What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews


The market of leaving funds is rapidly developing, offering new cosmetic products every day and finding effective ingredients. One of the new products is micellar water that helps to effectively purify the skin. This product is present in the assortment line of a variety of brands. In our review we will try to deal with the features of micellar water from different manufacturers and give the rating of the best leaving funds in the opinion of users and cosmetologists.

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_2

Best manufacturers

Nowadays in the cosmetic departments of supermarkets, the widest choice of micellar water from a wide variety of firms is presented, and the price tag on them varies from 50 to 1000 rubles. To understand the effectiveness of the preparations offered and pick up the most effective We propose first to familiarize yourself with the categories of this leaving agent, which are allocated depending on the variety of micelles.

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_3

Poloxew water

Poloxamer is an emulsifier with wettifying properties. The substance is used everywhere to create a shower gels, means for removing make-up, shampoos and oral care fluids. This is a safe component with a pronounced antimicrobial activity. This category provides products for the following brands:

  • Vichy;
  • Garnier;
  • LRP;
  • Nivea;
  • L'Oreal.

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_4

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_5

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_6

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_7

Water with ecosoba

This group includes a mycelter with natural cleansing components (Lauryl Glucoside, Sodium Coco Glucoside Tartrate, as well as Coco Glucoside and Disodium Coco-Glucoside Citrate). All listed ingredients Absolutely non-toxic, they do not cause peeling and irritation on the skin, nevertheless, cosmetologists advise not to abuse them.

In recent years, active disputes in the safety of Lauryl Glucoside are being conducted, since with insufficient purity of the substance, the probability of the development of allergies is extremely high. In this lineup, their products produce brands Melvita, as well as Mychelle Dermaceuticals from Iherb and Derma.

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_8

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_9

PEG water

PEG is a very numerous group of ingredients, which is often used to create cosmetics, drugs and even occurs in food products. PEG is deciphered as polyethylene glycol. This component is synthesized from the Caster, but it can be obtained from oil, therefore poorly purified PEG can be toxic and carcinogenic.

That is why preference It is better to give proven brands that have a good reputation in the market, for example, "black pearls", Bioderma and Diademine.

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_10

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_11

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_12

In the products of these stamps, PEG has the highest quality and vegetable origin, does not contain a single dioxane molecule, so it does not pose any threat to human health.

Top tools

Let us dwell on the rating of the most effective reviews for cosmetologists and users.

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_13


This micellar water is recommended for use by many well-known beauty experts, and the manufacturer claims that he developed the optimal formula of the cleansing agent. The micelles present in the water form the optimal microemulsion when maintaining the physiological pH of the skin. The composition involves moisturizing active ingredients, so Effectively struggles with dryness, peeling and dehydration of the skin, but at the same time retains a lipid film on the epidermis.

Users note that the use of water has a storage effect, therefore, after a few months of use, the amount of inflammation decreases, and the relief becomes even. From the disadvantages, only the high cost of the product is noted.

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_14


This is one of the most popular micellers presented in the mass market. Although this leaving can be used even for very sensitive skin, It can easily remove even the most resistant decorative cosmetics. The composition does not leave the feeling of stickiness, does not forms the film and does not irritate the eyes. At the same time, the means is particularly economical, therefore, for complete removal of the makeup, you will need several passages with a cotton disk in the face.

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_15

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_16

In addition, the drug sunsites the skin, so after applying such water, you must additionally apply a moisturizing cream.

La Roche-Posay

This is one of the best tools for use in the hot season. Water is optimal for problem skin, has a physiological pH, so it delicately cleans the skin, maintaining its protective barrier at a natural level. With constant use It regulates skin production and matches a little face . From disadvantages can be noted far Unkky value of the product and an uncomfortable dispenser.

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_17

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_18


All leaving agents are created on the basis of environmentally friendly thermal water, so Maximum delicately care for skin cover. In addition, they have a thin smell that they infrequently meet with micellar water for the skin of fatty and combined types. Such means are possessing The ability to reduce irritation and at the same time effectively remove the residues of lipping from the lips and carcasses from the eyes.

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_19

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_20

"Clean line"

Micellar water from the domestic brand "Clean Line" is very popular with Russians Due to low price. However, feedback on the effectiveness of this fund is not so unambiguous - most users assure that the composition is powerless against the waterproof cosmetics, although the skin after their use becomes soft and tender.

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_21


This micellar water is in the category of the most budget, with the task of skin cleaning, it copes in full. The micaitelka of this manufacturer relieves even a particularly resistant mascara and lipstick, will not stick and it has a weak fragrance. Of course, we should not expect to eliminate acne and inflammation. But if your goal is to just remove makeup from the face, you can safely turn your attention to this tool.

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_22

What to choose?

When choosing a cosmetics, you should not use the girlfriends and fashionable bloggers. Skin covers of any person have their own individual features, so the purchase of effective leaving preparations is possible solely on the basis of its own samples and errors or at least the councils of the cosmetologist.

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_23

It happens that the most expensive micellar water of the elite category turns out to be useless, and the cheap product from the media segment does the skin perceives "with a bang."

If you have normal skin, not inclined to fatty and inflammation - you will be sufficiently simple micellests on the basis of PEG, which effectively flushes makes mekap. But it will not give any additional leaving effects. If the skin has a predisposition to excess skin fat, it is better to make my choice in favor of the "green series" with a polysorbat. This micellar water closes the pores, thereby reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Similar water can not be flush after use, But after cleaning, they are still advised to treat her face with a touch or apply a cleansing mask. . For women with dry, prone to the irritation of the Derma, the micaitelka from the fields came to the optimal choice. They carefully work with the epidermis and do not need to be washed after use.

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_24

The best micellar water for reviews

Analyzing the reviews left by users on a variety of thematic sites and forums, it can be noted that many women like the Micellar Water of the NIVEA brand from the budget segment. The composition of the leaving includes moisturizing substances, therefore Micitelka is a little remind of tonic. Reviews about this product are mostly positive.

The grape seed oil provides feeding of the skin, and Panthenol removes irritation and soothes. That is why users converge in the opinion that Nivea is the best choice of micellar water during the problematic skin of the face. As for the immediate appointment, then This product is washes only light makeup.

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_25

Difficulties may occur with waterproof cosmetics, while the cost is quite accessible, which makes it one of the favorites from our compatriots.

From the budget segment, high efficiency, according to buyers, shows micellar water "I am the most". This tool quickly removes lipstick, does not allow the tone cream to be clogged into the pores, removes the mascara, not forcing the eyes to get pathne. The skin after using water looks fresh, indispensable. In combination with a low price, this makes water one of our most popular with our compatriots.

But the widely advertised Misselka "Black Pearls", on the contrary, was among the failed care. After its use on the skin there is an unpleasant feeling, and irritation appears on the mucous membrane of the eye, and this item is not amenable to any explanations, since the composition of micellets must completely exclude a similar effect. This micaitelka is likely to contain aggressive chemicals or main components entered in improper proportion.

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_26

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_27

One of the best micellar waters is considered to be A tool of the French brand Ducray Icityane. Cosmetologists in tandem with dermatologists and chemists for more than 10 years created a universal recipe for highly efficient micellar water and developed perhaps a real masterpiece. The use of carefully similar ingredients contributes to the hydration of skin, accumulation and retention of moisture in the dermis. Besides, Micitalek is compatible with contact lenses and practically does not smell.

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_28

A pleasant bonus will be a democratic value of the product, which makes a series of one of the most sought-after all over the world.

The undoubted favorite among pharmacy mic temperature is La Roche-Posay Ultra. This water is quickly and effortlessly removes even the most resistant makeup - some call her champion for removing cosmetics. The composition is soft and delicate, suitable for sensitive eyes, and after use leaves a feeling of freshness on the skin. Unlike her Another remedy for the elite segment from Vichy does not justify its value. The micellar water of this brand smells like roses, but, according to users, it does not cope with persistent treasures, as well as after its use on the skin there is a feeling of stickiness.

What is the best micellar water? Rating means for removing makeup and washing, top of the most budget micellar waters for reviews 23918_29

Overview of the best micellar waters, see the next video.

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