Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products


Surely, many people at least once visited the fairs of needlework, where a wide variety of crafts from various materials is exhibited on the court of visitors. However, the special attention of the applicants who came from the most ordinary toothpicks are used. Previously, the craftsmen made huge locks from matches. From them they built ships, created toys. Today it was toothpicks for replacing matches.

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_2

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_3

It is worth noting that it is much more difficult to work with them. First, they have a rounded form, because of which there are great difficulties in the compound. Secondly, the toothpicks have sharp ends on both sides, so that the novice master is more than a future masterpiece. And only in the hands of professionals, this material from the impregnable turns into a malleant one. In just an hour, the master is able to make several Christmas toys or a couple of decorative furniture elements for a dollhouse.

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_4

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_5

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_6

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_7

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_8

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_9

Manufacturing of the designer

Toothpicks are one of the high-quality, and most importantly - easily accessible materials for homemade creativity. People who have a creative mind warehouse can create with their help a lot of diverse crafts that fit into the interior of the premises and even become their main decoration.

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_10

Do not forget that the creation of such crafts, especially in a family circle, is an excellent alternative to rest with a TV. It is equally important to connect to the creative work of young children. First of all, they have a fine motor skill, and, of course, artistic thinking develops. So, with general efforts you can create a unique thing that will definitely become an excellent gift for a family friend or a close relative.

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_11

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_12

Modern masters offer the attention of visitors of applied art fairs. Different products made of toothpicks made by their own hands. It can be decorative flowers, beasts, birds, Christmas decorations for Christmas trees, caskets. Well, the children who liked this art are offered to receive special training materials, where they are painted from "a" to "I" rules for working with this rather dangerous material.

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_13

Well, of course, several master classes for the manufacture of simple crafts are presented in the training material. One of these is a new-fashioned designer. Many parents acquire him to the kids as a developing toy. In fact, the child will be much more interesting to independently make a similar product, and after playing with him. Moreover, it will be necessary for work only plasticine and, of course, the packaging of the toothpicks.

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_14

For a start, plasticine is taken. It is plugged with small pieces and roll into the balls. They will play the role of toothpick fixtures in the designer created. For an example, the child needs to show the process of creating a triangle. It is required to take 3 plasticine balls and 3 toothpicks, combine them so that a planned geometric shape is formed. When the child understood the essence, you can start creating volumetric models of the designer. Using the alternation of vertical and horizontal connections, you can create a cube or pyramid.

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_15

Miniature chair do it yourself

As mentioned earlier, using toothpicks, you can make decorative furniture for a doll house. Little girls are added to this work with special enthusiasm - owner of entire puppet mansions. To learn the Azam production of decorative furniture, it is recommended to start with the creation of the chair. Moreover, it will take to use only the blanks of toothpicks with cropped ends and glue.

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_16

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_17

  • For the manufacture of the back of the chair, a trimmed wand is taken and cut in half. Then 2 whole trimming of the toothpicks are taken, are located in parallel to each other, and the cutting blank is invested between them.
  • To create a support from the back side of the seat, it is necessary to use the workpiece corresponding to the width of the chair. After fitting, you need to glue it.
  • The front base of the seat is prepared as well as the rear.
  • The prepared base is fixed by side crossbars.
  • You can proceed to the preparation of the seat. To do this, it is necessary to take a certain amount of billets cut into the width and combine them with a crossbar.
  • The prepared seat is fixed on the base of the chair.

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_18

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_19

How to make an umbrella?

Showing a little imagination, a puppet umbrella will be able to create a puppet umbrella, which can be used not only for children's games, but also as decorating cocktails and festive dishes. For work it will take corrugated paper, scissors, glue and, of course, the toothpicks themselves.

  • From paper it is necessary to cut a few identical circles. The first is lubricated with glue. From above on it, like the sun's rays, 8 toothpicks are laid out at an equal distance from each other. Next, the second round is lubricated with glue and is superimposed on top.
  • It is necessary to make an umbrella handle. For this, there are 2 toothpicks and join with paper or ribbon.
  • It remains to attach an umbrella or to decorate with tissue material.

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_20

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_21

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_22

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_23

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_24

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_25

Other crafts

In fact, create crafts from the toothpicks is quite difficult. And before making the first high-quality masterpiece, you will have to go through a long way of learning. It is especially important to maintain in the development of these techniques of small children. Often they are upset that they do not have a fake from the first time, and refuse new attempts. In fact, children and beginner masters need to select the most simple work, repeat which will not be difficult.

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_26

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_27

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_28

For example, you can make a beautiful color basket from a plastic bottle. Well, by taking experience, already start creating large models, such as crossbow and even a multi-level house. Start it stands with flower bouquets. To work, it will be necessary to stock by some materials, namely, foam balls, aerosol paint, several packs of toothpicks and sparkles.

  • First you need to take 3 foam balls of different sizes.
  • Several toothpicks are inserted into each foam ball.
  • Further, the foam base is decorated with glue and sequin.
  • Such unusual bouquets can be made of pieces 5 or 6, after which it is to put them in a basket made from the base of the plastic bottle, covered with toothpicks.

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_29

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_30

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_31

All parents at least once in their lives came across the problem of baby laundering from glue after creating a craft. And often the consistency of the adhesive mass turns out to be so terrible that it is simply impossible to get rid of it from the first time. Therefore, parents are looking for a lot of home development options for their baby without using adhesive components. Toothpicks In this case, the perfect material.

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_32

Thanks to their sharp tips, they easily stick into a variety of foundations, whether plasticine, foam or foam rubber. Thanks to the plasticine compound, you can create models of houses, machines, aircraft. Folone and foam base is often used to create flower baskets. What the most interesting, such crafts without glue can be prepared even as laboratory and test work in high school. For example, for the lesson of physics, create a model of atoms and molecules.

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_33

For young children, it is preferable to work with a softer base material, it can be a foam or plasticine. Showing a slightly fantasy of these unpaired funds, you can make a unique toy, such as the hedgehog. For work, a foam ball, plasticine and a set of toothpicks will be required. The main thing - the process of work proceeds as easily and safely and safe for the baby.

  • The ball must be cut in half.
  • With the help of plasticine, cut out the muzzle muzzle and fix it on the base.
  • Toothpicks are taken and stick into the back toys, imitating real needles.
  • As the last stroke, paints should be used to give a toy natural naturalness.

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_34

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_35


An exquisite and unique gift for a good friend or family member will be a casket made by hand. And most importantly, it is possible to make it from ordinary toothpicks. However, in addition to the main material, it is necessary to stock cardboard, seer, glue, threads, ribbons, beads.

  • First you need to make the basis of the future casket. It can be round or have a heart or square shape. Next, retreating from the edge of the base, with the help of sewing it is necessary to make small holes. The distance between the holes should be the same.
  • It is necessary to take toothpicks, crop their sharp tips and fix stupid tails in the seed holes made. Next, drop into the location of the base and toothpicks some glue. It is necessary to wait until the glue is completely drying, after which it becomes a thread braid.
  • In the process of weaving, the thread should inhibit beads or rhinestones, so that the box will acquire decorative beauty.

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_36

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_37

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_38


Unusually and very effectively, Christmas decorations made of toothpicks will look. Of course, they very much resemble sea hedgehogs, although their surface is covered with silver or gilded paint. For work, you will need several foam balls and pair of toothpick packaging.

  • It is necessary to attach a thread to the plastic ball, which will cling to the Christmas branch.
  • Next, the toothpicks are taken and stick to the same depth in the foam base. The distance between the toothpicks should be approximately the same.
  • After creating a needle ball, it must be covered with silver or gold paint.

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_39

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_40

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_41

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_42


Well, those who have already managed to gain experience in creating crafts from toothpicks, you can start designing complex models. In this case, we are not talking about Christmas toys, hedgehogs and boats, but about the real model of a multi-level house, more precisely, the estate.

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_43

According to experienced masters, the manufacture of a house of toothpicks proceeds much easier than the creation of ship structures. And yet, not everyone has enough patience to bring work to the end. Creating complex models takes at least a month. After all, over each individual detail of the construction has to work for more than one day.

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_44

For the first model of the house, it is worth choosing a simpler design so that only toothpicks and glue can be required for work.

  • First, the base of the house is prepared, more precisely, the flooring. Toothpicks are taken, folded together, fixed with glue.
  • After drying the floor, it is necessary to start eating walls. In no case should not forget that the house should have windows and doors. For them, there should be a slot.
  • Raising the wall to the roof, it is necessary to place the window and the doorway. Several toothpicks are taken to create the window, are connected together in the form of rustic window frames. The door folds by connecting the toothpicks laid out transversely walls.
  • Roof preparation is a more complex process. To begin with 2 sides of the house, it is necessary to increase the height of the walls, giving them a triangular shape. After longitudinally lay out toothpicks and secure them with glue. They will hold onto the roof. After drying, the glue remains only to fix the toothpicks at the most closely apart, having them along the roof from top to bottom.

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_45

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_46

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_47

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_48

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_49

Crafts from toothpicks: what can be done with your own hands? Home and Umbrellas from paper and toothpicks for beginners, Crossbow and hedgehog for children, Other products 24088_50

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