Toothpaste Vitis: Orthodontic and Gingival, Whitening and other products, instructions for using toothpaste


Everyone knows that only 2 sets of teeth are pressed: dairy and constant. And our task is to maintain this given, correctly causing the state of the oral cavity. Probably everyone wants to have a clean and beautiful smile at any age. But the aesthetics as the self-treatment and health of the whole organism is not so important. Therefore, the right choice of hygiene products for teeth and gums is important. The article will talk about Vitis's dental pastes and their features.

Toothpaste Vitis: Orthodontic and Gingival, Whitening and other products, instructions for using toothpaste 24054_2

Toothpaste Vitis: Orthodontic and Gingival, Whitening and other products, instructions for using toothpaste 24054_3


Vitis products are innovative daily drugs that include a complete set of products to improve the quality of teeth cleaning. They are used for oral hygiene, strengthening teeth, relieving inflammation, concerns about braces, protection of soft tissues, treatment and prevention of teeth and gum diseases.

Toothpaste Vitis: Orthodontic and Gingival, Whitening and other products, instructions for using toothpaste 24054_4

Features of these products:

  • The entire line of dental vitis paste does not leave an unpleasant taste;

  • thick paste consistency;

  • Pleasant sensations, refreshing and fragrant, refreshed breathing,

  • Not dangerous for enamel, as the composition is hydroxyapatite (the structural unit of the enamel of the tooth), carefully restore the whiteness of the teeth;

  • spent economically, well fenselly;

  • Fight with pathogenic bacteria on teeth, gums and orthodontic structures.

In addition, paste has a number of positive qualities:

  • pleasant refreshing taste;

  • Safe composition;

  • Low abrasive index - than it is less, the better (the index reflects the content in the paste of large particles of abrasive).

Toothpaste Vitis: Orthodontic and Gingival, Whitening and other products, instructions for using toothpaste 24054_5

Toothpaste Vitis: Orthodontic and Gingival, Whitening and other products, instructions for using toothpaste 24054_6

The Vitis brand product is created and developed in Spain with the best specialists. Directed on the treatment, prevention of the oral cavity and gum, and also warns the appearance of fungi, bacteria, viruses and inflammation.

The Vitis assortment has not only toothpastes, but also brushes, flosses, also high quality help clean the dental flare and maintain the health of the teeth and gums.

Toothpaste Vitis: Orthodontic and Gingival, Whitening and other products, instructions for using toothpaste 24054_7

Assortment overview

Vitis Orthodtic toothpaste is prescribed to people during the straightening of the teeth to improve their appearance or move them. Toothpaste has some advantages:

  1. eliminates bacterial raid;

  2. removes the dented stone;

  3. quickly heals the wounds in the oral cavity;

  4. It has anti-inflammatory, toning and soothing effect of soft tissues in the oral cavity.

Such a cleansing paste facilitates the process of addictive to braces, implants or non-removable prosthesis.

Toothpaste Vitis: Orthodontic and Gingival, Whitening and other products, instructions for using toothpaste 24054_8

Toothpaste Vitis: Orthodontic and Gingival, Whitening and other products, instructions for using toothpaste 24054_9

Vitis Gingival toothpaste is prescribed to people with weakened gums, when they are bleeding and reduced sensitivity (gingivitis), for the treatment and prevention of inflammation of periodontal tissues (periodontitis).

Due to the content of fluorine ions in the dental paste, which are embedded in the structural element of the hydroxyapatite tooth enamel, turning it into fluorohydroxyapatite, the teeth become more resistant to acids. Due to this, the risk of the development of caries is reduced, the rate of formation of plaque decreases, as a result, the purity of the teeth and, accordingly, the risk of the development of caries is reduced.

Other active substances are contained in the toothpaste.

  • Provitamin B5 (Panthenol). It has a positive effect on the gums, heals them, relieves inflammation. The process of regeneration in soft tissues is significantly accelerated.

  • Zinc lactate. Reduces the level of activity of bacteria, increasing the power of the effects of cetylpyridine chloride, which is effectively struggling with inflammation.

  • Cetylpyridia chloride. Creates a strong bactericidal protection for the period from 3 to 5 hours.

Toothpaste Vitis: Orthodontic and Gingival, Whitening and other products, instructions for using toothpaste 24054_10

Toothpaste Vitis: Orthodontic and Gingival, Whitening and other products, instructions for using toothpaste 24054_11

Toothpaste Vitis Whitening is designed for teeth whitening with sensitive enamel. Carefully brightens his teeth, eliminates coffee and tea stains. Suitable for oral hygiene. This is due to the following substances as part of the paste:

  1. special nanoparticles that contribute to the formation of a protective layer;

  2. Hydroxyapatitis, which positively affects enamel - it becomes stronger and healthier.

Toothpaste Vitis Whitening prolongs and saves the whiteness of your teeth, the smile becomes even more beautiful.

Toothpaste Vitis: Orthodontic and Gingival, Whitening and other products, instructions for using toothpaste 24054_12

Instructions for use

Problems with enamel of teeth and gums arise as a result of irregular oral hygiene. Instructions for use are quite simple. A small amount of toothpaste is applied to the toothbrush. Cleaning the teeth is always conducted by circular motions, at the same time neatly massaging gums. After applying the toothpaste, the oral cavity is rinsed with water, delaying it for 30 seconds in the mouth.

Toothpaste Vitis: Orthodontic and Gingival, Whitening and other products, instructions for using toothpaste 24054_13

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