Oil Depilation: Features of Wax Depilation Technique, Pros and Cons, How to Prepare


Mandatory procedure for manifests for women is depilation. With it, you can remove unwanted hairs from any body of the body, while retaining healthy, elastic skin. One of the methods that is actively used in practice is wax depilation (Vaxing). Innovative inventions in the field of cosmetology transformed this, according to many women, "barbaric way" in full skin care.


The main feature of the oil rossing is that the wax is not applied to dry, but on the skin pre-covered with oil. It acts as a protective layer between skin and wax. Due to this, direct contact does not occur between them. The oil does not interfere with the tight enveloping with the wax of each hair, providing maximum grip between them. Due to the fact that the wax is not glued directly to the epidermis, the elimination of unwanted hair is not so painful.

The main requirement is to carry out the procedure regularly and consistently.

Oil Depilation: Features of Wax Depilation Technique, Pros and Cons, How to Prepare 23823_2

For oil depilation, a special wax is used, which has significant differences from its usual analogue. The uniqueness of this fund is as follows:

  • The wax, which includes innovative substances, provides smooth and dense imposing it to the surface of the skin;
  • The remedy in the process of work is not prone to rolling and coming;
  • The wax during the distribution is not broken, so it can be applied with large applications, as a result there is no need to carry out several stages of applying wax within one procedure;
  • Low wax melt temperature allows you to use it to remove hair on sensitive skin;
  • The wax substance includes only synthetic materials, so its use does not cause allergic reactions.

The oil that is used for this type of depilation also has a number of unique properties. It includes a complex of natural cosmetics, which have different characteristics (density, orientation, etc.).

  • The main purpose of the oil for Vaxing is to care and protect the skin during the procedure. Ensure this can only natural agents that have the composition most suitable for skin fat. They are as favorably perceived by the skin, capable of getting absorbed and digest in the upper layers of the epidermis.
  • Another feature that oil performs in this case is protective. The thin oily layer formed on the skin after applying the means protects the epidermis from cutting and possible damage, including cracks, stretching and much more.
  • The use of oil before depilation significantly facilitates the applying of the wax substance on the skin without causing unpleasant sensations.

Oil Depilation: Features of Wax Depilation Technique, Pros and Cons, How to Prepare 23823_3

Pros, cons and contraindications

Oil depilation has a number of positive sides:

  • Due to the fact that the wax is not glued directly on the skin, painful sensations during the procedure are less noticeable;
  • Use of oil warns the subsequent rustling of hair;
  • oil protects skin from the negative impact on it of temperature and mechanical factors;
  • In the process of the procedure, skin care is simultaneously: its moisturizing and nutrition.

Despite the fact that the wreck of wrecked by oil combines high efficiency and the minimum possible pain, it has some cons. Among them are distinguished by such:

  • Wax depilation is difficult to use in hard-to-reach places;
  • Short hairs are not completely removed;
  • Allergic reactions to wax or oils are possible.

The procedure for getting rid of unwanted hair is characterized by certain contraindications. It is forbidden to conduct in the case of:

  • the presence of acute, chronic or infectious diseases, diabetes;
  • violations of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy;
  • inflammatory processes in skin, including neoplasms of different origin.

Oil Depilation: Features of Wax Depilation Technique, Pros and Cons, How to Prepare 23823_4

Technique for holding

The oil depilation procedure can be carried out in a cosmetic salon or independently (at home). The whole process consists of five stages.

  • Pre-selected skin section should be carefully cleaned and degrease. For this use scrubs, lotions, talc, etc.
  • Oil must be applied to dry skin and evenly distribute it throughout its surface. It is important that the skin is moderately oily, but not fat. Excess oils should be removed using a napkin.
  • Apply wax. Depending on the depilation zone, it is necessary to select the most suitable option. For delicate zones, experts recommend using a special polymer wax. Preheated wax when applied to the skin forms a film applique. The skin under it (due to temperature exposure) is sprinkled, and all nutrients that are contained in the oil previously applied to the epidermis, absorb deep into the skin. Thus, during the removal of hair, skin cover is obtained high-quality, full care.
  • After soak frozen, it is necessary to tear it from the skin with one sharp movement. An important point is that the means should be applied in the direction of hair growth, and to shoot it in the opposite.
  • The final stage is sedative procedures: massage, if necessary, applying care products that have a soothing effect on the skin.

Wax oil depilation not only helps to get rid of unwanted hair, but also perfectly moisturizes the skin, nourishes its useful substances

The availability and simplicity of the procedure allows it not only in beauty salons and cosmetic rooms, but at home.

Oil Depilation: Features of Wax Depilation Technique, Pros and Cons, How to Prepare 23823_5

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