Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel?


The prevention of development and progression of diseases of the oral cavity contributes to the irrigation by special solutions with the help of an irrigator. Therapeutic and prophylactic agents enhance the effect of purification, the enamel of stains and plaque is eliminated, pathogenic microbes eliminate. Treatment of the mouth is carried out by courses in coordination with the dentist.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_2

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_3


The irrigator action is based on the supply of water or fluid with additives from the tank to the oral cavity. The jet is fed through the guide head, the pressure can be adjusted according to the gum sensitivity. Obviously, without fluid, the device will not be able to make a function. For greater efficiency of oral hygiene, special solutions are in charge. What exactly they should be often indicating the manufacturer of the equipment. But the most reliable to clarify this question from your attending dentist.

The convenience of using ready-made liquids for the irrigator is due to cost-effective funds. A small volume is enough for a long time, because in one procedure for cleaning the oral cavity is the minimum amount of solution. All because it is bred from the calculation 1 part of the solution on 10 parts of water.

The proportions may differ from the specified. Dosage and instructions for use are described on packaging with a bottle.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_4

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_5

Any balsam for filling the irrigator is designed to solve a certain dental problem. Of course, there are also integrated funds. But those who have specific tasks are more effective.

  • Support for cleanliness in the mouth and elimination of breeding microorganisms. Such balms are valid due to antiseptices in their composition.
  • Demining teeth. With age and from the impact of many external factors, the quality of enamel worsens, it is thinned, carious stains are formed on the surface. The regular use of the cleansing solution satures the teeth with the useful substances and returns the former strength of the enamel.
  • Minimizing bleeding and loss of inflammation. Usually, natural phytootrors are added to such funds. It is under their exposure to the gums soothe away, there are all sorts of unpleasant sensations in the mouth.

Unfortunately, many people are familiar with the problem of exacerbated enamel sensitivity, which is very uncomfortable. Regular cleaning of the oral cavity with the irrigator allows you to forget about this problem. Of course, the choice of optimal funds should proceed not only from its own preferences, but also from the appointments of a specialist.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_6

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_7

The use of an irrigator with a suitable balm helps remove the flare and wash off the food particles even in hard-to-reach places where the usual toothbrush is powerless. In comparison with water fluid, I also win the fact that the breath is refreshing.

Functional destinations for irrigation solutions include:

  • Reducing and cessation of bleeding gums, strengthening tissues, prevention of gingivitis and periodontal;
  • saturation of the mucous membrane of the mouth with useful substances;
  • strengthening effect in application with an irrigator;
  • Elimination of an unpleasant odor with mouth.

The rinse of therapeutic solutions instead of water contributes to more productive rehabilitation. This happens after the rinse in the hard-to-reach areas between the teeth and the gum mucosa.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_8

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_9

Types of funds

Not every means is permissible to use in the irrrian. Pour in the reservoir does not correspond to the instructions of the liquid are fraught with a breakdown of expensive instrument. In addition, it can threaten the health of the mucous milk cavity.

The fluid for the irrigator must respond to the following parameters:

  • be carefully cleaned, filtered;
  • do not give precipitate and not cause salt deposits;
  • Do not enter into a chemical reaction with the material of the reservoir and the scraper head;
  • Do not cause abundant foaming.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_10

All rinsers for cleaning the mucosa can be divided into categories.

  • Professional. Are intended for use in stationary conditions. These solutions are prescribed into the postoperative period or for the treatment of dental diseases. Professional solutions are used in physiotherapy procedures. This is due to the concentration of antiseptic and other biologically active complexes in the composition.
  • Household. Produced by companies specializing in means for effective purification of the oral cavity. Special components, useful for teeth, added to compositions in a smaller concentration. Therefore, they are allowed to be used on a regular basis. Balms of household type have a more sparing effect on the teeth. Household fluids are easy to find in stores that implement household chemicals and hygiene products at pharmaceutical points and online stores.
  • Homemade. Such formulations are saturated with natural components that have therapeutic effects. Most often, they add sea salt, herbs champs, hydrogen peroxide or soda. Regarding the appropriate fluid for refueling to the irrigator, it is important to obtain professional advice after inspection from the dentist. This will allow you to purchase a tool with the most efficient impact. Such a reasonable approach guarantees high-quality therapy without harm to the health of dental enamel and gums. Properly selected balsam for cleaning teeth will significantly improve their condition.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_11

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_12

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_13

Rinsers differ in the type of exposure.

  • Disinfectant. In the composition of these rinsers there are antiseptics. They effectively wash off bacteria in periodontal, warning the development of many diseases.
  • Therapeutic. Balsams are prescribed as medicinal therapy with different dental diseases. They are saturated with calcium for bone remineralization. Sometimes a fluorine is added instead of calcium. Due to the herbal extracts in the composition of the means, the wound was healing on the mucous membrane. The antibacterial complex of components contributes to the elimination of inflammation and painful sensations.
  • Deodorizing. This type of concentrates contains refreshing mint / menthol components. They for a long time return to freshness of breathing.
  • Preventive. Solutions that replace water for irrigate are suitable for continuous use. They are used to prevent dental diseases and the development of pathological processes. Components in such funds feed the tooth tissues and mucous membranes with useful minerals. Regular use of a prophylactic solution improves blood microstimulation in periodontal tissues. Due to this, teeth and gums are strengthened.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_14

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_15

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_16


There are a large number of manufacturers of solutions to fill the irrigator. Based on user reviews and dentists, you can make a rating of popular compounds.

  • Waterden. Concentrate, effectively cleansing interdental space, bracket systems and implants. As part of a saturated solution, there are bischofite, fluorine and chlorhexidine. Cost on sale about 365 rubles.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_17

  • Peridex. Professional fluid containing chlorhexidine 0.2%. It is intended for the effective purification of the oral cavity from bacteria in the treatment of dental diseases. And also shown to use in the postoperative period. The average cost of 120 rubles.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_18

  • Asepta. In the composition of the liquid there are disinfectants. They impede the formation of carious lesions, eliminate the bleeding of the gums. Freshness of breathing gives menthol, coping with the task for a long period. The main advantage of Asepta is missing foam in the process of use. The cost of shopping averages from 480 rubles.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_19

  • "Albadent". Concentrate that can be used both for conventional teeth hygiene and with a prophylactic target. Effectively removes the inflammation of the gums and treats periodontalosis. The active ingredients in the rinse composition strengthen the enamel, reducing the threshold of its sensitivity. Cost - from 245 rubles.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_20

  • "Professor Persian." Drug-based liquid saturated with fluorine. Allowed as a regular tool for oral hygiene. It is often prescribed as prophylactic, against the development of caries, gingivitis and other problems. The drug removes inflammation and promotes the rapid regeneration of tissues. The average cost - from 460 rubles.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_21

  • Periogard. Liquid with chlorhexidine, which has a pronounced antiseptic effect. There is no alcohol in the solution. It is shown for use in the presence of dental plates, inflammation of periodontal, gingivitis. The drug is also suitable for daily use. Cost - 285 rubles.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_22

  • Donfeel. Under this brand, 2 types of compositions are produced. The first provides prevention of the development of periodontal pathologies, the second - for application on an ongoing basis. The composition is rich in natural extracts: calendula, melissa, echinacea, mint and chamomile. The advantage of such solutions is the absence of alcohol in them. Therefore, these drugs are allowed to apply children. Price funds in the range of 230 rubles.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_23

  • Terrasol. Concentrate with strong antimicrobial effects of a saturated blue shade. Not recommended to people who happen strong allergic reactions. The cost of therapeutic composition - from 380 rubles.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_24

  • "Iriks". Contains disinfecting components. Reduces the bleeding of the gums, warns the development of caries. Menthol is present, refreshing breathing for a long time. One of the main advantages is that a foam is not formed during use.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_25

Many experts recommend pouring soft solutions into irrigators with gentle cooking components. They just do them yourself.

  • Soda solution. In 300 ml of pure heated water completely dissolve the food soda in the amount of 10 g.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_26

  • Salt rinse. In a glass of warm filtered water, add 5 g of pure sea salt without additives. Thorough salt to dissolve.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_27

  • Solution with peroxide. On 1 cup of water room temperature add 10 ml of therapeutic composition. Despite the availability of components and the ease of preparation of such solutions, it is possible to apply and determine the duration of the course only by coordination with the doctor. Incorrectly selected concentration and long use of the application can cause dehydration of teeth, increase their sensitivity and provoke inflammation of the connective tissue, which will weaken their teeth and harm their health.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_28

How to choose?

In the choice of fluid for refueling the irrigator, it is important to be based on its purpose and composition. For purpose, all means are divided into groups:

  • Fluorine-containing, strengthening enamel;
  • antiseptics with vegetable additives for therapeutic manipulations and disease prevention;
  • Mentol and mint extract refreshing breathing.

At home is prohibited to use professional compositions. With a tendency to allergies, it is important to use only specialized hypoallergenic balms. Children need to pick up sparing preparations that do not contain alcohols. With permanent exacerbation of permissions of periodontal, preferred liquids that have anti-empiter influence. Bioantioxidants are concentrated in them and active anticipressive additives are present. When buying a solution in an irrigator, your attention should be paid to the expiration date and components in the composition. This approach will exclude the use of poor-quality products that does not have a license and therapeutic effect.

Make a faithful choice will help the recommendation of the dentist. Then it does not have to worry about the darkened enamel and the appearance of different adverse reactions.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_29

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_30

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_31

How to use?

In the irrigator, only those solutions that are intended for this are allowed. The jet when rinsering the mouth should be directed at an angle of 90 degrees to the surface of the gum. The cleaning procedure is carried out sequentially. For convenience, it is proposed to mentally divide the mouth cavity on the zones. When cleaning your head is placed so that the solution does not flow out.

It is important to adhere to the rules for using cleansing solutions.

  • Applying household funds, be sure to read the instructions for them.
  • Do not fill in advance. The solution needs to be refilled immediately before cleaning the oral cavity. Unused solution must be poured and replaced by fresh portion.
  • Do not rinse your mouth without indications for use.
  • The use of homemade rinsers is allowed only after the final dissolution of all components components.
  • Herbs must be carefully filtered.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_32

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_33

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_34

Most of the solutions for irrigaters are sold in concentrated form. Pre-dilution with water is required in proportion 1: 10. The liquids are bred only by filtered, distilled or boiled water not hotter 38 degrees. The optimal time for the hygienic procedure is in the evening, after standard brushing teeth cleaning.

The maximum duration of irrigation takes no longer a quarter of an hour. The use period is set based on its purpose.

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_35

Irrigator fluids: WaterDent, Albadent and other solutions, rinsers for oral cavity. What means is better and than to refuel? 23980_36

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