Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home?


Shugaring is one of the most effective procedures for removing unwanted hair. She came to us from the countries of the East and to date, enjoying tremendous demand for both representatives of the beautiful sex and men.

Among the huge selection of funds used for Shugaring, the paste of the Gloria trademark deserves special attention. Due to its unique composition, it not only allows you to remove hairs with the root, but also provides skin care, preventing the appearance of allergic reactions and irritation.

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_2

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_3

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_4


Gloria sugar paste is a popular product of domestic production, intended for use not only in professional salons, but at home. Products manufactured under the Gloria brand is considered the best because it is characterized by high efficiency, good quality and affordable cost. The manufacturer produces a paste of several species, each of which is distinguished by density. Russian specialists in creating paste united modern developments with the old recipes of oriental masters, as a result, it turned out a unique product for depilation, ideally suitable for various types of hair and skin.

In some types of paste there is a classic composition, and in others - specially designed for sensitive and delicate skin. The product line also shows a pasta for men. Gloria pastes consist only of natural components:

  • water;
  • lemon acid;
  • fructose;
  • Sugar sand (base).

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_5

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_6

The paste is produced in plastic jars of 330, 800 and 1500 g. You can also meet the Gloria cosmetic kits, which, in addition to pasta, enter other devices and means that increase the comfort and quality of depilation. The main advantages of this brand are:

  • safety in use;
  • Minimum number of contraindications;
  • the ability to simultaneously perform peeling;
  • lack of allergic reactions;
  • the ability to perform the procedure independently at home, without having skills of skill;
  • No painful sensations.

As for the shortcomings, there are practically no of them if it is not considered that redness can appear when depiling on the skin, but it passes independently after 3-4 hours.

In addition, the shugaring requires special gloves so that the composition does not stick to the hands.

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_7

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_8

Overview of the assortment of paste.

Gloria depilation paste is produced by several species, each of which has its own composition and is distinguished by density. To make the procedure more efficient, you should consider all the characteristics of the means.


This type of paste is designed to care for sensitive skin and removal of coarse, hard hair. The means of dense structure is ideal for epilation in the bikini and armpit zone. It is considered universal, since it does not require the use of special gloves, does not depend on the humidity and temperature of the air indoor. The tight paste can be used both in beauty salons and at home.

The main advantage of the means is the simplicity of its use - it is enough to simply smash the composition in the hands of the elastic structure (You can slightly warm in the microwave or on a water bath) and apply to the desired zones.

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_9


This sugar paste is considered universal, as it is suitable for performing shugaring on any parts of the body, but it is best to use it to care for the skin in the area of ​​the armpits, on the legs and arms. The tool has a structure resembling jelly, it is applied to the skin manually.

The main feature of the average paste - it does not respond to high humidity in the room, does not spread in their hands and does not melt on the body temperature.

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_10


This type of paste has a dense consistency and it is recommended to be used only to remove light and thin hair. Best of all, a similar tool is suitable for blondes whose skin is very sensitive and tender. A soft paste is difficult to use for newbies, because it spreads. To determine the means, you need to additionally apply fabric or paper stripes.

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_11


This type of sugar paste is not characterized by too tight and thick consistency. In appearance, it has similarities with honey. Before applying to a problem area, it should be heated a little before obtaining a structure resembling thick syrup.

The ultrasound paste is intended for depilation on particularly sensitive zones of the body (on the back, arms, face), with the help of it you can quickly and easily remove flush, light and thin hairs. As for the owners of hard and dark hair, this type of funds will not suit them. Most often, this product is used in beauty salons, since at home with it is quite difficult to cope.

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_12


This is a professional type of product for Shugarring, which includes artesian water, fructose and glucose. A bandage paste has a property of deep penetration, therefore it allows you to effectively remove the hairs of any rigidity, thickness and lengths. After using this product, the rapid growth of new hair and the appearance of inflammatory reactions is excluded.

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_13

How to choose?

Since the pastes of the Gloria brand are presented on the market in a huge assortment, novice masters it is difficult to make a choice in favor of this or that means. Before you purchase this deterioration tool, it is necessary to study its composition, purpose, as well as a method of applying to the skin. In addition, the choice of paste depends on the characteristics of the structure of the hair, the temperature of the arms and humidity in the room. For the procedure at home, it is best to purchase a paste with a manual appliance technique. If there is experience in using the tool, you can choose a paste that is applied with a spatula or with bandages.

Before the purchase of Gloria paste, it is also necessary to determine the zone that needs to be "cleaned" from vegetation - it will be a piece of leather with a complex relief (bikini and armpit zone) or a flat surface.

It is also important to know which hairs are planned to be removed - thick rigid or soft and thin.

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_14

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_15

To deteriorate smooth and large areas, it is recommended to choose a soft paste, it can be used in a cool room for removing thin hairs. It is also ideal for those who are used to "work" in gloves or has cold hands from nature. For shugaring of any type of hairs-length from 2 to 5 mm, the bandage paste will be an excellent choice. Complex parts of the body are recommended to "purify" the gloria paste of medium thick.

If the choice is difficult to do because it is unknown on which site the depilation will be performed, the optimal choice will be the universal paste. It does not depend on the level of moisture and temperature regime in the room, can be used without heating.

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_16

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_17

Some women do not know which it is best to purchase pasta - in a cartridge or a jar. To properly decide on the type of packaging, you need to know in advance what technique for Shugaring is planned to be used. Sugar paste in cartridges is designed specifically for bandage techniques. It is quickly heated and applied with a roller on the skin with a thin layer, after which it is removed using paper strips.

Means for shugaring in jars it is recommended to buy for manual technology. It is considered the most affordable and economical, since on average one procedure requires the amount of paste size in walnut. One such jar is enough for a long time.

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_18

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_19

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_20

How to use?

In each package of sugar paste Gloria, there is an instruction manual, so it can be used independently at home and do not waste time on a hike in a beauty salon. To get the effect of shugaring, before applying the sugar composition, it is necessary to carefully prepare the skin. To do this, it should be labeled with warm water, degrease the special tool and add. Then you can proceed to perform the procedure using one of the following methods.

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_21

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_22

Manual technique

For Shugaring you will need a paste of a dense or medium consistency. The hard composition is necessary before the procedure began to smoke in the hands, separating a small piece. When the paste acquires a plastic state, it must be rolled into the ball, attach to the skin and carefully roll into striped. After a few seconds, the composition is removed by a sharp movement.

Middle density paste, which has a consistency of jelly, before the start of depilation, it is necessary to warm up a little and then with a thin layer, evenly distributing with your arms, apply to the skin. This type of paste will dry quickly, so as soon as it grasps, it is easy to remove with sticking hair.

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_23

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_24

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_25

Bandage technique

To deteriorate this method, soft or ultra soft paste Gloria is suitable, which you need to warm up in advance. Thick, pulling mass is evenly distributed against hair growth with a spatula. Then on top of the means you need to impose a bandage stripes and wait a few seconds, after which it is to cut them with a sharp movement. Since the viscous composition of the paste is well connected with the hairs, they are removed quickly and painless together with the root.

Shugaring is completed with flushing pasta residues. Additionally, the skin should be treated with cream or lotion with a moisturizing and soothing effect. Due to this, it will be possible to avoid irritations and redness in the zone where depilation was performed.

If the gloria sugar ripple is regularly carried out, the amount of hairs will significantly decrease significantly, and the effect of perfect skin will remain for a long time.

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_26

Paste for Shugaring Gloria: dense and soft, bandage and medium sugar paste, other species. How to use them at home? 23893_27

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