduct such staining only in special salons. After all, in order to do it high quality and beautiful, you need a good master. However, if you wish, you can also paint the hair on your own, at home. Those who have a long or medium length curls, draw painting will not be difficult. But the owners of short hair are better to contact the specialists, since with short strands work is much more complicated.

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_26

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_27

First of all, you need to wash your head well with your favorite shampoo, then dry the curls either with a hairdryer, or let them dry yourself. While the hair will dry, you need to cook all the tools that will be needed for staining:

  • Special brush;
  • rubber gloves;
  • Glass bowl for mixing;
  • paint for lightening hair;
  • Paint paint with appropriate shade;
  • conventional cracking comb;
  • Foil;
  • A couple of hairpins and rubber bands.

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_28

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_29

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_30

When everything is ready, the hair must be divided into three zones: sides, whiskey and heads. Then in each of the zones you need to form one or even a few tails. It will depend on the girl's thick hair. Those representatives of the beautiful half, who have dark hair, it is necessary to start lightening the part of the hair to which the paint will be applied.

When this stage is finished, the hair needs to be rinsed, while not worth shooting the gum. After that, it is necessary to dry them with a hair dryer.

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_31

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_32

Next you can do paint. It must be divorced in a glass bowl, and then apply to clarified hair, after which the tails need to be wrapped with a prepared foil. Hold your paint is the time that is indicated on the packaging with the means.

After that, the gum, fixed on the tails, can be removed, and wash the hair. Then you need to apply paint on the hair, which are slightly above the rubber band, and hold it about 12 minutes. Next to wash off and see if the result is satisfied. If the color turned out not so bright, as I would like, you can put the paint for a few more minutes, and wash off again.

Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_33

    Then you need to apply a special balm and only then proceed to dry hair, as well as to their laying. Blonde hair will not need to be specifically lit before staining. So, and time and work will be needed significantly less.

    Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_34

    How to care?

    As in the case of any other procedure, after dyeing, the hair needs to be care. This is especially true with such a technique as ombre, because the edge of the staining is used. Therefore, the curls need to be written by special means, for example, coconut oil. It must be applied to the hair for a whole night, and in the morning, flush shampoo, which does not include sulfates.

    Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_35

    In addition, there is no need to wash your head every day, because in this case, the strands will lose their color very quickly. It is also worth limiting the use of a hairdryer or puffer, they strongly cut the hair. Making styling, you can not forget about the thermal protection. She will save her hair and allow them to look beautiful, regardless of which laying option is selected.

    Be sure to use in the care of both balms and hair masks. At the same time, to apply them best on the hair, which have already dried. Being in the sun, it is necessary to cover your head, since ultraviolet rays are able to destroy the hair structure.

    Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_36

    In order for the color with time, do not sweat, you can use tonic once a month once a month. In addition, you should not forget the correction on time, which can be done both at home and in the cabin.

    Summing up, you can say one thing - This technique as Ombré is suitable for most female representatives. In any situation, it will allow the ladies to remain irresistible, not too shocking at the same time. After all, if you correctly pick up a shade, then a girl or woman will catch only enthusiastic views.

    Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_37

    Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_38

    Pink Ombre (39 photos): staining of light blond and dark hair in gentle pink and bright colors. How to paint short and long hair? 24161_39

    Read more about the technique of Rose Ombre, you can further.

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