Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique


Making long hair is even more beautiful to help Ballwear. This technique helps to create a unique and very feminine image. We will tell about it in more detail.

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_2

Features of staining

Coloring hair tips at different from the roots of the shade Special technique is called Ballwear. This coloring technique is popular all over the world. Even many Hollywood celebrities resort to her with great pleasure. Locks stained in such a technique look very stylish and beautiful.

A feature of this method of staining is that beauty can be resorted to its holding at any age. The correct selection of color for staining of the tips will make any image in unique. In this case, painted curls help refresh a person , making it more gentle and attractive.

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_3

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_4

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_5

Another advantage of such painting is that it can be done on the hair of any thickness. And also such staining is suitable for owners and straight, and curly hair.

The base color of the curl determines the selection of the shade for staining the tips. To curls after painting looked very beautiful, you should choose the coloring composition for the distal ends thoroughly. It is recommended to take into account the source color of the curls. In order for the result to please, stylists recommend painting curls so that Roots and tips differed by 2-3 tones.

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_6

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_7

Holders of dark blond hair for staining in this technique can be used ash, silver, wheat, honey And other shades.

At the same time, it is recommended to navigate to the original color.

Thus, the owners of the "cold" type of appearance it is better to choose ash and silver blond for coloring tips, and girls with a "warm" color of their preference is recommended to send wheat and honey shades. Such a color combination will help create a truly unique and very beautiful image.

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_8

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_9

Beautifully looking and brown hair, painted in the technique of Ballozh. For the evilution of the tips in this case, caramel and golden shades are commonly used. At the same time, strands can be painted in such a way both throughout the head and only by the face.

And in order to give greater naturalness of the image, you can paint a few strands in a golden shade . This will make it possible to achieve the appearance of "sun glare". Such an effect will make an image more stylish, but at the same time harmonious.

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_10

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_11

For girls who are not afraid of bold solutions, bright colors can be used for staining.

So, you can paint the hair tips in Red shades, purple, blue or green . Such staining is best suited for young, self-confident girls.

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_12

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_13

Long curls painted by equipment Ballozh can be laid in different ways. It looks beautiful and simple classic image with elongated straight hair. To do this, you need to "pull out" the hair with ironing.

It should not be forgotten about the use of thermal protection products.

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_14

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_15

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_16

To create a romantic image, the hair can be turned on the curl. To create kudrey, you can use and curlers. Beautifully looking at the hair with soft, flowing curls. "Waves" in Hollywood style - A very stylish solution for creating an elegant and feminine image.

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_17

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_18

Hair painted in equipment Ballozh, beautifully looks too, if Collected in the tail . Kosy or straight bangs can refresh the image. You can decorate such a hairstyle with a beautiful barbant. You can collect in the tail you can both straight hair and pre-twisted.

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_19

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_20

Technique implementation

You can make staining in the technique of Ballozh, both in the beauty salon and independently. Experts note that it is not always a painting at home is as needed. Long hair is quite difficult to paint. Improper causing composition can lead to the desired beautiful color gradient will not work.

If all the same, the desire to paint the hair of the house is quite strong, then in this case you can change the image and independently. To begin, it is necessary to determine the original color of the hair, as well as to purchase paint to dye the distal ends of the curls.

It is selected with her shade if desired, however, it should be remembered that it should differ from the main color of the curl about 2-3 tones.

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_21

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_22

Hair dyeing this technique implies drawing paint composition on tips . Cooked paint should be prepared according to the instructions. In order for the coloring makeup does not hit the clothes, the shoulders should be covered with a protective cape. To apply paint it is better to use a special tassel. It can be purchased almost in any store with cosmetics.

Apply the coloring composition follows vertical movements. For girls with long hair, paint is applied about from the level of the uhi . Movement of the tassel should be such that they resemble the movement of the broom, that is, as if laughing.

At the same time, it is recommended to process the strand from the sides first, and then only its tip. Thus, the coloring composition is applied to all the tips - a strand of strands.

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_23

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_24

Crab hair should be in protective gloves. This will allow to protect your hands from the effects of chemicals that are contained in the coloring composition.

Before painting hair, No need to wash your head. But if some products for styling remained on the curls, then in this case, the hair is better before staining.

Since hair coloring (albeit in a gentle technique) is a real stress for the chapels, then experts recommend to prepare for it in advance. So, 7-10 days before the procedure, it is recommended to apply on hair Masks . They can be both feeding and moisturizing. Such care will help to "prepare" hair to future staining and reduce the risk of damage. Experts note that in 2-3 days before coloring hair, feeding masks on the curls are better not to apply.

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Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_26

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_27

Such a way of applying paint is called Open Since the foil is not used for it.

Many girls use this method exactly, as they note that after applying paints it is much easier for them to monitor the flowing process.

The coloring time depends on the peculiarities of the coloring composition, which was used. As a rule, it is about 30-40 minutes. After painting, the hair needs to rinse well. In order for the colored curls to look better and more beautiful, after washing on them you need to apply a rinse balm.

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Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_29

Evaluate the result is recommended after the curls are dried. If you wish, during drying hair, you can make various styling.

Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_30

Recommendations of specialists

Ballwear is a method of staining that is suitable for many. However, this method has its own characteristics that must be taken into account before carrying out the color. So, to create a natural image of rusola girls can be used Caramel, Chocolate and Golden Shades . This will make the appearance brighter, but at the same time the hair will look harmoniously.

Before staining, it is necessary to evaluate the haircut.

Experts do not recommend painting the curls of the house in the style of Baublewiths, the curls of which are tonsured in complex multi-stage techniques.

They believe that in this case the risk that a beautiful color gradient will not work, quite high. In this situation, it is better yet Paint your hair from a specialist.

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Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_32

In order for the painted hair to looked well and stylish, it is not recommended to forget about regular correction.

Through the tips of the hair at the same time it is first better to cut a little. Stylists recommend correction of the color of colored hair in the technique of Ballwear at least 3 times a year. In some cases (usually in the case of complex haircuts), more frequent correction may be required.

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Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_34

Painted hair requires special care. Curlon tips are a rather vulnerable area.

If there is insufficient attention to the care of them, this may lead to the emergence of such problems as a strong hair loss, the cross-section and fragility.

To care for hair whose tips are painted in the blond, experts recommend using Products for Melted Hair . At the same time, on the distal part of the curls, it is necessary to apply a rinse balm after washing.

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Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_36

In order to reduce the skin section, it is recommended to apply special Carrying oils. Such a simple procedure also contributes to the fact that the curls look more neat and extensively. Painted (especially in blond) tips must be cut regularly to cut. This will allow you to maintain a good type of hairstyle.

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Ballozh on long hair (38 photos): Features of painting chestnut and other hair colors, painting technique 24108_38

The next video is dedicated to the teaching technique of Ballozh hair, which will help you create a unique image.

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