Openers "Asepta": Active and Fresh for gums and oral cavity. How recommended to use? Instructions for use and composition


Each person must take care of the health of the mouth. Fortunately, for this, everything you need for sale in stores. And we are talking not only about the toothbrushes and pastes, but also about high-quality rinsers. In this article we will talk about the products of Asepta and find out how it needs to be correctly used.



Composition and principle of operation

In the assassins of Asepta, the following elements are the following elements in the role of the main operating components:

  • Citate potassium, xylitis - these components are designed to effectively protect dental enamel from any negative impacts, various irritant factors;
  • Benzidamine is a component that has an anesthetic effect, reduces inflammation;
  • Chlorhexidine is a very important ingredient, which is an effective antiseptic element of a large spectrum of action (it is activated in rinsing rinsing in relation to negative forms of gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms, viruses and yeast);
  • Menthol and mint - these elements are designed for a long time to refresh the oral cavity, give a pleasant fresh breath.


The principle of operation of the leaving of the company "Asepta" is as follows:

  • Such means effectively prevent the appearance of a soft bacterial latal, as well as dental sediments of a mineralized nature;
  • Successfully prevent the problem of bleeding gums, relieve inflammatory processes;
  • Through the "Asepta" rinsers, it is possible to effectively disinfect the oral cavity;
  • If you regularly use such means, you can provide teeth with good protection against the appearance of caries;
  • Asepta rinsers are ideally suited to people suffering from increased sensitivity of teeth, since it is noticeable to reduce the unpleasant sensations;
  • Thanks to high-quality rinsing, the natural whiteness of the teeth is guaranteed;
  • With such compositions, a person has a fresh breath for a long time.


Indications and contraindications

As you can see, the assassins of Asepta have many positive effects not only on the teeth, but also on the entire cavity of the human mouth as a whole.

However, we should not hurry to use these products. It makes sense to get acquainted with the testimony and contraindications to their application.


In most cases, the qualitative rins of Asepta are used in the detection of such pathological conditions:

  • gingivitis of acute or chronic nature;
  • stomatitis;
  • the formation of carious foci;
  • formation of deposits in the form of a toothache;
  • periodontitis (both acute and chronic);
  • Post extractive alveolit;
  • Toothproof, the source of which is not detected.


With all the notes listed, the use of the rinse is shown and is beneficial.

In such situations, the tool is recommended to be applied in a regular manner to achieve a speedy and persistent effect.


As for contraindications, their list is very short. Do not use the rinsers of the "Asepta" brand in the case of an increased individual sensitivity of the human body to components, which are included in the composition of leaving products.


It is not recommended to use rinsers to children whose age has not reached 6 years. Periods of lactation and pregnancy are conditional contraindications. Everything is here depending on the state of the health of the woman and her child.


Assortment overview

High-quality assassins "Asepta" are presented in a wide range. Pick up the perfectly suitable corporate product may each consumer. We will get acquainted closer with some types of rinsers from Asepta.



This is a very good and very popular remedy for the brand under consideration. Fresh is a product that is allowed for daily use. Through this rinsing, you can successfully clean the teeth from the bacterial plaque, strengthen the gums.


The specified solution is characterized by a very easy and unobtrusive aroma, a pleasant taste. Fresh product combines xylitol and potassium citrate. These components effectively protect dental enamel from harmful effects from acids and bacteria. In addition, these elements are able to reduce the high sensitivity of the teeth.


The FRESH rinse is also present chamomile extracts, sage, gamamemis. These components actively contribute to the quick healing of microscopic damage. And also they have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to the mint, Menthol and Lyme Fresh rinser gives users a fresh breath.



No less popular product that can have a combined effect on the oral cavity. This rinsier acts both both anti-inflammatory, and as an anesthetic, and as an antimicrobial agent.

Due to the multifunctionality of ACTIVE can be used in the composition of the complex treatment of different dental diseases.


The medicinal composition contains a benzidamine. This is a wound healing element, which also effectively acts against edema and has a powerful anesthetic effect. After using this product, a feeling of light numbness may occur.


Instructions for use

Slightly pick up a suitable rinser from Asepta. They still need to use it right. Safe, efficient use of this product is possible only if you follow the instructions for use.


In accordance with the leadership for more effective treatment or effective prevention of different dental diseases, the means must be applied according to a specific scheme.

  • First you need to clean your teeth as usual. At the same time you need to use toothpaste. After completing this hygienic procedure, a small measuring cup will be needed to gently pour about 10 ml of branded therapeutic composition.
  • Next solution is needed as much as possible to rinse the oral cavity. Continue this manipulation follows at least 20 seconds. Longer "stretch" the time that is given to rinsing is not necessary.
  • After completing the rinsing process of the oral cavity, it is necessary to spit the solution. After that, you should not eat for 30 minutes.




Therapeutic solution is strongly not recommended to combine with water.

If there is a sharp and unpleasant feeling of burning in moments of rinsing, then the tool can be divorced with water in a 1: 2 ratio.


Review reviews

High-quality rinses from the Asepta firm are in great demand. Therapeutic products attracts high efficiency buyers as well as attractive costs. Due to the wide popularity of Asepta products on the Internet, there are a lot of reviews. There are both positive and negative among them.


First, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the positive qualities of branded rinses, which were noted by consumers:

  • Most users felt the high efficiency of Asepta rinsers under the condition of regular and proper use;
  • Many people noted pleasant tastes and aromas peculiar to the proprietary care products "Asepta";
  • The presence of a measuring cup also pleased with many users;
  • Liked people and the fact that most brand rinses act gently, and in the rinsing process do not cause unpleasant sensations;
  • Many users have a good composition of branded rinses with chlorhexidine and other efficient elements;
  • According to customer statements, the rinsers "asepta" are very well refreshing the oral cavity, and the resulting effect is maintained for a long time;
  • According to some buyers, Asepta rinsers are fairly quickly cope with the stomatitis of light shape;
  • Many pleased that the brand products do not have in the composition of dyes and alcohol;
  • some buyers brand rinsing literally saved the gums from bleeding;
  • Judging by the reviews of some users who considered therapeutic agents perfectly cope with inflammatory processes in the mouth, neutralizing them well;
  • There were those who attracted the design of the design of branded products;
  • Among buyers were also those who checked the effectiveness of Asepta rinsers in matters of wound healing in the oral cavity.


This list of advantages marked by ordinary buyers is not completed. People noticed for the rins of "Asepta" there are still a lot of other advantages.


But it did not go without negative feedback. Consider what people did not like in branded products:

  • Most of the negative responses are associated with the relatively high cost of rinsers;
  • Someone after the rinsing process feels not a very nice taste in the mouth;
  • According to some users, inflammatory processes that are in the acute stage, Asepta rinses cannot be removed;
  • Some people seemed to be that after using branded rinsing people to achieve a noticeable freshness of breathing failed;
  • did not like the buyers and the fact that on sale such leaving products are far from always and not everywhere;
  • Not the most economical flow rate - another minus, seen by a large number of users;
  • According to some people, such funds are suitable only for therapeutic purposes, but for daily use they are too expensive.


Among users there were a lot of those who did not notice in the rins of "asepta" not a single drawback.


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