Parodontax rinsers: Extra for gums and oral cavity, other rinses, application instructions and composition


One of the obligatory stages of care is the hygiene of the oral cavity. Rotten, yellowed teeth, bleeding gums, an unpleasant smell - all this can turn away from person once and forever. So that such problems did not occur, you should only take care of your teeth with a brush and pasta 2 times a day. But if the trouble has already arisen either, I want to prevent it, pastes will not be enough. Here you will need a professional leaving agent - the rinser for the oral cavity. Some of the best reviews received a product from Parodontax.


The Parodontax brand is a company specializing in the release of funds that care for the oral cavity on a daily basis. The brand products not only retain the gums and teeth are normal, but also treat already emerging diseases. Rinsers offered by the firm are liquid means intended for everyday rinsing.

Their advantage is the lack of alcohol, which entails not only the temporary smell of alcohol from the mouth, but also the breaking of the gums.

Parodontax rinsers: Extra for gums and oral cavity, other rinses, application instructions and composition 24085_2

Parodontax rinsers: Extra for gums and oral cavity, other rinses, application instructions and composition 24085_3

Parodontax rinsers: Extra for gums and oral cavity, other rinses, application instructions and composition 24085_4

Consider other advantages:

  • the destruction of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity;
  • Care for gums, treatment of bleeding and sensitivity of the latter;
  • decline in sensitivity of teeth, whitening;
  • Help in the fight against dental stone, caries, lots of plaque, stomatitis and gingivitis.

Parodontax rinsers: Extra for gums and oral cavity, other rinses, application instructions and composition 24085_5

    In addition, Parodontax rinsers perfectly refresh their breath. Possessing a pleasant aroma, they gently affect the oral cavity and do not react with other care products.

    As for the shortcomings, they are subjective here. Someone seemed bitter taste, and someone caused a strong numbness. Some argue that from the tool is quite strongly burning language and the taste sensations are lost.

    Parodontax rinsers: Extra for gums and oral cavity, other rinses, application instructions and composition 24085_6

    Parodontax rinsers: Extra for gums and oral cavity, other rinses, application instructions and composition 24085_7


    All Parodontax rinsers necessarily have a few next components.

    • Chlorhexidine. This is a well-known antiseptic, widely used in all medical spheres, without excluding dentistry. This agent quickly kills bacteria and viruses that breed in the oral cavity. However, it constantly should not use chlorhexidine rinsers - after 21 days of application, it is necessary to take a break.
    • Sodium fluoride. Means contributing to the softening of sediments in the form of a tartar. In addition, it retains the integrity of the enamel.
    • Paraben. They are represented by propylparaben, as well as methylparaben. These substances in the composition kill pathogenic microbes, thanks to which caries develop.
    • Sodium sacharinat. Substance-sweetener can be used in products and leaving facilities. Another sweetener in the composition is sorbitol.
    • Oil. Castor oil removes bleeding and inflammation, as well as painful sensations. Another oil product is eugenol. It is obtained due to several essential oils.
    • Propylene glycol. Serves as a solvent.

    Parodontax rinsers: Extra for gums and oral cavity, other rinses, application instructions and composition 24085_8

    Assortment overview

    Parodontax rinsing series has only two products. These are "Classic" and Extra rins. Consider each of them separately.


    Immediately it is worth noting that it is impossible to replace a toothpaste toothpaste: these two funds must complement each other. The "classic" product clears areas to which it is difficult to get a brush, softens the tooth stone. In its composition, the average content of chlorhexidine.

    This rinser is effectively fighting with a bloom, reduces the sensitivity of the teeth and refreshes the breath. With it, it is also possible to get rid of some teeth and gum diseases, in particular stomatitis, as well as to heal small wounds and ulcers. Use the tool for three weeks.

    Parodontax rinsers: Extra for gums and oral cavity, other rinses, application instructions and composition 24085_9


    The EXTRA solution is 0.2% is characterized by an increased chlorhexidine content, and therefore it is recommended to those people who have already progressive diseases of the oral cavity. Day after day, the components of this drug effectively kill bacteria and microbes, creating a protective layer for teeth and gums.

    About two weeks of use, positive results are visible. The pain and bleeding of the gums decrease, the mucous membranes differ in a healthy pink tint. Little becomes the amount of plaque on the teeth. Edema and discomfort disappear. However, in the case of the use of this rinsing, it is important to remember that the teeth and gums can slightly change the color. That this does not happen, you should not drink tea, coffee, wine and other coloring drinks for an hour after use.

    Parodontax rinsers: Extra for gums and oral cavity, other rinses, application instructions and composition 24085_10

    Instructions for use

    Use Parodontax Oral Obligator is quite simple. Consider a brief instruction on use.

    1. Shake the tool, then open the lid and take the measuring cup that is included. Pour about 10 milliliters of the rinse.
    2. You do not need to dilute Parodontax, dial dial to mouth and start rinsing. The duration of the process is one minute.
    3. After rinsing, simply split the liquid. No need to do anything else. If the teeth were slightly colored, spend a toothbrush on them, and the pigment will quickly come down.

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    Parodontax rinsers: Extra for gums and oral cavity, other rinses, application instructions and composition 24085_12


    Parodontax rinsing means has many advantages, so it is immediately recommended to those who have problems with the oral cavity. Nevertheless, it is worth understanding that this is a healing solution, and it is necessary to use it with caution. The tool should not be purchased to the following categories of people:

    • Children and teenagers up to 14 years;
    • persons with increased sensitivity to individual components of the drug;
    • persons with a means of allergies that manifested themselves;
    • Pregnant and nursing ladies.

    Parodontax rinsers: Extra for gums and oral cavity, other rinses, application instructions and composition 24085_13


    Parodontax is one of the most famous companies. It is also chosen by dentists, and ordinary citizens concerned about the condition of their teeth and gums. The overwhelming majority of reviews are positive.

    So, Many buyers argue that the tool helped once and for all to solve the problem with uncomfortable sensations in the mouth. Thanks to him, he managed to get rid of the wound, cure the gums, strengthen his teeth. Moreover, it reduced the sensitivity of the enamel, which has become a real problem recently.

    Parodontax greatly facilitated the lives of such people by making it possible to use too cold and hot products.

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    Parodontax rinsers: Extra for gums and oral cavity, other rinses, application instructions and composition 24085_15

    Among other things, Parodontax's rinsers are not distinguished by a high price - they can afford to themselves, buying in a pharmacy for about 300 rubles. And if you consider the fact that the bottle is enough for a long time, it turns out good savings. There are almost no contraindications to the medium, and the allergies occur extremely rarely, so almost everything can use such a rinser.

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    Parodontax rinsers: Extra for gums and oral cavity, other rinses, application instructions and composition 24085_17

        Nevertheless, there are buyers who are dissatisfied with the acquisition. The bitter taste and burning sensation forced some of the users to refuse to use the means. Some do not like the feeling of numbness in the language, causing associations with a visit to the dentist. There were also units that the tool did not help at all, aggravating the existing problem.

        However, there are practically no such people, and in general it can be argued that Parodontax perfectly copes with the task.

        Parodontax rinsers: Extra for gums and oral cavity, other rinses, application instructions and composition 24085_18

        Parodontax rinsers: Extra for gums and oral cavity, other rinses, application instructions and composition 24085_19

        Parodontax rinsers: Extra for gums and oral cavity, other rinses, application instructions and composition 24085_20

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