Biomed toothpaste: composition, black with coal and coconut, with grapes, White Complex and Sensitive, Calcimax and others, reviews


Teeth is an important digestive body. They are involved in the process of chewing food, the health of the digestive system as a whole depends on the consistency. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor your teeth, to regularly visit the dentist and brush your teeth on their own 2 times a day. The modern toothpaste market is represented by a huge selection. The article will deal with Biomed products.

Advantages and disadvantages

All products of the company Biomed are produced with natural ingredients, they carefully remove the dental tax and protect the teeth from caries. The active particles purify the tooth surface from the bacterial film in 30 seconds and retain the effect for the next 12 hours. The manufacturer is Switzerland with its innovative technologies.

Biomed toothpaste: composition, black with coal and coconut, with grapes, White Complex and Sensitive, Calcimax and others, reviews 24044_2

Biomed toothpaste: composition, black with coal and coconut, with grapes, White Complex and Sensitive, Calcimax and others, reviews 24044_3

Biomed toothpaste: composition, black with coal and coconut, with grapes, White Complex and Sensitive, Calcimax and others, reviews 24044_4

Biomed toothpaste: composition, black with coal and coconut, with grapes, White Complex and Sensitive, Calcimax and others, reviews 24044_5

The advantage of this line of dental pastes is the natural composition by 99%. In the modern world, this is an important advantage, since there are no components that can provoke an allergic reaction. The composition includes hydroxyapatite, which is similar to man's dental enamel. During the cleaning of the teeth with the help of active substances, it penetrates dentin through enamel microcracks and thus has an anticipatic effect. It is easily absorbed and does not rejected by the body.

Prevents the formation of a soft dental of the amino acid L-Arginine. It is part of the proteins and peptide bonds of the person participating in vital reactions and protects the gums from inflammatory processes. The efficiency of the product is confirmed by the manufacturer in Switzerland and approved by the World Dental Association.

Biomed toothpaste: composition, black with coal and coconut, with grapes, White Complex and Sensitive, Calcimax and others, reviews 24044_6

Additional advantages:

  • availability - the price does not exceed the standards;

  • specially made for daily use;

  • Suitable for children from 7 years;

  • Comfortable tube.

Disadvantages for each consumer are individual, detected when used and compared to other products.

Biomed toothpaste: composition, black with coal and coconut, with grapes, White Complex and Sensitive, Calcimax and others, reviews 24044_7


Variety of toothpaste Biomed is represented by saturated tastes: grapes, coconut, mandarin, coal. Each paste works with problems according to its direction and features of the composition.

White Complex.

Smile is a human business card. Everyone wants to have a Hollywood smile, with healthy and white teeth. White Complex toothpaste copes with whitening of dental enamel, not traumating it. The composition includes wood, activated, bamboo coal, which is a natural abrasive - because of this, the paste is black. It carefully cleans the interdental intervals, enamel microcracks and retains the natural whiteness of the teeth for a long time, restores the missing minerals in the composition of the enamel.

Biomed toothpaste: composition, black with coal and coconut, with grapes, White Complex and Sensitive, Calcimax and others, reviews 24044_8


The main direction of toothpaste is protection against caries. Used with unsatisfactory oral cavity hygiene and high risk of caries development. You can use for children from 7 years, if there is an indication for this. A feature of the composition is the salt of the Dead Sea, which is enriched with vitamins E, K, PP.

In a complex with pink clay, natural antiseptics and algae of the Dead Sea, there is a relief of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, the development of periodontitis is prevented.

Biomed toothpaste: composition, black with coal and coconut, with grapes, White Complex and Sensitive, Calcimax and others, reviews 24044_9


Whitening toothpaste. Its main task - careful whitening, option is suitable for sensitive teeth. The composition includes coconut extract, cinnamon extract, which are responsible for the pleasant taste of toothpaste and prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria. Whitening occurs due to the softening of solid climb using enzymes: papain and bromelaine. Antiseptic substances act on the diseases and prevent periodontal development. Carotine and vitamins feed enamel and soft tissue of oral cavity.

Biomed toothpaste: composition, black with coal and coconut, with grapes, White Complex and Sensitive, Calcimax and others, reviews 24044_10


In case of death, antiseptic preparations are used, which are located in this series. Propolis is a natural ingredient, which is considered to be populating nutrients, was used in antiquity for the treatment of periodontal tissues. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. The increase in the tone of the adhesion and the improvement of blood circulation occurs due to the lemon extract and vitamin C. Timyan oil strengthens the walls of the capillaries. Plantain and birch leaves prevent the development of inflammation due to their binding properties. The removal of soft dental taxes is carried out due to the addition of a fine abrasive substance.

Biomed toothpaste: composition, black with coal and coconut, with grapes, White Complex and Sensitive, Calcimax and others, reviews 24044_11


Used for daily cleaning of children's teeth and adults. There are no special products aimed at a narrow effect. Due to the extract of chamomile, an unpleasant smell is eliminated, freshness is saved to 12 hours. Inflammatory processes are controlled by antiseptic substances, and the antioxidant effect is associated with the presence of essential oils in the composition. Safe purification and polishing enamel uses soda and dissolvin. Hydroxyapatite protects against caries due to a small remineralization of enamel. Biocomplex combines all line products and has a comprehensive effect on the problems of the oral cavity.

Biomed toothpaste: composition, black with coal and coconut, with grapes, White Complex and Sensitive, Calcimax and others, reviews 24044_12


Reduces the sensitivity of teeth from temperature and chemical stimuli. The taste and smell of toothpaste is distinguished by naturalness, there are no severe flavors. This is due to grape bones. They contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals aimed at regulate the sensitivity of the teeth and protection against caries. Oak bark prevents the development of pathogenic microorganisms and fights the bleeding of adhesion. Soothing for the mucous membrane is oil incense. Eliminate the inflammatory process and are considered astringent components of the plantain and vitamin C contained in Lemon.

Biomed toothpaste: composition, black with coal and coconut, with grapes, White Complex and Sensitive, Calcimax and others, reviews 24044_13

Review reviews

Among the reviews from dentists are prevailed positive. This is not surprising, because all doctors attract the ideal composition that fights the common problems of a modern person. The dentists-orthodontists are prescribed biomed adolescents during orthodontic treatment, to maintain proper hygiene of the oral cavity and purification of dental surfaces in hard-to-reach places.

Dental therapists recommend this toothpaste to patients with a high coefficient of damage to caries.

Biomed toothpaste: composition, black with coal and coconut, with grapes, White Complex and Sensitive, Calcimax and others, reviews 24044_14

Biomed toothpaste: composition, black with coal and coconut, with grapes, White Complex and Sensitive, Calcimax and others, reviews 24044_15

Biomed toothpaste: composition, black with coal and coconut, with grapes, White Complex and Sensitive, Calcimax and others, reviews 24044_16

Many consumers are satisfied with the choice of Biomed toothpaste, which has low cost and high quality work. Patients acquire this brand on their own desire in the store and do not part with it for a long time. Buyers like a huge selection of dental pastes, where everyone chooses, relying on its own problem. Negative reviews are rare, but when it occurs, they are associated with an allergic reaction to components. For example, coconut or grape bones.

Biomed toothpaste: composition, black with coal and coconut, with grapes, White Complex and Sensitive, Calcimax and others, reviews 24044_17

Biomed toothpaste: composition, black with coal and coconut, with grapes, White Complex and Sensitive, Calcimax and others, reviews 24044_18

Biomed toothpaste: composition, black with coal and coconut, with grapes, White Complex and Sensitive, Calcimax and others, reviews 24044_19

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