Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews


Properly selected toothpaste - the key to healthy and beautiful teeth. Quality products produces a well-known apadent brand, pleasing buyers with a huge assortment of useful and efficient goods. In this article we will tell all about the peculiarities of the paste apadent.

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_2

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_3


Assortment of branded tooth pastes on store shelves is constantly updated with new positions. So, the well-known Japanese manufacturer Apadent produces high-quality products with which the care of the oral cavity is noticeably simplified, brings visible results.

Today, a very popular component that is present in the composition of high-quality pastes is hydroxyapatite. This element is as efficient in the fight against the hypersensitivity of the teeth. Because of this, many large manufacturers began to introduce it to the composition and home and professional pastes in a special nanoform (Nano-Hap). The products of the Japanese brand did not exception.

Similar funds begin their active action almost instantly - with the first contact with the teeth.

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_4

Nano-HAP in its characteristics of the structure is very similar to the components, which are part of the enamel crystal lattice. That is why in the process of cleaning the necessary elements are internally embedded. Thus, the effect of peculiar sealing is created.

A high-quality toothpaste from the Japanese manufacturer can literally penetrate into microscopic cracks, enamel damage that are present in the teeth. In this way, the listed zones are filled with substances as part of the paste, the crystallization process is stimulated. According to the statements of representatives of the brand, Nano-Gap is not being washed, but remains directly in the structure of the tooth. Through this, the latter becomes more durable, resistant to external influences.

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Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_6

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_7

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_8

A variety of assortment

Famous Japanese manufacturer Apadent produces high-quality toothpastes in the widest assortment. The brand gives customers not only adults, but also children's products with various effects of exposure.

We will get acquainted with some of the most popular dental pastes from Apadent.

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_9

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_10

Total Care.

This product refers to therapeutic and preventive category. As part of this paste there is a special medical nanogidroxyapatite, which makes the teeth more durable, warns the development of carious foci. Thanks to the brand product Total Care, the beauty and power of enamel is ensured.

In the first stages aimed at combating caries, the process passes quite efficiently and at high speed. This is caused by the restoration of demineralized enamel. In addition, there are other effective components as part of the option:

  • Triterpene acid is an antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory effects, contributes to the healing of the wound;

  • Beta-glycyrrrhizinic acid - also serves as an anti-inflammatory matter, contributes to the narrowing of capillaries, eliminates the emergence of the swelling, protects against periodontosis;

  • Cetylpyridine chloride - significantly reduces the formation of plaque on the teeth.

In this pasta there are no bleach or abrasive components. There are no fluorides here.

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_11

Sangi Apadent Perio.

This is a high-quality toothpaste. It will become the perfect solution for those users who suffer from bleeding gums or high sensitivity of teeth. The composition of this product does not provide for fluorine. Wherein The paste can have a very useful antibacterial effect, which is important to maintain the health of the mouth.

Sangi Apadent Perio is a remixed variety. Promotes rapid restoration of damaged enamel. Sold in the package, weathered in white-pink colors.

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_12

Apadent Kids.

Beautiful children's pasta from the Japanese brand. It has a pleasant taste that young users like. In the production of Apadent Kids, the newest development is enabled - Nano-Hap.

Through this quality product developed specifically for children, the formation is ensured as strong as possible and smooth enamel. The product can serve as the most reliable protection against caries. In the early stages of pasta and can eliminate it at all.

The Apadent Kids product very effectively removes the dental flare, as well as the bacteria that are accumulated in it.

Through this paste, microscopic cracks and children's enamel defects can be placed. Apadent Kids is sold in cute blue packaging.

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_13

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_14


Popular tooth cleaning agent from the Japanese manufacturer. It has a very nice citrus taste. The product is ideal for leaving the gums. They can be used in the problems associated with their bleeding. With the increased sensitivity of the sensitive teeth can also cope.

The paste has an antibacterial effect, can act as a remineralizant. Effectively strengthens dental enamel. Allowed to use during pregnancy and wearing orthodontic structures.

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_15

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_16

Instructions for use

The assortment of the Japanese manufacturer has both home and professional pasta. So, Products in the title of which there are prefix Pro are manufactured for further professional use. We are talking about the office of the dentist. The use of such agents is combined with the oral cavity hygiene (in the complex), both procedures spend about 30-60 minutes.

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_17

The process is carried out:

  • Used surface anesthesia of teeth (if there is a need for this);

  • Retracts plaque and a stone through an Air Flow ultrasound device;

  • Emale is polished by brush and paste without abrasives;

  • Apadment Pro is applied to enamel, and then each of the teeth is cleaned with a brush for about 15-20 seconds, so that the active substances are better penetrated into the structure of the tooth;

  • Pasta is held on the teeth 2-3 minutes, and then flips off.

The Japanese manufacturer releases pasta and for home use. You should use them in the same way as conventional options.

Brushing teeth with such pastas recommended at least 3-5 minutes , making careful motions that should be soft, not sharp.

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_18

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_19

Review reviews

High-quality Japanese pastes from Apadnt have a unique effect. They are healing, protect and strengthen their teeth. People who have decided to check on their own experiences of such modern products, leave various reviews about them.

We learn that the most attracted users in the tooth pastes Apadent:

  • Most users noted the high efficiency of brand products from Apadent;

  • Brand paste carefully and attractively packaged, which was marked by many users;

  • consumers pleases a rich assortment of branded pastes, in which you can choose not only a home, but also a professional position with a more extensive and serious action;

  • According to buyers, the products of the Japanese manufacturer are very good and efficiently removed from the teeth of the flare;

  • Pastas are well a penalty - this is another plus that is noted with a high frequency;

  • Liked people and the fact that Apadent products are very easy to operate, accompanied by a guide to use on the package;

  • Many people noticed that the paste of the Japanese manufacturer blends perfectly with their teeth, and also quickly copes with their high sensitivity;

  • There were a lot of responses in which users marked the great taste and aroma of Apadent;

  • Parents argue that their children really like cleaning teeth with apadent pastes;

  • Brand products formulations like most users.

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_20

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_21

In many reviews, users argue that the products of the Apadnt brand has no minus. However, such an opinion is not everywhere. There were enough negative responses about different parameters of Japanese pastes. Consider them:

  • In one of the angry reviews, a person claims that the apadent paste does not have a single plus, does not remove the caries, does not remove the stones and does not demonstrate the declared effect, but it is very expensive;

  • In some people, after applying branded hygienic products, there is a strong feeling of dryness in the mouth, which delivers noticeable discomfort;

  • There were also such users who noticed that after using the Paste Apadent there is a violation of enamel sensitivity;

  • The original products of the Japanese manufacturer are not sold in all outlets and are often faked;

  • High cost is one of the most frequent deficiencies, which is unpleasant surprised by many buyers;

  • The presence of Lauryl sulfate did not suit some people.

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_22

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_23

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_24

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_25

Buyers who are angry with the action of Paste Apadent do not mention what their teeth are at the very beginning of the application of branded products.

The fact is that The considered toothpastes are unlikely to fix highly running situations. In this case, a visit to the dentist is shown, since the use of alone only the restoring paste here is not enough.

Toothpaste Apadent: children's Kids and Total Care for adults in blue packaging, remineralizing Japanese pasta and other, composition and reviews 24058_26

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