How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home


For wax epilation, the wax must be pre-melted, and it is possible to do this with a special electrical appliance called Voskollala. The design of the device can be intended for melting the cannon, film, lump wax, as well as to warm up special cartridges containing cosmetic wax. After turning on the device in the power grid, it is already literally after 30 minutes the wax will be heated to the required temperature and ready for use. It is noteworthy that all the time the wax depilation procedure continues, the wax will be supported in a certain temperature mode thanks to the built-in heated platform.

In order for the electrical appliance to serve for a long time and regularly, it takes regular care, which is to clean the wax splash from wax pollution.

How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_2

How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_3

Cleaning methods

After the operation of the excopupus, its metal internal bowl, working from the heater, is necessary to launder from the inside. Cleaning the acclave bowl should be performed regularly from film or lump wax, and if you have to warm up the can wax or cartridge, then clean the wax is needed from wax, which also gets on the housing of the excoplava. Wash the wax - the task is not easy, but it is necessary to perform it immediately after using the device. The composition of cosmetic wax includes many components, and remove them with simple warm water or ordinary glycerin you will not work. Effectively remove wax pollution will help the compositions made on the basis of fats or essential oils. As such substances, chloroformyn and turpentine can be called - they wipe the walls of the bowl with a cloth moistened in one of the compositions.

But it is worthwing to know that turpentine has a very sharp and resistant smell, which is an obstacle to its use.

How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_4

How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_5

How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_6

Glass surfaces are cleaned from wax much easier than metallic. Often, the waxply inside is covered with a non-stick layer, so it is impossible to scratch and rub the inside with abrasives. Cleaning is allowed only with the help of special means and soft cotton fabric or paper napkin.

Clean the exclusion with a removable metal bowl in the following way:

  • Plaques to place the Waxoplava bowl into the container filled with water into which a small amount of any detergent is added;
  • The container is put on the stove, the soap composition is adjusted on a slow fire to a boil, in the course of this, the softened wax is separated from the walls of the bowl and floats to the surface of the solution;
  • Soap, dissolved in water, will not give wax to stick again to the walls of the metal bowl, so immediately after boiling the solution, the container is removed from the fire, they give wax pieces that rose to the surface of water, cool and harden;
  • When the wax hardens, it is removed from the surface of the solution, and then the bowl is taken out of the water, which is wiped dry and install in their place in the wax.

Such a cleaning method is considered the simplest and effective, since it does not imply a mechanical effect on the walls of the metal bowl.

How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_7

How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_8

If you need to clean the wax, intended for warming cartridges, immersed the device into the soap solution, since this type of device is not collapsible. Cartridges may be with a crack or leakage, and then the wax covers the inner part of the excoplava. Clean the device in this case can be two simple ways. In the first version, it is enough to wipe it with napkins to assemble spilled wax on them.

But hot couples will help more thoroughly, hot steam will help. This will require:

  • Put the container with water on the stove and bring it until boiling;
  • Voskooply turn over and hold over the ferry, while wax on the walls does not melt and it will not start flip down;
  • Preheated wax will need to be removed with napkins moistened in alcohol solution.

In the process of melting the wax with a pair, you should act extremely carefully so as not to burn your hands.

How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_9

How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_10

    Such methods for cleaning the electrical device are available and economical, any woman can perform these simple actions and contain their wax in perfect condition, always ready to work.

    Another effective option that can be used to purify the excoplava is the use of means for removing wax from the skin surface after the epilation procedure. Such formulations effectively melted wax and remove it almost from any surface. But their cost is not cheap, therefore it is not always expedient from an economic point of view to spend this means for cleaning the device.

    The cheaper option is the method of use of oil and alcohol. . Warm wax must first wipe with a cloth moistened in vegetable oil. For this purpose, even the usual refined sunflower oil is suitable. After the wax remains on the fabric moistened with oil, the remains of fat from the edges of the device should be removed with a napkin moistened with a 40% alcohol solution - for this purpose, the usual vodka is excellent.

    How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_11

    How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_12

    Review of funds

    To remove the pollution of wax origin, another cleaner can also be applied. For example, the Depileve brand produces a special composition that can be used for cleansing. If you did not have such a fund, the napkins impregnated with a special lotion to remove the remnants of the sticky layer on the skin after the epilation can be moved. Quite often, such napkins are part of the sets for home depilation or epilation, they can be bought in profile outlets, where the wax and other materials for cosmetologists are sold.

    Such remedies quickly and easily make it possible to clean pollution, they do not require large physical effort and time spending.

    How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_13

    How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_14

    In addition to the above options that can be used to bring in order to the wavelava, there are other means that perfectly removing wax pollution.

    • Napkins impregnated with alcohol. In the pharmacy network, you can buy a napkin in advance, moistened with 90% alcohol. Such a concentration contributes to the rapid elimination of wax from any surfaces - metal, plastic, glass. The active substance in this case is isopropyl alcohol, quite quickly and efficiently dissolving the components of the wax.

    How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_15

    How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_16

    • Lotion for skin cleansing. There are funds in liquid form with which the skin is cleared after the procedure using wax. Lotion not only cleans the skin, but also feeds them due to its composition containing fat components. If you mix a piece of cotton fabric with such lotion, then the walls of the wax can be easily and quickly cleaned from wax pollution.

    How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_17

    How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_18

    • Vegetable oil. In short, we have already talked about this ingredient, we will dwell on it in more detail. For the purposes of cleansing the apparatus warming wax, you can use any oil - olive, sunflower, linen, massage. In some cases, vegetable oil can be replaced with fatty cream. To use such means is quite simple. First, the oil or cream is applied on the walls of warm waxoplava and give fat components of 5-10 minutes to dissolve wax. Then they take a dry cotton fabric or napkins, pressed against the wall of the waxoplava and wipe the wax - it will remain on the fabric. The cloth is wetted with soap aqueous solution and wipe the walls again to remove the fat residues.

    How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_19

    How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_20

    The wax removal methods under consideration are effective only if they are used on the heat of the wax. On cold surfaces, they may be ineffective, or a high consumption of cleaning products will be required.

    Useful advice

    To remove the remaining wax after depilation from the excoplava body, when the procedure was carried out at home, you can use the mechanical manner. From the frozen wax, it is getting rid of a knife blade or with a wooden spatula. The wax drop, frozen on the surface, will need to carefully pose - as a rule, then it is already well behind the plastic body of the apparatus. Then the surface of the amoplava is wiping with a cloth moistened in the soap solution, then wipe the electrical displacement dry. But this method is used infrequently, since there is a risk of scratching the wax or spoil it. In addition, the mechanical method of cleaning will require painstaking work that takes a lot of effort and time. The inner surface of the wax flaw bowl is not recommended in such a method so as not to damage the non-stick coating.

    How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_21

    How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_22

    It is much easier to bring equipment in order after the procedure performed by the house, more gentle methods. It should be remembered that from hot wax wax is faster and easier, but there is a risk of burning hands.

    In the process of cleaning the excopupua from wax pollution, the user needs to remember that this device works from the power supply network, so you need to carefully monitor so that the water does not get inside the case or not in the contact area. Before re-connecting the device to the network, you need to make sure that the wire itself, the contact of the connection to the device and the plug are in a completely dry state. This will prevent the appearance of a short circuit, and keeps you from getting an electrician. In addition, it is impossible a wet cloth to wipe the device that is included in the electrical outlet. All removal cleaning manipulations can be performed only when it is disconnected from the power source.

    How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_23

    How to clean wax wax? Remedies for the removal of frozen film wax with excoplava at home 23839_24

    On how to clean the wax wax, look in the following video.

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