Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options


Hair care is an integral part of the life of women, regardless of age. It is impossible to look fashionable and stylish if you do not care about their appearance. Without laying, with abstrants after the last staining with hair and sequencing tips, the image of a sludge will be created, and not beautiful, attracting the attention of men.

Spectacled haircuts will be transformed if you care for them and, yielding to gust, paint the hair in a new way. With dullness and lack of brilliance fight, making coloring on light or dark hair.

Care will be transformed if you correctly pick up the color and the coloring method.

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_2

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_3

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_4

Specific traits

Coloring is a hair coloring technique using 2 or more paint colors. "Wow effect" will work out if you pick up colors, close or contrasting with respect to each other, but at the same time combined with each other. No matter how many paint tones are used: two, five or ten, - the appearance of the young lady is transformed.

Melting and coloring are different methods of hair coloring. Making highlights, brighten separate strands, and coloring involves their staining. It is partial or complete using persistent, toning or clarifying curls of compositions.

  1. Partial. The dye whose color is close or contrasted with natural ones to selected strands.
  2. Full. The name speaks for itself, i.e., paint all hair using several dyes.

On the selected coloring method affect the length of the hair, the color of the curls and what effect want to achieve.

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_5

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_6

Advantages and disadvantages

Staining satures hair with glitter. Using a few shades under the procedure, achieve the effect of density and volume for the chapels. Technique has other advantages.


  • String Update;
  • Correction of face form;
  • creating original overflows;
  • Conducting experiments with hair without changing their length (if 2-3 shades are used, the result is predictable, and if more, then no);
  • Hair painting with a gentle method, since the oxidizer takes a bit;
  • changing image;
  • refreshment and rejuvenation of the face;
  • the ability to analyze the coloring procedure at any age;
  • Diversity coloring techniques.

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_7

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_8


  • The negative impact of coloring on the structure of brunette curls and brown: they brighten the hair before the procedure;
  • high cost of procedure;
  • daily hair styling;
  • Daily hair care using special leaving for brightness and gloss;
  • If the result of contrasting color color did not like, you can not return the former shade of hair;
  • a small selection of shades for black hair;
  • It is impossible to do the procedure if the hair is damaged or weakened;
  • You can not do before coloring the twigs;
  • You can not paint the hair if the girl is pregnant or breastfeed feeds;
  • Do not color, if a woman has depression or stress (otherwise, the result will upset).

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_9

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_10

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_11

Color selection

The process of selecting the new color of the hair is akin to the shopping campaign for new things, but still differ from it. "Clothes" is chosen for the champions on anywhere - without the possibility to try on and "exchange" if the result does not like it.

Before the procedure, hair does not brighten if the girl is blonde. She has the right to choose any shade out of the "warm" or "cold" color scheme and will not be mistaken. Bars and brunettes are limited in choosing. In addition, in their case, significantly affects what type of staining they prefer: natural or creative. In the first case, choose shades of coffee with milk, honey, brandy or amber, and in the second - more rich colors (blue, red, purple). When coloring blonde hair, silvery or ash shades are used. Care on them looks tempting, if individual strands are painted in golden or reddish.

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_12

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_13

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_14

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_15


Whatever the coloring technique either chose, the result will be the riot of paints. It is influenced by the idea of ​​the hairdresser and the preferences of a woman. There are dozens of coloring varieties.


The whole mass of hair is painted, fully replacing natural color.

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_16

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_17


Natural color of the champions are left unchanged, choosing only a few strands for staining. They are often stained in chaotic order. In any case, the hairstyle looks natural and less suffers from using dyes.

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_18

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_19


This technique reminds the previous one, except that before staining it is already known which zones will be transformed. Eliminate tips, headings, top, whiskey or bangs, giving a piquant and individual look.

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_20

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_21

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_22


Making horizontal coloring, take no more than three shades. Locks are divided into 3 broad bands horizontally. One band - the root, the other is the average, and the third is lower. From each allocate small strands. The darkest band is the top (brunette and brown, the roots are not stained with cross-color: because of this, paint on staining is spent less).

Selecting the color of the paint, the rules are followed: the average must be lighter than the top, and the bottom is lighter than the average.

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_23

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_24


Coloring make using wide color spectra from contrasting colors. Before the procedure, the girl should have a clear understanding of what result she wants to get. Otherwise, the head will be "porridge".

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_25

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_26

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_27


Kare is divided into 2 horizontal zones. The first (roots) should be darker, and the second (in the tips) is lighter. The transition between colors make smooth. Sometimes they come up to the opposite, i.e. the roots are made by light, and the ends are dark.

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_28

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_29

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_30


With the Serebon, the transition from light tones on dark (or vice versa) is not noticed because when painting the color is pulled vertically.

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_31

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_32


Choose thin strands of feathers on the head and paint them, creating sun glare or transfusion effect.

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_33

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_34


The paint is applied by the brushes and V-shaped strokes.


Choosing this technique, combine brown shades of relatives or painted hair with lighted separate curls.

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_35

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_36


Girls with smooth and well-kept hair choose this technique so that their haircut become creative.

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_37

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_38

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_39


Separate curls on the head are painted in unnatural colors, choosing from shades of green, blue, orange, purple and other colors.

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_40

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_41

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_42


Painted zones on the head are chaotic. Their color harmonizes or represents the contrast with the native hair color.

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_43

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_44


For such coloring, stencils need stencils. With their help on the hair, a drawing (tigrin, leopard print, geometric patterns) is obtained. If the girl has dark short hair, take acid or light shades (blond, ash).

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_45

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_46

About what technique coloring is most successful for a certain type of Kare, you can learn from the table below.

A variety of karaColoring technique
Bob-Kare on the legAny
Extended KareaPixel, transverse, asymmetrical (when choosing other techniques, take into account the length of the square and the angle of elongation)
Graduated KareaFull, Partial, Neon, Ballozh, Sombrov, Ombre, Armoring, Microcoloring, Multicolor
Classic CareOmbre, transverse, screen, pixel
Care with asymmetryAsymmetric, multicolor or neon
Kare + BangAny

Staining at home

Coloring do not make at home - the hair is painted in a hairdresser. The master will do everything in its best way, advising what colors to face, and which - no. Longitudinal staining is done at home, calling for help a girlfriend or mom. This method is the easiest, and therefore will not be difficult to paint separate hair strands:

  • stirred several colors of paint in different tanks;
  • put them in the right order;
  • Choose strand;
  • apply paint on it and wrap in foil;
  • Also come with others, but they are painted in another color;
  • withstand paint on her hair (the time of withsturry depends on the type of coloring composition and manufacturer);
  • wash off paint;
  • apply balm;
  • waiting until the hair is dried;
  • Assess the result.

Coloring at Kare (48 photos): Painting of blond and black square on the leg, haircuts with elongation and other options 24128_47

There is a small trick: the thinner the strand, the better the result looks like.

Coloring is a technique that you choose when a haircut is like a kare, but the soul requires a variety. With it, they will create an original hairstyle and emphasize its individuality. It is better not to paint the hair at home. In the beauty salon, you will pick up the appropriate technique for carareg, blue-eyed, green-eyed girls with a hairdryer on light or dark hair.

For coloring on the square, see further.

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