Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair


To create its own unique image, modern women are quite often resorting to such a procedure as hair coloring. The beauty industry does not stand still - in parallel with the development of new shades of dyes into the world of fashion, new technologies for performing their use for staining come. One of these methods is Ballozh, which implies the creation of a certain intensity of the contrast of color shades on her hair due to the lightening of some strands. The monophonic color of the curls almost attracts - I want to create bright glare, the game of paints, but it should look appropriate and naturally. It is the staining method Ballozh and help you perform this task.

Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_2

Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_3

One of the features of the coloring procedure is that Only the lower parts of strands of the hair, without affecting the entire length of the curls and the roasting area, are covered. Such a sparing approach ensures not only the careful attitude towards the hair, but also creates an additional effect of the hairstyle. In addition, the clarified strands look as realistic as possible, creating the impression that your hair just burned in the sun naturally.

Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_4

Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_5

Ballozh can be made on the hair of dark blond, light and dark shades. Well, this method looks at long curls and medium length hair.

Let's focus in more detail on how to choose the color shades of staining by the Ballwear for the middle hair of a blond color.

Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_6


A rather large number of women having a blond hair color believe that this color looks neuro, inexpressively and even boring. For this reason, blond hair most often ladies seek to improve in one way or another. Staining on technology Bailroom perfectly copes with tasks assigned to it. The fact is that With this method, the colors is used 2-3 shades, combined with the main tone of the hair. At the same time, the painting itself may affect all the strands or focus on the hair sections of the temples and on the back of the head.

Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_7

Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_8

In order to get the most natural visual image, the stylist should take into account not only the basic tone of your hair, but also pay attention to the shades of the skin and the color of your eyes. So, by performing Ballozh on blonde hair of the middle length, the owner of a dark skin and dark eyes, the stylist can offer to use the palette of amber or caramel shades. And if you have gray eyes and white leather - ash and platinum tones will be offered. Thus, the main and crucial role in the selection of color shades for balabyage will play your natural color:

  • If your colorotype is focused on the so-called cold shades - for dyeing, you need to choose silver, ash, platinum, purple, blue and other shades of the "cold" spectrum;
  • If the color tree of your appearance is to "warm tones" - you will suit solar, amber, nuts, chestnut, wheat and other tones of the "warm" spectrum.

Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_9

Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_10

On the hair of the middle length, staining in the style of Ballozh is equally good and looks on direct, and on curly strands, and curly hair after such coloring look most attractive. It is no longer a secret that curly hair has a more porous structure than straight strands. Therefore, when staining, they are more actively and in a larger volume absorbed the coloring composition, and after staining, a longer time is retained in the paging structure of the hair.

However, it must be remembered that Wavy strands are more traumatic - they are easy to cut paint, so you need to choose to color only high-quality proven compositions and extremely precisely observe the time of their excerpts on the hair. After the staining procedure, curly hair needs special care - they need to provide good nutrition and moisturizing.

Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_11

When staining in the technique, Ballozh direct hair specialists advise to update the tips of strands and make fresh milling mills for them. Thus, your hairstyle will look at volume, and the hair is well-groomed. And one more point - for beautiful staining, you need to have healthy hair, without split tips. Before staining, they are coated or grinding.

Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_12

Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_13

Chonda selection

When coloring light hair, more contrasting variants of staining Ballwear are obtained on dark blond curls. However, light-blond hair can be colorful on this technique, achieving good and interesting results. Qualitatively performed staining implies the use of coming together and clarifying the basic color of the hair of shades. The more such shades of the same color will be used, the most expressive will look like a ready-made result.

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_14

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_15

    Usually, the following color solutions are used for blonde and blond hair:

    • The use of the entire row of shades of blond;
    • shades of platinum, copper or bronze, and not only the brightest, but also deep;
    • All shades of caramel color;
    • Full palette of wheat shades from light to dark color;
    • any light golden tones;
    • almost the whole line of ash color;
    • any depth of the tone of silvery colors;
    • the brightest tones of chestnut and nuts;
    • Light tones of chocolate shade.

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_16

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_17

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_18

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_19

    Often, professionals-stylists brighten the strands to the most of the light tones, and then they are toned into the desired shades. Thus, they achieve softer transitions from one tone of color to another, as a result of which staining looks very bright and at the same time natural.

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_20

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_21

    There is another small trick - To create a high contrast from the roar zone and the middle part of the strands, darken with chocolate or dark walnut tones, against the background of which the brightened strands of various shades look especially bright and expressive. However, this method will subsequently require regular adjustment of the abnormal hair in the roasting area.

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_22

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_23

    When choosing colors of color for staining in the style of Ballozh, it is necessary to remember that light tones will visually rejuvenate your appearance, and dark shades, on the contrary, can add you age. After trying on this or that shade, it is also necessary to consider the following:

    • Chocolate and coffee shades are best used by those who have a dark blonde hair color;
    • Copsets are considered universal, as they are suitable for any blond curls;
    • Gray and ash tones are suitable only for those who have gray or blue eyes, otherwise these tones will add you age;
    • Shades of a non-spectrum - blue, pink, purple - can only be used to create an extravagant image, and not for any age such a shock will be appropriate.

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_24

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_25

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_26

    Choosing a coloring in the execution technique Ballozh need to remember that on long curls the color transitions will look smoothly, since the hair length allows us to stretch the color and make it most realistic as possible. But on the hair of the middle length, the Ballozh will make a hairstyle very throwing and highlighted, here all transitions will be smooth, but more concentrated.

    Be prepared that in this case, Ballozh may simply drastically change your appearance even if you left your usual haircut or hairstyle.

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_27

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_28

    How to do at home?

    It has long been noticed that as soon as some kind of service appears in the hairdressing salons, so after a short period of time this service is trying to repeat independently at home. Fortunately, the staining technique Balluzh refers to those in certain skills can be reproduced by itself.

    In order for the result, indeed, there was an interesting and impressive, This color is best done on bob haircuts, a square or cascade - hair can be straight or curly. The easiest way to independently perform staining Ballozh to light-blond hair, as in this case there is no danger of what you make too sharp color transitions due to the fact that you choose too intense clarification or abandon the dye.

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_29

    After you have freshen your haircut, and also decided on the color shades that you will be used, you need to prepare tools for staining:

    • Glass or plastic container - dishes for the preparation / mixing of the oxidant and paint;
    • Plastic comb and paint brushes;
    • Foil strips (strip size depends on the length of your stained straight);
    • porous sponge;
    • Hair clips.

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_30

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_31

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_32

    On clean and well-dried hair you need to choose thin strands that you will be painted, and the rest of the hair is closed by clips so that they do not interfere with you. Before this procedure, make your hair well. Remember that the thinner will the strand be selected, the sureer will look like. At the very beginning, the coloring composition is applied to the occipital region, and then pass to the temporal areas and the rest of the hair.

    Remember that when staining in the technique of Ballozh, it means using not different colors of paints, but several subtatile shades of one paint.

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_33

    Prepare a few shades of coloring compounds according to the instructions. Put the rubber gloves to protect the skin of the hands and start painting. It is necessary to apply paint to the ends of strands, while not rising higher than before their middle. For the convenience and protection of the rest of the strands that do not participate in the clarification process, the foil strip must be placed under the work strand. The coloring composition can be brought with a brush or with the help of a sponge, and it is necessary to do it by the "swept" movements, stretching the paint from the bottom towards the upstairs.

    The greatest paint volume should be at the end of strands, and in the process of stretching the amount of dye decreases. Alternate as often as possible shades on strands among themselves.

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_34

    Each painted strand must be wrapped in a foil strip. Dye exposure time should not exceed 15 minutes. Now the foil must be removed and sighing the hair, as if the paint is woven from the middle of the strands to her end, that is, down. After you read each strand, after 3-5 minutes, the hair needs to be thoroughly rinsed and dried.

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_35

    In order to facilitate the applying of the dye, experts advise to braid very thin pigtails and already apply paint on them - so you will get more smooth transitions and interesting color combinations.

    After completing staining, support your hair with nutrient balms or mask. On this all the procedure for staining is completed. You can lay your curls in the hairstyle.

    Beautiful examples

    And now let's look at the beautiful examples of how staining may look like a Ballozh method on blond hair of various shades with an average hair length.

    • A chocolate tint tinted and cold ash strands.

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_36

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_37

    • The dark-colored source tone of the hair is perfectly combined with bright and expressive caramel glare.

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    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_39

    • For comparison, two options for using shades: the shades of the "warm spectrum" are applied to the left, and the right - cold spectrum.

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_40

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_41

    • See how honey shades on dark blond hair look harmoniously.

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_42

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_43

    • If you decide to use bright shades of copper, you are more contelievable, they look in dark blond hair or with a tinted painter.

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_44

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_45

    • And it looks like a shade, called "Strawberry Blond". Its fulfillment requires special skill to achieve pastel and pure shades of pink.

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    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_47

    • The most natural and thumb looks like a bouquet for light hair using light natural wheat shades.

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_48

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_49

    A modern and fashionable technique of staining separate strands of hair in style Ballwear is a universal way to update your familiar hairstyle and make a bright and catchy all your appearance. In any case, unnoticed after such staining you will not be left. Try this sparing way to color - and make sure that yourself.

    Ballow on blond hair of medium length (50 photos): Features of staining of straight and curly hair, painting light blond hair 24104_50

    Hair staining technology Balloizes on blond hair with toning is given in the video below.

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