Nozzles for an electric toothbrush: Select replaceable nozzles where they store them and how to change


Toothbrush nozzles are replaceable parts with a bristle, thanks to which there is a purification of dental enamel from caries and food residues. . Most often, when choosing electric boards, buyers are focused on the power of revolutions and the charge of the device. However, this approach is not quite correct. Before buying an electrical device for personal hygiene, it is important to pay attention to the quality and functionality of the nozzles. This will help make the process of care of the oral cavity efficient and easier.

Nozzles for an electric toothbrush: Select replaceable nozzles where they store them and how to change 23992_2


Although most of the manufacturers of electrical dental brushes are limited by a modest set of replaceable parts, there are also brands that offer users a rich assortment. As a rule, nozzles are divided according to its purpose.

  • Casual. Maybe with the function of pulsation and without it. It can be useful for removing dental taxes in hard-to-reach places, for example: in the interdental space or in the root zone.

Nozzles for an electric toothbrush: Select replaceable nozzles where they store them and how to change 23992_3

  • Whitening . This option is suitable for those who want to return the natural color and shine to their teeth for several applications. Such a nozzle can cope with such a nozzle with the removal of the sealing clutch.

Nozzles for an electric toothbrush: Select replaceable nozzles where they store them and how to change 23992_4

  • For sensitive teeth. With ultrasound bristles that will ensure careful cleaning. The weakened enamel will not suffer, and the cleaning of the teeth will not deliver discomfort. Also can also be used by children.

Nozzles for an electric toothbrush: Select replaceable nozzles where they store them and how to change 23992_5

  • Massage . It helps strengthen the weak residence due to improved blood circulation. It can also be useful as prevention of diseases of the deceine or pathologies. However, dentists advise to resort to a nozzle of this type only after consulting a doctor.

Nozzles for an electric toothbrush: Select replaceable nozzles where they store them and how to change 23992_6

  • For language. Their feature is the presence of small bristles, with which the surface of the language is cleaned. Thus, it turns out to prevent an unpleasant smell of mouth.

Nozzles for an electric toothbrush: Select replaceable nozzles where they store them and how to change 23992_7

The most rich in terms of a variety of replaceable nozzles for an electric toothbrush are Oral-B and Philips brands.

Nozzles for an electric toothbrush: Select replaceable nozzles where they store them and how to change 23992_8


The choice of nozzles for an electric toothbrush is equal to buying a new hygiene. That is why, if you decide to change the old, it is important to remember about the three nuances.

  1. Shape head . There are two types: round and elongated. When choosing, it is important to understand which technique of cleaning is suitable for you. If the round version covers only one tooth entirely, then the oblong shape hurts two teeth and two interzabular spaces. With the second type, cleaning will occur faster, and first - softer.
  2. Stiff bristles. In order not to damage the enamel, it is important to pick up the nozzle under the condition and sensitivity of the teeth. Also in this case will help the built-in function "Pressure sensor". It will slow down the turnover with a strong pressure by the device to the tooth.
  3. Schedule wear indicator . On the nozzles from some manufacturers (like Philips) there is a special indicator that resembles the owner of the electric power that it is time to replace the nozzle to a new one. This manifests itself in the color of the bristles. After three months of use, they are discolored. More expensive models have a sound warning.

Nozzles for an electric toothbrush: Select replaceable nozzles where they store them and how to change 23992_9

In the case when the family is large, dentists are recommended to resort to one toothbrush with different nozzles.

It is quite convenient, and economically, and also allows each family member to adjust the device with the help of both the mode and the type of nozzle. It is not necessary to separately buy a brush for teeth whitening with her husband, with ultra-brass bristles for children and an oblong form for yourself.

Nozzles for an electric toothbrush: Select replaceable nozzles where they store them and how to change 23992_10

Where to store?

The topic of storage of nozzles for electric craft is a rather scrupulous question, because the best way is to be considered to use a special stand. It will help maximize the growth of bacteria. You can also resort to the hydrogen holder. To do this, it is necessary to place your nozzle into the container with hydrogen peroxide. It is important to remember that it is necessary to change the liquid every day, otherwise there will be no sense.

Nozzles for an electric toothbrush: Select replaceable nozzles where they store them and how to change 23992_11

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the place of storage of the brush. You can not allow a similar location with a toilet or bathroom. During the wash or taking the soul, the moisture can fall into the bristles. It will provoke the reproduction of bacteria and microorganisms. It is better that the storage place is fenced, For example: locker or separate shelf. If there is no one in the bathroom, then the first-stroke can be stored. Before putting the cap on the nozzle, you should make sure that the villi dried, and the cap does not deform them. Also make sure that the nozzles do not come into contact with each other.

Nozzles for an electric toothbrush: Select replaceable nozzles where they store them and how to change 23992_12

Nozzles for an electric toothbrush: Select replaceable nozzles where they store them and how to change 23992_13

These simple rules will help protect you and your family members from unpleasant sensations during teeth cleaning and will increase hygiene.

How to change?

    The nozzle should be changed with the same periodicity as the manual dental brushes - it is 3-4 months. And yet, if the Villins were faltered, discharged or somehow changed, then it is necessary to replace immediately, otherwise the quality of cleaning the oral cavity will noticeably deteriorate. As for the process of replacing nozzles for an electrical toothbrush, it is important not to miss a few simple rules:

    • Before starting the replacement follows Wash hands thoroughly with soap so as not to "run" bacteria for a new nozzle;
    • followed by Gently open the packaging with the nozzle to prevent falling on the floor or any other surface;
    • then you remove the old nozzle And in its place is a new one;
    • Old nozzle should be thrown away.

    Nozzles for an electric toothbrush: Select replaceable nozzles where they store them and how to change 23992_14

    Nozzles for an electric toothbrush: Select replaceable nozzles where they store them and how to change 23992_15

    Such a simple list of rules will allow correct and safely replace the nozzle. Clean your teeth with pleasure!

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