Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge?


The tent has become a popular coloring technique in the past few years. It looks wonderful on medium and long hair, it is more difficult to work with short, since it is enough space to perform the transition.

What it is?

The tent on dark hair involves a smooth transition of color from a dark tone near the roots to brighter on the tips. In view of the technique imitates the natural fading of the hair after vacation at sea. On dark hair it is more difficult to make a smooth transition, so they advise to contact experienced masters.

From the distinctive characteristics of the described technique, you can allocate:

  • No need to use foil;
  • the transition must be unnoticed;
  • You can easily confuse with Ombre.

Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_2

Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_3

Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_4

With the right execution of the technique, the tent looks on the hair just great. Alone at home to paint hair turns out not so simple, help will need help, and it is better to immediately turn to a professional to achieve an unsurpassed effect from the first time and not disappointed as a result. The main thing is to achieve a master - naturalness.

From the side it should not be seen that the hair is painted specifically, the effect resembles curls, slightly burnt into the sun, only not dull and lifeless, and brilliant and well-groomed.

Unfortunately, girls with short hair can not afford the tent, because it is impossible to pass the game the color on such a length.

With great care, it is worth using techniques and frustrated by representatives of the beautiful sex, since the result may be unpredictable.

Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_5

Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_6

Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_7

    Modern tent of the majority of girls are compared with the melting, in fact he has nothing to do with him, as with California technique. During operation, the master is used stretching color. The longer the hair, the better the effect looks, because it is possible to achieve the perfect color transition.

    The technique is not so easy to perform, as it may seem at first glance. The easiest option is to use Nachi, then the painting will turn out exactly how it was planned from the very beginning. To perform at home, assistance may be needed, since it is very difficult to apply the coloring composition of the back of the back of the back of the rear even if there are double mirrors.

    Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_8

    Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_9

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Shatus-staining, like any technique, has the advantages and disadvantages that the girl must know about. Among the positive moments are allocated:

    • Since staining is not made on all hair, respectively, and the harm is minimal;
    • This technique allows you to refresh the image, visually rejuvenate the girl, while the feeling of a wig on the head is not created, on the contrary, the sludge looks natural;
    • The described painting method does not require a monthly visits to the interior for color correction, since the rustling of the root part passes unnoticed;
    • Even on non-natural hair, you can visually add volume if you use the fascus;
    • If there are a small number of seeds, the method under consideration perfectly helps to hide it.

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_10

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_11

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_12

      Even such a number of benefits does not exclude the presence of deficiencies in technology:

      • Do not use the method of those girls who are too often painting hair or curl them;
      • It is impossible to achieve the desired effect and on short strands;
      • If you want to change the image, then all hair will need to paint;
      • If there is no experience or elementary understanding of how the technique is performed, then it is not easy to achieve success, and in the cabin such a procedure is not suiced.

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_13

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_14

      How to pick up a hue?

      Shades for such equipment should be not very bright, otherwise the desired naturalness does not achieve. It is worth take into account the type of appearance, the natural color of the hair of a fair sex. It should always be remembered that the choice of shade will play a major role in obtaining the result. Always come from a natural color, you can take the basis and shade after complete staining.

      Girls with curls from the natural nature of the dark color is better to pay attention to the cold palette, which is a couple of tones lighter than natural curls. The dark russes of the ladies advise the use of honey, golden as additional colors.

      On black hair, the shades of nut, chocolate look good. Brunettes and brownmas are better to use copper and wheat.

      There is a significant difference in using the tent on natural dark curls or previously painted. The first option is much better because there is no contrast when the roots grow. With full hair coloring in front of the rod, it is difficult to find the perfectly combined shade with natural hair color, from here and a sharp transition when the roots begin to grow, you have to adjust the roasting zone.

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_15

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_16

      Moreover, dark scratched hair is much more difficult to clarify, it takes not only more time, but also a lot of experience to carefully track the color change. In some cases, the pigment is first made at the bottom of the hair.

      Girls with a peach tint of the skin and karium or green eyes will suit the copper, salmon, beige sludge. Their colors should be warm.

      It looks unusually and very effectively on dark hair ashes, some more bold girls later add purple or pink shade.

      Dark hair and light skin - a chocolate tent will be a great solution here, a red fiery color can be offered more bold.

      Color technique is more in demand in young people, the most incredible colors are used. For ladies aged and with a solid position, it is advised to use more calm shades, for example, a bright caramel, pearl or chestnut.

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_17

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_18

      By type of haircut and hair length

      Depending on the length of the hair and the effect of the junction will differ. However, on direct and curly curls, this staining method also looks differently.

      Hair up to 5 centimeters are considered ultrakotov, it is not worth using the technique in this case, because it will not work correctly to distribute the color. To use the fascus, you need to have hair below shoulders and longer. A lot depends on the level of the skirmism of the hairdresser. If you do everything correctly, you can achieve the necessary smooth transition with a minimally permissible length.

      From shoulders to the blades - the average magnitude of the curls, on such hair it is possible to apply the technique to the fullest. Not individual zones are used, and the blade is carried out along the entire length. In the presence of bangs sufficient length, it can be included in the ensemble.

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_19

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_20

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_21

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_22

      The perfect canvas for creating an amazing natural effect are long hair. Especially good looking haircuts multilevel. If there are bangs, staining is made from the level where its length ends, and otherwise there will be no harmony.

      Easy clarification will help to decorate direct curls, add them lightness. Regardless of the length, with the help of the connecting, it is possible to emphasize any haircut, but in this case it is better to use technique with a wrench, because without it you can spoil the color of the unspeaked flaps. If there is no smooth transition, then such staining will look unnatural and bad.

      You can selectively illuminate strands on bangs to harmoniously enter it into a common ensemble.

      When using the described technique, roots are not affected. The tent is perfectly combined with multistage haircuts, since it allows you to visually add volume.

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_23

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_24

      Ideal for the use of curly hair technique, since each strand is located at its level. When painting, light tones are clearly visible. With highly curly hair, it is possible and not to do, the time for the procedure goes less. The main feature of curly curls - they are more porous, therefore the pigment penetrates into the hair structure faster.

      The choice of the described technique is justified if the haircut is made with a graduation, cascade, regardless of length. The presence of different levels helps to well emphasize the created effect, which can be enhanced by a small twist. The tent will become an excellent addition to Bob or Kare, the correct color distribution will allow you to achieve a stylish and unusual solution.

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_25

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_26

      By type of face

      If a girl is a widespread or a round face owner, she should pay attention to strands that framed it. In front of the curls should always be lighter than others, then the face will seem more elongated.

      The same applies to the square and rectangular type of face. The effect of extension will be necessary and ladies with such a type.

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_27

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_28

      Implementation technique at home

      Perform painting of hair in the described technique can be home independently, it will only need to study step-by-step guide. Start the coloring composition from the lower strand, each of which should be a width of up to two centimeters. It facilitates the process of the roasting nobody, which is applied by a clarifier, only after that the curls are toned. If the natural tone suits, you can minimize the effects of paint and not paint completely hair.

      It is worth saying that even in the cheapest beauty salon, the specialist services will cost expensive, you can significantly save, if you do everything yourself. All work can be divided into several stages:

      • preparation;
      • performance;
      • Subsequent care.

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_29

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_30

      The preparatory stage is reduced to the choice of color and not only. Before painting, experts do not advise wash hair so that natural fat become a protective barrier. On the market you can find different products that offer quickly and efficiently achieve the desired effect, however, it is better to lean to famous brands or use professional paint. A month before staining, hair is advised to better feed with masks and moisturize with balsams so that they suffer chemical impact with minimal damage.

      During operation, no foil, caps or packages will be required, since everything is much easier. There are two technologies used with success, both in the salons and at home:

      • with worst;
      • without nosha.

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_31

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_32

      If there is no experience, then it is better to make a choice in favor of the first method, since it makes it possible to achieve the desired effect quickly and without extra effort. The procedure consists of several consecutive stages.

      • At the first stage, hair will need to comb well.
      • The coloring composition is prepared in accordance with the attached instructions from the manufacturer.
      • Depending on the desired color intensity, the hair is harvested in a tight tail at different heights. If these are only tips, then closer to the top of the top, if most of the existing length, then on the temkin.
      • Bowls are made at the base of the tie, then the effect will turn out to be more natural.
      • The coloring composition is applied to the made nosch evenly with small strokes. Special attention should be paid to the hairs, which are located inside. Ends are crossed especially well, as they must have more intense color.
      • It is very important that the paint does not get to the rest of the hair under the tail, it is better to put an unnecessary tissue for this.
      • The time during which the paint takes on the curls, is reflected on the package, it may vary depending on the manufacturer.
      • After that, the hair was washed under running water, they put the balm.
      • Hair can be dried with a hairdryer, making the laying, but you can simply wait until they dry in a natural way.

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_33

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_34

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_35

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_36

      This is not the only technique that is used for the tent at home, but the rest are not so comfortable for self-use. If there is a person who can help with painting, then it is worth following the following technique:

      • By type X, the hair is separated into four zones;
      • Three challenge, the lower left for painting;
      • Locks are good free;
      • The coloring composition is applied primarily on the nos, then on the ends;
      • After the procedure is repeated for lateral zones, and last on the top.

      If there is a bang, then it is better not to touch it, and staining starting from the border where it ends, you can make several careless smears on it, but the strands should be thin.

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_37

      Beautiful examples

      Hair helps women supplement the image, making it more harmonious, and if they are not heavy, attractiveness, charm, sexuality is lost. There are several ways to revive curls, refresh their appearance and, of course, to make an entirely more interesting image. Shading or fascus - French technique, which allows you to achieve an interesting shade on curls of large and medium length.

      It consists in lightening strands, but it does not happen along the entire length. The upper part remains unchanged, although it is not always, sometimes due to the large amount of seeds you have to tint and top, but in such a way that you still save a smooth transition from a darker shade to brighter.

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_38

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_39

      The tent helps to give curls a new shade, the necessary shine, create a visually desired volume. In addition, such a technique can benefitly emphasize one or another haircut, as well as hide a small amount of seed or earlier unsuccessful staining.

      It is worth saying that in dark curls this technique looks better, because the blondes do not always have the transition, but to make it clearer dangerous.

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_40

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_41

      The owners of short hair This technique is definitely not suitable, as the length will not allow to create a smooth transition between the shades.

      On dark blond hair, the caramel fastener looks very attractive, especially if the girl has brown eyes and slightly tanned skin tone. If the curls are slightly twisted, then they seem voluminous, seductive.

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_42

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_43

      The ash blond looks good, only it will be necessary to achieve an ideal shade so that there is no yellowness, and it is not always easy. Such a color transition is perfectly combined with rapeseed or hair trimmed.

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_44

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_45

      Unusually, but a golden fastener looks rather bright on brown curls. You can slightly smooth the color if you use a more gentle shade of coffee with milk. Best of all, such a combination looks on long curls below the blades with shortened strands to face.

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_46

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_47

      It is very important when choosing a shade to observe the color of the woman, so that the transition looked naturally, did not get into the eyes, but attracted attention. The most difficult to fulfill the tent on black hair, but it is for them that it will be interesting to look a color version of staining.

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_48

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_49

      Shutush on dark hair (51 photos): Step-by-step technique of coloring short and long hair at home, is it brunette with a red sludge? 24118_50

      Shatus staining technique is shown in the following video.

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