Tooth powders Greenway (9 pictures): cleansing and restorative dental powders, description SHARME SMILE and SHARME PEARL, composition


Dental powder is not so widely widespread as, say, toothpaste. However, many for one or another reasons prefer to him. About the features of GreenWay teeth powder, as well as on the rules of its use, we will talk just below.

Tooth powders Greenway (9 pictures): cleansing and restorative dental powders, description SHARME SMILE and SHARME PEARL, composition 24049_2

Tooth powders Greenway (9 pictures): cleansing and restorative dental powders, description SHARME SMILE and SHARME PEARL, composition 24049_3


Greenway teeth powder Suitable to people of all ages: both children and adults . One of his biggest plus is completely natural composition, which, judging from the description, includes the following ingredients: white clay, wheat bran, calcium carbonate, sea salt, and papain, and herbs such as the root of sweet flag, ziziphora, peppermint, Speech and others. The objectives of this powder enters the effective teeth cleaning, and eliminating sensitivity, bleeding and swelling of soft oral tissues (gingival).

Powder from Greenway. helps to normalize the acid-alkaline balance, helps to resist decay and diseases such as periodontitis and prevents tartar formation problem . In addition, it strengthens dental enamel and gum. Parts of this cleansing powder have a rounded form, which makes it possible to make the cleaning of teeth more careful.

And a similar form helps to get to the most hard-to-reach places of the oral cavity for the best and high-quality cleaning.

Tooth powders Greenway (9 pictures): cleansing and restorative dental powders, description SHARME SMILE and SHARME PEARL, composition 24049_4

Tooth powders Greenway (9 pictures): cleansing and restorative dental powders, description SHARME SMILE and SHARME PEARL, composition 24049_5


Greenway presents a fairly large range of products. At the moment they have eleven product lines, in which the most diverse cosmetics, additives and other products with natural composition are presented. One of these lines is Sharme, and it is dry cosmetics. Consider the dentals of this line. There are only two of them: these are tooth powders like Sharme Smile and Sharme Pearl.

Sharme smile.

This is a cleansing agent for teeth, which contains such components like white clay, wheat bran, calcium carbonate, carbonate of AIRA, ZIZIPORA, PERSON Mint, Speert, Sea salt and papain. As you can see, the composition is really natural here. The cost of this funds on the official GreenWay website - 493 rubles per pack, which contains 75 ml of dental powder.

Tooth powders Greenway (9 pictures): cleansing and restorative dental powders, description SHARME SMILE and SHARME PEARL, composition 24049_6

Sharme Pearl.

This remedy helps to strengthen the dental enamel. It includes the following components: white clay, wheat bran, calcium carbonate, currant and sage sheet, as well as a seafrody leaf, field hand, sea salt and papain. The cost of such a funds on the official website Greenway - 539 rubles per package, and it also contains 75 ml of dental powder.

Tooth powders Greenway (9 pictures): cleansing and restorative dental powders, description SHARME SMILE and SHARME PEARL, composition 24049_7

Terms of Use

Use the teeth powder is not harder than the ordinary and all familiar paste. The method of its use is pretty simple. To begin with, we rinse the oral cavity with water, then pour a small amount of dental powder on the palm. Water toothbrush and collect all the powder with it, then proceed to the cleaning of the teeth. Its duration should be at least three minutes, while it is necessary to pay attention not only to the teeth, but also to the devices. After the entire procedure, it is necessary to rinse the oral cavity with water.

If you use this tool as an application, then do not keep it in the oral cavity for longer than ten minutes. It is possible to use GreenWay tooth powder daily, but it should be stored at temperatures from -15 to +40 degrees.

Tooth powders Greenway (9 pictures): cleansing and restorative dental powders, description SHARME SMILE and SHARME PEARL, composition 24049_8

Tooth powders Greenway (9 pictures): cleansing and restorative dental powders, description SHARME SMILE and SHARME PEARL, composition 24049_9

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