Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color


At all times, women sought to be beautiful, spectacular and well-groomed, that is why such a fashionable staining technique is tremendous, as ombrov, which creates smooth transitions from one shade on the other. Especially stylish, such design of the champions looks on blond hair.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_2


The peak of the popularity of gradient coloring hair fell for 2015-2017. For the first time, technician was presented in California, where many Hollywood stars immediately noticed and hurried to resort to such a way of hair color. Following them to look like idols wanted the simplest girls and women around the world.

Ombre blonde is Lightening curls in which the effects are not exposed to the entire brace, but only its separate layers. It is usually painted part of the hair in such a way that a smooth transition from a natural shade is noticeable to one of the tones of the blond. From a technical point of view, this requires a special way of applying painting compositions. As a rule, the color is selected in advance, and it is from the desired result that the use of a oxidizing agent depends on the desired result.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_3

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_4

Today, in the trend, staining with nude and pastel colors, pink and strawberry tones are not less popular, as well as the use of white and black contrasts.

Staining of blonde girls in Ombre technique has its own characteristics:

  • Universality - the technique is optimal for both direct and curly hair, and they can be white, rusia, ash and light-chestnut;
  • Lack of age limitations - Ombre Blond looks spectacularly on very young girls, and on women more adult age;
  • A wide selection of sample solutions - on light hair you can realize more color options than on dark and red;
  • gentling effect - coloring of light hair does not require preliminary discoloration, or suggests the minimum effect of clarifiers, the exception is only the reverse ousto;
  • The lack of need for frequent corrections - reflected, the hair looks quite aesthetically for a long time, the difference between relatives and painted strands is not striding, so you can achieve good savings, time and money for maintaining the hair in an attractive state.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_5

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_6

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_7

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_8

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_9

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_10

Advantages and disadvantages

Coloring in Ombre technique for blond women has A lot of advantages in comparison with monochrome coloring:

  • gives hair additional volume and pomp;
  • For several seasons, remains in the trend and looks invariably stylish;
  • It has a rather extensive color gamut - natural light and dark and dark, and contrasting tones are relevant here;
  • Staining is easy to do at home;
  • Hair does not need frequent adjustment - it is enough to visit the masters every 3-4 months;
  • If the color is tired, you can cut only hair tips, without resorting to chemical staining of the whole chapelurs;
  • It is noteworthy that such coloring revives the complexion of the face, creates the effect of hair transfusion in the sun, so a visual woman becomes younger, fresh and blooming.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_11

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_12

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_13

There is no pronounced deficiencies in such a gradient, the only thing - it should be referred to as possible to the choice of color palette, given not only personal preference, but also the features of the structure of the hair, the color of the woman and the status of the chapels. Ombre is not recommended For women with dry hair and loving tips.

In addition, staining looks much better on long and middle curls than on a short shock, although even in this case an experienced master will be able to choose a spectacular option.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_14

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_15


In modern coloring techniques, several variants of blonde hair are used immediately. Consider the most popular.

Torn Omere

It is used to receive Additional volume near the roots. In this case, the wizard makes a darker shade near the head, and most of the length leaves unchanged.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_16


In this case, use 1-2 tones for staining At the same time, the gradient between them can be blurred or, on the contrary, clear and sharp - the choice depends only on the personal wishes of the girl. As a rule, the roots are left or untouched, or a little brightened - it is very important that they look at the most natural possible. And here The tips are decorated with platinum or cold pearl shades.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_17

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_18


Here on hair create Multistage coloring With a smooth transition from the main to the intermediate color.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_19

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_20


The main focus was made not to the tips of strands, but on the rustic roots, in this performance It seems that the chapels have a little overgrown after tinting the fascus or armor. Usually, dark and light tones are used for such a gradient: dark darken areas near the roots, and the roots are painted brighter.

This method is optimal for red-haired beauties, but it is not recommended to blonde - in this case, the growing white hair will significantly spoil the picture, and they will have to re-toned again.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_21

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_22


it Reverse Ombre which assumes very white strands on the top and coloring of curl tips in darker shades. For blondes in platinum and ash notes, a combination with Rusims uses, and for women with golden hair, optimally combined with brown and chocolate shades.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_23

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_24

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_25

With framing

Spectacular ombrid for short shred blondes. Such Orebre It looks good on tricks trimmed with graduation - The coloring technology here is similar to classical, but the pigment is applied only on the tips of the curls. In this case, the shade of paint can be the most different - both bright contrasting and natural.

With the help of a similar gradient, it is possible to effectively emphasize the originality of the new hairstyle and make the facial features more expressive.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_26

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_27


Unusual technology that suits the most courageous and creative girls. In this case Roots and the tips of the champions are painted in one color, and in the middle toned line of another color , the borders can be drawn up both sharply and more smoothly, blurred.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_28

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_29

Flame language languages

As follows from the name, here are used. Red and orange shades. This technique does not come out of fashion for several years, and, as a rule, bold, daring and self-confident girls are resorted to it.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_30

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_31


This coloring implies an appeal to unusual colors - g Oluboy, salmon, pink, lilac, lilac, strawberry or even green. Color ombre on light strands is performed both on the tips and in the root area area.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_32

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_33

How to pick up a hue?

It is very important when choosing a color to take into account the shade of the native hair, as well as the skin color and the girl's eye.

On the type of haircut and hair color

Most blondes choose natural shades for painting, because in this case, the growing hair roots are not particularly striking. So, if native hair has caramel tone, then it is worth paying mesmer preference using Golden, wheat or straw colors.

But for blondes with rusia hair - beige or nuts, it is better to turn to Nude caller . This option is very good for young fashionistas, which in all prefer Casual - style for which naturalness and responsibility combined with simplicity. On girls with ash hair very spectacular will be ombre with pearl blond.

Such a combination is distinguished by nobility and refinement, it is especially impressive, it looks like women with ideally right features of the face, and the hair themselves can be both curly and straight.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_34

By the type of face and the color of the eyes

No less attention when choosing a skeleton palette for ombre should be given to such factors as the eye color and type of appearance.

  • So, Natural blonde It is best looks at girls with light skin and blond eyes.
  • The brightest of all existing - Platinum tint , harmonious on pale faces with light golden. It is especially impressive in combination with blue eyes - it allows you to create a "snow queen" style, mounted, mysterious and undoubtedly sexy.
  • For the owners of white leather and light eyes can also be recommended ash blonde , the same tone will suit the owners of the face of the forest walnut.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_35

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_36

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_37

  • Look very modern Silver Omere Especially if the girl seeks in any way to attract attention. The shade is good for women with white skin, but the eyes can be of any color, except for dark. The same girls can be recommended and the Golden Blond, which will make a chapel of a truly radiant and transfusion under the rays of light.
  • Wheat and honey blond Suitable girls with a middle tone of the skin, especially harmoniously he combines with bright eyes, as if causing the most real light sparkles.
  • Holders of a light skin shade will be to the face Copper blonde who creates the effect of amber chapels. This warm color is suitable for women with dark eyes, and it can be both dark blue and brown color.
  • Light and medium skin looks good Chestnut blonde , especially in combination with green and brown eyes.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_38

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_39

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_40

  • No first year in a row in fashion is held Strawberry blonde - This is a reddish shade of Light, which best looks at girls with very light skin and blond eyes.
  • Tanned ladies should look at sand blonde Especially stylish, he emphasizes the blue eyelid.
  • For dark skin, the most harmonious will be Caramel blonde . Pretty harmonious on women such a coloring cherry color, which looks like a strawberry, only red shade in it deeper and rich. Especially effectively such a color decision emphasizes dark eyes.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_41

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_42

How to care?

Coloring in Ombre technique on blond hair is best done in the cabin, but because the paint in most cases falls well, and hair does not require preliminary clarification, you can make it coloring and At home . To do this, first apply paint on the tips of the curls for 30 minutes, after which they wash off and apply the composition again, the capturing area where the transition is created, and hold about 10-15 minutes.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_43

However, such a long impact may not affect the state of the hair, so immediately after coloring, be sure to use special air conditioning balms for painted hair, which prevent fragility and cross-section of strands.

In order for Omebrie to please you with your paints as long as possible, you should use Special hair care products without sulfate - These components wash color. It is best to give preference to professional shampoos, balsamam, masks and oils. Try to minimize the thermal exposure: drying with hot air, laying iron or cloth - hot air makes the color more dull, and the gradient will be less pronounced.

From time to time you can use hair balms with colorful pigment, but you should be very careful with them - it is important to ensure that the tint balsams do not fall into the unpainted seven sections, as blonde hair is quickly stained, and you risk getting monochrome coloring instead of stylish Ombre.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_44

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_45

Beautiful examples

It looks very impressive on the light hair, it is no coincidence that this variant of staining has preferred many stars of film and show business.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_46

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_47

This option coloring stylishly looks in natural shades, such a decision adds the volume, makes the chapel More shining and well maintained.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_48

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_49

No less effectively and the use of contrasting shades - it is suitable for cheeky and decisive girls who are not afraid to challenge the crowd and subordinate to themselves around.

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_50

Ombre Blond (52 photos): Features of ombre for blondes and dark hair, short and medium hair painting in cold platinum color 24151_51

About how to fulfill Ombre Blond at home, see the next video.

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